4 min readApr 9, 2022


There's a new dog in town and its called ASTAKE Finance. Imagine being able to be a token holder and get a return on that. Yes, no staking, no liquidity providing, just Buy and Hold. That’s ASTAKE, Buy-Hold-Earn and lets get into how all this works.

ASTAKE Finance provides a decentralized financial asset that allows it’s users/holders to be rewarded with a fixed sustainable interest of 0.0166% every 10 minutes that also auto-compounds through the use of it’s unique staking model (ASTAKE Auto-Staking Protocol or AAP). That’s a mouthful isn't it :).

Not just that with an initial token supply of 300,000 $ASTAKE and a max supply of 3 million $ASTAKE to ever exist creates a scarcity effect on the Token, increasing its value. A deflationary component also comes in place of a burn further increasing the demand side of $ASTAKE. Amazing isn’t it

Let’s dirty our hands a bit with some technicals. We can classify ASTAKE Finance components into 8 components and oh, the smart contract auditing was completed by solid proof.


  1. The Scarce Supply: I talked about this already so next.
  2. ASTAKE Insurance Fund: When $ASTAKE is bought or sold, 3% of all the trading fees are stored in a place called ASTAKE Insurance Fund (AIF). This provides the staking rewards that is distributed to holders increasing the demand for $ASTAKE as it is bought and distributed to holders.
  3. Safe Staking: You don’t need to deposit or stake your $ASTAKE on any protocol or 3rd party, Staking is achieved by simply holding ASTAKE in your own wallet. The $ASTAKE token always stays in your wallet so it doesn’t need to be put into the hands of a or centralized authority. All you need to do is Buy and hold (IN ASTAKE’s case, its called staking)
  4. Automatic Payments: Like i mentioned earlier, You don’t need to go claim your $ASTAKE anywhere. The Interest yield is paid automatically and directly into your wallets in the form of $ASTAKE which basically auto-compounds with the one you have in your wallet also guaranteeing no miss of any payment.
  5. Rapid Interest Payments: The ASTAKE Protocol pays every $ASTAKE Token holder every 10 minutes, multiply 10 by 6 by 24, Thats 144 times a day, everyday, making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto.
  6. Highest Fixed APY: In the first year alone, ASTAKE pay out rewards will total 614,917.56%, that’s 11.99% every 10minutes. where do you find that in DeFi? well Astake Finance. After which the interest rate drops over a predefined Longterm Interest Cycle period.
  7. Auto Token Burn: I mentioned a burn earlier, Here’s how it works. Through “The Fire Pit”, ASTAKE burning mechanism, 1% out of all $ASTAKE Token traded are burned creating a deflationary effect further reducing the already limited supply.
  8. ASTAKE Auto-Liquidity Engine: For every ASTAKE buy or sell order, there’s a 3% tax fee on them. This is stored in an Auto LP wallets $ASTAKE which gets injected every 24hours into $ASTAKE/BNB liquidity pool in the normal ratio 50–50. Further driving the demand for ASTAKE.

And well the higher the Demand, The higher the price can go.

ASTAKE has it’s fair Launch coming on the 10th of April 2022, a day after the posting of this article. Its going to hold on with 172,104 $ASTAKE tokens up for grab. The sale starts at 2pm UTC expected to last for 5 days with no whitelisting giving everybody an equal chance to buy $ASTAKE on PinkSale at release time, First come, first serve, with a minimum purchase of 0.1 BNB and you can go as high as you want. The prelaunch funds will be used to provide liquidity on PancakeSwap after the presale. Listing on pancake would be 1 hour after presale ends.


Useful Links

Astake Finance website: Astake Finance | The Best Auto-Stacking Protocol

Pinksale Fair Launch:

Astake Whitepaper:

Astake Twitter:

Astake Discord:

Astake Telegram:

