A New American ManifestoFrom time to time in human societies, things get so bad with the governments that we set up that we have to take a step back, stop being…Sep 24, 20206Sep 24, 20206
Unpiling the Dogs: Questions to ask yourself when everyone thinks you’re wrongWhile a multiplicity of opinions is most certainly not a proxy for correctness, it should always give one pause if your words or ideas are…Jan 8, 20181Jan 8, 20181
Black People are Not Your PawnsI need you self-proclaimed white allies to listen the fuck up, cause there’s a whole bunch of ways you’re not helping and the fact that you…Oct 24, 20176Oct 24, 20176
WHAT IS RACISM ANYWAY?This is one of the trickiest parts of discussing race. Racism despite its seeming simplicity, is a very complex word.Oct 4, 20177Oct 4, 20177
Published inThe Establishment#NotAllWhitePeople, The QuizAsk yourself if you can honestly say ‘No’ to all of these questions.Mar 23, 201745Mar 23, 201745
Victims Are ProblematicIt’s really important to many that Tamir Rice not be a victim. Important also to an overlapping but distinct group that the women accusing…Dec 31, 2015Dec 31, 2015
Famous People Don’t Rape“He was rich/famous/popular/charming/handsome/likable, he didn’t need to rape anyone to get laid”Dec 31, 20152Dec 31, 20152
How To Discuss Race With Black People: FAQ Part 3 — AdvancedWelcome back. I can see that you’ve been doing well. You’ve been through the First and Second FAQs and are feeling solid.Dec 5, 201512Dec 5, 201512
How To Discuss Race With Black People: FAQ Part 2 — IntermediateSo you’ve been through the first FAQ on race.Dec 5, 20158Dec 5, 20158
How to Discuss Race With Black People: FAQ Part 1 — BeginnerSo. You’re a white person looking to hop into a discussion about race with black people. This can be tricky. You’ve got something you want…Dec 5, 201535Dec 5, 201535