Curated Content is your secret money-generating weapon

Content curators select articles, videos, podcasts, images, or any other type of content from various sources.

Abundant Digital Dreams
2 min readJun 27, 2024
Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

If only knew how powerful curated content is! Trust me, it’s one of the best ways to grow your audience as a creator in my opinion. I’m not saying you need to focus all your energy into curated content but it’s a great way to get noticed as a creator when you first start out.

My first Medium page was built using a 70/30 ratio of curated and value-packed, helpful long-form content. Seriously, you can change your life by dedicating one year of your life to building curated content pieces on platforms such as:

👉Medium 👉YouTube 👉TikTok 👉Instagram 👉Vocal Media 👉Hubpages 👉Niche blogs 👉Pinterest 👉Flipboard

In 2024, if you’re not utilizing the power of curated content, you’re truly missing a trick!

What is curated content anyway?

Curated content refers to information that has been carefully selected, organized, and presented by a person or group based on specific criteria or themes.

This process often involves sifting through large amounts of content to find the most relevant, high-quality, and…



Abundant Digital Dreams

There's nothing like the smell of "fresh money" in the morning. Let's build wealth online. Abundant digital dreams. 📩 for collabs