Funny Game World.

4 min readMay 11, 2022


The concept of play2earn has been echoing thorough the crypto-verse in the past year and it’s had a meteoric adoption in the crypto-verse with people seeing it as a way to earn more while doing all they regularly do, such as play games and earn on the side. Developers didn’t miss the hi t as they took the challenge and developed myriad of gamers to cater to the needs of the ever-changing demands of gamers. Gamers always want something different and unique and while one game might grab their attention today, it might not be the same tomorrow.

Funny game world is not your ordinary Play 2 Earn game but as the name implies, a world of games, The games you will find in funny game world are brain teasers played by individuals of all age, from the 5 year old child who simply wants to have fun to the Teenager who wants to challenge herself or the mid age adult, who has had a stressful day and wants to blow off some steam or the Grandma that knows , that she’s still got it. They are a myriad of these type of games on the Funny game world application and how about in addition to playing any of these games for the reasons you normally would have, you would earn some more.

Get it

The Funny game world is currently launched on Android device and can be found easily on the playstore, but rest assured it’s coming to other devices.


The mode of reward is through the Funny Game world token that rewards you based on factors such as winnings and time you spent playing. To start playing, you need to have some FGW token, $FGW exists on the BSC network and can be gotten from pancake swap.

Once you have some token in your wallet, open up your Funnygameworld Application and connect your wallet. Then play the game with Earnings as High as 300% of whatever amount of $FGW you started with.

Users rewards

There is a total supply of 1 Trillion FGW tokens of which most of it about 30% of it would be distributed to players as Rewards in the funny game world app, 20% reserved for the Funny game world team, 20% offered to the public through a presale, 10% to make sure there’s always liquidity available for anyone wanting to trade $FGW, 8% reserved for the marketing and promotion of Funny game world and all its products and services to the world, 2% distributed to the community in form of Airdrop and 10%, a whopping 100 million $FGW tokens will be burned and removed from circulation.

Question: Well you ask, what If the reward pool allocation is exhauste, how does funnygame world remain sustainable on the long run?

Answer: Anytime a transaction on funny game world is made, either a buy or sell trade, 3% is taken as fee which is deposited into a reward pool that keeps funding distribution of play2earn rewards in form of $FGW to users.


There are currently a few games on the funny game world app with a list of more to come released in an order to keep our attention and keep us wanting more.

Okay that’s it for funny game world and I live you with some useful links below:

#FGW #FunnyGameWorld #crypto #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #blockchain #bounty #binance #eth #token #coinsbit

Useful Links:


FunnyGameWorld App:

FunnyGameWorld Twitter:

FunnyGameWorld Telegram: and

My proof of Authentication Post:

