The 4 Types of People Warning You About Economic Collapse

Alex Byron
4 min readApr 18, 2023


Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

The work of punditry is filled with snake oil. I’m doing some research into de-dollarization, multipolarity and the rise of China and the Twitter world is full of pseudo experts looking to make themselves Nostradamus. Once they see what they perceive is a glimmer of change on the horizon, they rush to scream it from the mountaintop hoping to grow their reputation as a clairvoyant.

Doomers are always predicting the collapse. When it doesn’t come they just push back their prediction because disaster is inevitable in any lifetime. The truth is very little is as bad or as good or as drastic as people say it is.

Here are the four types of people that will tell you the world is going to collapse.

1. Edgy 25 year olds.

Full disclosure I was one of these people. Watching the debt climb, I bought silver and gold back in 2014. I read and listened to a bunch of doomers.

The problem with edgy 25 year olds is they know nothing and confuse that with knowing everything. Thankfully I did have enough insight at that point in my life not to write because I’d rather forget most of what I thought at the time. Don’t listen to 99% of 25 year olds.

2. ‘Economists’ who are selling you some dumb shit

There are plenty of economists out there looking to pad their trades. These are people with newsletters you need to pay for. When I was an edgy 25 year old, I listened to a guy named Jim Rickards. He’s running an ad currently where he introduces himself as someone who worked for the CIA, I fell for the same schtick. He then tried to sell the audience on some complicated trade involving Turkey and US dollar peg. I didn’t buy in but I followed with paper money did not see a profit.

There are a ton of ‘experts’ doing this. If anyone has ‘secret knowledge’, ‘unique insights’ or have a link they want you to click; they’re not good samaritans.

3. Crypto Bros

They run the same scam as the ‘experts’ except that they’re not experts really at anything.

They like to claim that the dollar is going to collapse and that crypto is the safe haven. They regurgitate what they hear about the dollar being fiat currency based on nothing. They’re not wrong but what exactly is crypto based on?

The crypto space is famous for pump and dump scheme; convincing you to buy the latest shit coin is just a way for them to get rich. There’s no indication, in my opinion, that crypto is a bona fide safe haven in the event of a collapse. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Either way the confidence with which these guys spew their worthless opinions is astounding.

4. Tankies

There are a ton of people out there who sit and cheer every time they think the US is losing some ground. They cheer on the dawn of multipolarity. They mock the US as being short sighted and corrupt. They idolize Russian and Chinese strategists. They almost jizzed themselves when Xi and Lula shook hands and agreed to begin conducting bilateral trade in Yuan.

These tankies’ opinions are based on emotion more than facts. Most of them were crowing that Russia would lay waste to Ukraine within weeks. Two years later they still shriek that Russian victory is coming with next “offensive”.

These people, though sometimes interesting, are not objective. Also I don’t know why they think any other world power would be better than the US. There are no saints in power.

None of this means that change isn’t in the air, to my mind it most definitely it is. The debt is astronomic, other countries are going to want a seat at the table, the US has a polarized populace and and ossified government; there are a lot of reasons change is in the air.

I just don’t think any of these four people are telling you the truth, I’m not even sure they know the truth. Change will be very slow then fast, we may not even notice it except in the rising prices of consumer goods. China has a lot of obstacles it needs to overcome before it can replace the US. The US also has a lot of advantages on the table.

Prepare for change, but don’t believe the hype. Research your messengers.

