What To Never DO As A Marketer

Sule Ibrahim Abwages
1 min readJan 25, 2022


What to Never do as a Marketer

I had a discussion with a friend recently and she was like;

Why Do Businesses Struggle To Make Sales While Other Do Not Get Recurrent Sales?

I Smiled and Said “If I Always Come To You To Collect From You Without Giving You Anything of Value in Return except that which is bought, When Next You See Me Won’t You Want To Take A Different Route?”

The Problem of Many Marketers is That They Always Want to Sell Something to People.

Have You Thought of Giving More Value to Your Customers?

If You Show People That You Care About Their Pain Points, They Will Naturally Like You.

The Truth is People Only Buy From People They Know, Like and Trust also known as the KLT.

As You Go About Your Business Today, Ensure You Give Enough Value to Your Customers;

Solve Their Pain Points And They Will Keep Coming Back For More Value.

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Do Drop Them In The Comment Section.



Sule Ibrahim Abwages

Addicted Lover of Jesus 🌎 | #1 Mind Renewal Catalyst 🧑‍💼 | Online Entrepreneur 📚 | Copywriter 💰 | Online Business Consultant and Coach | Super Affiliate