Proximity Based Professional Networking

Karan Walia
3 min readJul 25, 2015


- A Game Changer & Our Philosophy

1. Virtual Networking — with intent or just keeping score ?

Remember those anonymous requests that you received recently asking you to connect with them with an unintended purpose? Ironically, we’ve all done that. What you and I, we’ve been trying to do is either to expand our professional outreach and connect with interesting people who we don’t know or get to meet people who might be the solution to our problems.

During this process of reaching out, we have never been given a chance to express “WHY?” Why is it that someone is interested in connecting with me? What is that purpose?

2. Recommended to connect — a work around or another barrier ?

Introductions from trustworthy sources are important. However, to what extent? Is this a viable option when it comes to networking everyday? You are dependent on someone else. And, this can get inefficient and time consuming.

3. Attending the occasional conference or professional gathering — purposeful or social ?

From learning the latest innovations in the field of interest to meeting the smartest and most influential people on the planet — these events are a gateway to unfathomable opportunities. But, being lost within a sea of thousands of people is a harsh reality. And, building connections the old fashioned way of looking at nametags; these events are not only expensive both financially and in terms of the amount of time you take to invest for showing up.

4. So, what’s your networking experience been like?

Generally speaking, we have all amassed 100s of connections online. It has taken a great deal of effort and time to do so. But, how many of them have been impactful? How many of them have actually made a difference in helping you develop your professional goals by discovering the right set of people?

5. Realization

Based on our conversations with 100’s of professionals around the globe, across all industries, the conclusion that we’ve come to is that: professional networking needs to EVOVLE + be more ENGAGING + LONG LASTING.

6. A “what if” moment…

Remember how you discovered the nearest restaurant or ordered a cab right from your mobile phone? What if, discovering professionals was made that easy?

Zuloc is proximity-based professional networking app.

Our approach: Exclusively mobile + proximity centric

  • Discover Professionals anytime and anywhere, within your location.
  • Build connections on intended purposes such as business or career.
  • Create life long connections that give you the competitive edge.

We want to take a first step towards re-thinking the way we network amongst each other. Our goal is to enable professionals to discover opportunities and solutions that are within their locality.

Zuloc’s vision is to provide professionals the perfect platform to connect real-time and allow professional networking to become impactful and long lasting!

I hope my post has given you some food for thought on “ Professional Networking”. Please share it with your colleagues and friends.

