Dark Web For Absolute Beginners

Accessing Dark Web Securely For Absolute Beginners

Ab Wahab 5095
6 min readNov 25, 2022

When you see or heard of Dark Web, then that doesn't mean it is just for bad or illegal purposes. There are many legal websites running on the Dark Web and a lot of good people are using the Dark Web ( I am also a good person believe me ).

In this blog, We will be learning about how you can browse on Dark Web with full security and Anonymity so that you won't encounter any problems while surfing.


I am teaching all these things keeping in mind that all teachings would be Ethically used. Please make sure “you don’t fall prey” to any person on the Dark Web because this part of the Internet is far more Diverse and Huge as compared to the Web we use regularly( like Google, Social Media, etc) so you don’t have any idea which type of peoples are making contact with you.

So any damage would be Critical.

Setup For Dark Web:

To surf Dark Web we need “Onion Routing” services that provide more Encryption and Anonymity. To achieve this, we have to use some special Browsers that provide “Onion Routing”. Right now “TOR” is by far the best browser, but “Brave” is also providing these services now.

I would be using “TOR” here. So the first step would be to install “TOR Browser”.

This is the link to the official website of the “TOR project”.

Setup For Windows:

You can download this for your desired Platforms. If you are on Windows it’s just a simple step:

  1. Visit the official website and go to the download page.
  2. Download TOR for Windows Platform.
  3. Execute this file by double-clicking it.
  4. Then Installer will automatically install everything(just press next or whatever you see on the Installer Accordingly).

Setup For Linux:

For Linux just follow these instructions to install “TOR Browser”:

Step -1 :

Update and upgrade your repositories and binaries (it’s important).

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Step -2:

You have to execute this command to install it.

sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher

you can also use this command to install it.

sudo apt install tor

Step -3:

After running the above command you have to wait until you get the operation done!

After that, you have to run this command.


If the font color of this in Terminal changes to green and when you press enter don’t give any errors, then that means it's installed properly and you can use it now.

Now we have a setup of “TOR Browser” in our OS or Kernels.

Setup For MAC:

I really don’t have used MACs yet so I can’t help you here.

But For MACs, you can follow Google.

There are some peoples who think TOR is a VPN, but it’s not a VPN. keep in mind this.

Setting Up VPN for Dark Web:

This is gonna be the most important step that will make us totally Anonymous (Offcourse if you don’t do any stupid activity).

There are both free and paid VPNs you can use. If you use paid ones, then well and good but I am using “proton VPN” here and you can use this both for Free and Paid Plans.

So to get “ProtonVpn” all you need to do for Linux is execute this command.

sudo apt-get install protonvpn

If you need “ProtonVpn” for other Operating Systems, then check out their official website using this link.

After proper installation of ProtonVpn, you just have to fire it up either by searching it in Applications Manager or by using Terminal Command like this.

runing proton Vpn using Terminal
running ProtonVpn using Terminal

At first, you may see some login screen, after login in using the ProtonVpn Credentials you can use it without any problem.

Turning Dark Web On:

So now let's start browsing Dark Web.

  1. Just Fire up the Vpn (I am using ProtonVpn) and make a connection.
  2. Now run Tor Browser. You can use both Terminal or Application Manager to run it. I am using Terminal here.
runnig tor browser using terminal
running tor browser using terminal

3. After running the above command it will take some time and after launching it will connect you with the Tor Onion Routing so that you can surf the Dark Web using Tor Browser. This would be the screen you will see when you fire it after the connection is done. Now you can search for it.

Browser Screen of TOR

How to Search On It:

This may seem stupid to you, that “how to search on Dark Web”.

But it’s very difficult to search Dark Web Pages even if you are qualified to use them. There are some reasons behind it.

  1. Dark Web websites don’t have conventional domain names like facebook.com, or google.com. They have some weird names and always end with “.onion”.
  2. You can’t literally use Google to search for Onion websites (aka Dark Web Websites).
  3. There are few browsers (in my list yet), which do allow you to search “Onion”) websites but a vast number of Onion Websites are not indexed. So it is the major problem here.

But don’t worry I will be giving you a solution here for that. But remember On Dark Web everything would be slow, no matter how fast the internet connection you have. Because Your traffic is routed through many nodes that make it very slow( not too slow).

You can also browse normal websites here that you use in regular browsers. If you search for Facebook in the search bar you will be able to use Regular Facebook.

But try to open This link I am providing below in the Tor Search Bar.


This is the link to a Famous Dark Web Browser Named “Ahmia”. I really liked this browser because it has a lot of Onion websites Indexed on it. It would look something like this.

Ahmia Browser that browses Onion Sites

You can even see its URL. On Dark Web, it is just like a normal Url or Domain name on Dark Web. Firstly It’s really weird and secondly, it has a “.onion” extension.

I am just going to search this keyword on Tor Browser Seach Bar and Ahmia to see the difference here. The keyword is “What is Tor”.

Keyword search through Ahmia on Dark Web
Search on Ahmia Browser
normal search On Tor

The first picture is the search for Keyword “what is tor” through the Ahmia Browser and the second one is the search of the same keyword through the Tor browser using the search bar.

The difference between the results is highlighted here. Ahmia gives only Onion websites while normal searches literally don’t give a lot of onion sites. it gives regular websites.


I have also talked about Dark Web in my previous blog, you can also learn more about it by visiting this URL.

I have taught you how to visit Dark Web securely. It’s entirely up to you how are you gonna use it. You can use it for both legal and illegal activities. But I have taught you entirely for Ethical Purposes. So it's entirely up to you how are you gonna use it.

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Ab Wahab 5095

Tech enthusiast and cybersecurity Researcher here. I really like sharing my findings with others. Follow Me For more Learning and staying Up to-Date