4 Foods to Improve Memory

Abu Bakar
3 min readMay 10, 2022

The sensation of being forgetful and having trouble memorizing things properly in activities is confounding and exasperating. Extensive research on foods has brought a sigh of relief as some food items unfolded below are beneficial in brushing up memory.

Memory is data saved in mind either for the short-term or long term. Improving or boosting one’s memory is memory improvement. As a man advances in age, the ability to store data declines, not to mention other reasons for memory deficits such as mental diseases or injuries. Researchers have tried to find impactful ways to improve memory, such as neuroplasticity, cognitive training, stress control, diet management etc.

A healthy food supply to the brain through blood helps in improving memory and brain function because the brain accounts for roughly 20% of calories to keep functioning at the optimum level. Research has found credible pieces of evidence on which the positive impacts of Mediterranean diets on the brain’s cognitive and memory functions.

Oily Fish

Oily fish is instrumental in improving memory and cognitive functions because it plays a vital role in building cell membranes around cells in the body. It encompasses Brain cells and neurons. Fish oil mainly includes Omega-3s cells that are instrumental in polishing structure and accelerating blood supply to brain cells. Pertinent researchers have found a co-relation between Omega-3s cells and Brain thinking and cognitive abilities in which they found the positive role of fish oil and other ingredients which have Omega-3s in them.

Berries and Cherries

Berries and Cherries such as Strawberries, Blueberries and blackcurrants are helpful in mental health because they have Flavonoid antioxidants such as Catechin, Caffeic Acid and Anthocyanin in them. Research conducted in 2014 establishes that they have a role in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, increasing plasticity, increasing brain health and memory, improving communication, and hampering neurodegenerative diseases. Berries and Cherries, fresh or frozen, carry the same healing effect on brain functions.

Dark Chocolate

Like Barries and Cherries, Dark Chocolate, having Cocoa as the main ingredient, is rich in antioxidant Flavonoids. Dark chocolates are effective against oxidative stresses that are a major reason behind memory decline and some other memory-related ailments. The highly balanced solution of Dark Chocolate -helps in nourishment and growth of blood vessels and increases blood supply to the brain cells involved in storing memory mainly. Research has found through Brain Imaging nourishing and fostering effects of Chocolate on brain functions.

Nuts and Seeds

One ounce of Nuts such as Walnuts, hazelnuts, or almonds is prescribed to increase cognitive and memory functions. Their usage protects the brain from free radicals. They have Antioxidant Vitamin E that slows the ageing process of cognitive functions. The omega-3s fatty acids aid in saving data for a longer time.

In conclusion, these foods are instrumental in improving memory in various ways; by increasing blood supply, strengthening cell membranes, and reducing oxidative stress.



Abu Bakar

Librocubicularist, An opinionated person owing to reading and writing habits.