Removing Mold From Your Home - What DIY Tricks Work Best?

3 min readNov 17, 2021


Molds are disgusting, smelly and often unsightly. They are fungus which consists of minuscule living organisms which tend to survive and thrive in moist conditions like your damp bathroom space, basement, washing room, kitchen and even moist carpets.

Domestic Cleaning Luton

And the longer they are allowed to stay, the more prone you get to sickness.

Truth be told — molds are the last thing you want to have inside your home. And if you get a glimpse of it early on; you should do everything feasible to rid their vile presence from your interior space.

Fortunately, in words of domestic cleaning specialists in Luton ; there are some DIY solutions which you can use to treat mold infestation inside your home.

Let’s dig into them shall we!

Hydrogen Peroxide :

Hydrogen peroxide is primarily an antifungal solution which works similar in nature to vinegar. To treat mold problem at home; simply pour 3% of hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle, soak the moldy surface and allow it to stay there for 10 minutes (give or take).

Use a piece of cloth to scrub the mold residue off the surface. This should get the job done. But if it doesn’t, then you can try out these following approaches.

Vinegar :

Just add some vinegar into a spray bottle/container and slowly spray over the mold-infested surface. Allow the vinegar solution to stay on the effected surface for at least at hour and allow it work its mojo!

After that; wipe the area properly using a clean cloth/paper towels and water. Once done let it dry. It’s that simple!

Tea Tree Oil :

Tea tree oil is something which every household will have. That said, if you’re out, you can easily restock it from health food stores or online ecommerce sites.

In terms of its effectiveness, this serves as a quality fungicide which is known to kill mold. Just mix 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil along with a couple of cups of water. Mix them up and add it into a spray bottle. Spray it over the mold-infested area and allow it to sit for 24 hours.

Afterwards, simply wipe them off using a piece of clean cloth or paper towels.

Baking Soda :

Baking soda is one mild ingredient which consists of the right amount of pH concentration to kill mold without proving overly dangerous to both people and pets. Simply mix a tablespoon of baking soda with equal amount of water and add it into a spray bottle. Once done, spray it over the moldy surface and scrub it with water.

Let it dry and it the residue remains, then clean it off using a damp piece of clean cloth.

Cleaner near me Watford

Use these DIY tips to remove mold traces from your home interior. They certainly will get the job done. Of course if you don’t have the luxury of time to do it on your own, then you can always enlist help from professional cleaners near me in Watford to do it on your behalf !




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