Host your Personal Website using Github Pages

Abhishek Kumar
2 min readJul 21, 2018


Being a developer you develop a lot of code which may include creating libraries, websites, extensions, or any form of code snippets. This is where Github comes to the rescue and allows you to put your creations online where it is visible to every developer. You get feedback, some improvements and developer’s collaboration results in an advanced and better product.

Same Github allows you to showcase your profile, projects etc with your personal website. Yes, your personal website is hosted by Github. You just have to create your static pages website and boom, Github hosts your website.

Let’s start then, hosting your website into 5 simple steps.

Step 1 : Create a new Repository

On your Github account, create a new repository which will contain all your personal website code. Repository should be in a format specified by Github, so that Github know you want to host your website. So, the format specified is

Step 1 : Create new repository

Step 2 : Clone this new repository to your laptop’s project folder.

Step 2 : Cloning the repository to desired local location

Step 3 : Create your index.html file for the website.

Step 3 : Adding index.html

Step 4 : Commit and push your changes made to index.html to remote repository.

Step 4 : Move code to remote repository

Step 5 : It’s Done

Goto , and see your index.html on the website.

So, now you have created a html page hosted on Github. Go make changes to your file, be creative with your website.

PS : you can create a separate website for your individual repository also.The images used are taken from the official website of github pages. Please visit the site for more details.

