Breaking the Chains of Corruption: A Path to Development in Sierra Leone.

Abubakarr Sidique Konneh
3 min readFeb 13, 2023


Corruption is a scourge that affects many countries around the world, and Sierra Leone is no exception. This insidious practice undermines the very foundation of a nation’s development, siphoning resources away from vital public services, education, and healthcare. The consequences of corruption are felt by ordinary citizens who are denied access to basic services, and it is time for Sierra Leone to take concrete steps to break the chains of corruption that have hindered its development.

In Sierra Leone, corruption is prevalent in both the public and private sectors, and it is often difficult to distinguish between the two. Public officials are known to use their positions of power for personal gain, and the payment of bribes has become a widespread practice. Private sector corruption is also rife, with many businesses using illegal means to gain an advantage over competitors.

The effects of corruption on Sierra Leone are far-reaching and devastating. For example, the mismanagement of public funds has led to a lack of investment in infrastructure, resulting in a breakdown in basic services such as electricity and water supply. This has a profound impact on the daily lives of ordinary citizens, and it is a clear hindrance to the country’s development.

Another key area where corruption has hindered development is education. Corruption in the education sector leads to the misallocation of resources and the inability of students to access quality education. This affects the future workforce, with fewer skilled and qualified individuals available to drive economic growth.

Healthcare is another critical sector that has been affected by corruption. In Sierra Leone, healthcare is already in a dire state, with a shortage of doctors and inadequate facilities. Corruption exacerbates this situation by diverting funds intended for healthcare away from the system, resulting in even fewer resources to provide essential services.

The solution to corruption in Sierra Leone requires a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, the government must take a more proactive role in combating corruption, with a focus on improving transparency and accountability in both the public and private sectors. This can be achieved through the implementation of anti-corruption measures such as robust regulations and the use of technology to enhance transparency.

In addition, the private sector must also play its part by committing to ethical business practices and encouraging a culture of transparency. This can be achieved through measures such as mandatory reporting, increased transparency in procurement processes, and effective whistleblower protection.

Finally, the citizens of Sierra Leone must take a stand against corruption by speaking out and advocating for transparency and accountability. The collective efforts of all stakeholders in the fight against corruption will be crucial in breaking the chains that have hindered Sierra Leone’s development for so long.

In conclusion, corruption is a serious hindrance to development in Sierra Leone, and it is time for the country to take concrete steps to break the chains of corruption. A multi-faceted approach that involves the government, private sector, and citizens must be taken to ensure a brighter future for Sierra Leone.

