Let’s Earn

4 min readApr 21, 2022


What if I told you that there was a way to earn a whopping 109 619.88% APY, and that too FIXED. What if I told you that, the project that offers such returns also compounded automatically for you. So that annual percentage yield you see there comes with no extra fee on your end. And what if I told you that all you needed to do was to simply buy and Hold…… Now you ask buy what………

Let’s Earn Auto-staking Protocol (LEAP)

The let’s earn protocol allows you to achieve all this made possible with their token $LETSEARN


This is let’s earn token that allows the yield of 109 619.88% APY to be possible, to participate, you simply have to buy it and hold it, No strenuous having to stake, then compound every few times to maximize your returns, all this is done for at no extra cost or click by the let’s earn team letting you Gain profits quickly instead of having to hold for months before the compounding effect kicks in. You receive rewards 8 times a day which is 1.94% return on investment a day.

The token exists on the Binance smart chain protocol, with an initial supply of 5 million $LETSEARN and an elastic supply adjusted with rebase.

Rebase simplified

It’s not complicated but it’s adjusting the supply of $LETSEARN in circulation in order to adjust the token price. This could be in form of reducing the supply by burning or adding new tokens to the circulating supply.

The how of 109 619.88% APY

How is let’s earn able to give such returns? A few reasons allow it possible, the major one being, The Fees.


$LETSEARN exists on the Binance smart-chain network, The go-to Dex for BSC network is pancake-swap, Let’s earn provides liquidity on the $LETSEARN/$BNB and whenever a swap occurs, Fees are charged, not your regular fee, but a fee that ends back up in the pocket of $LETSEARN holders.

The Buy Fees

If a buy swap is initiated, a 13% fee is charged, this fee is then split into three

1. 5% of the fee goes back into the $LETSEARN/$BNB liquidity pool continuously increasing the size of the pool, making it easier for anyone to swap and making liquidity always available.

2. 5% goes into the Risk Free Value (RFV). The Risk Free Value is a separate wallet in the Let’s Earn Auto-staking Protocol (LEAP) which stores and sends rewards to $LETSEARN holders, not this alone but is used to support and stabilize the $LETSEARN/$BNB liquidity pool if the need arise, by adding liquidity to the $LETSEARN/$BNB in times of low-liquidity and to buy back $LETSEARN during a sell-off to support the price.

3. And lastly, the remaining 3% of fees goes into another separate wallet in the Let’s Earn Auto-staking Protocol (LEAP) called the treasury. The treasury funds let’s earn in the search and creation of new products, functionality, supports the RFV if needed and marketing (Marketing team and fund marketing).

The Sell Fees

The sell fees is distributed the same way the buy fees are but with a slight difference, 6% of the fees goes into the treasury, not 3%. You ask where the extra 3% is gotten from, well rather than 13% being charged for the sell, as It is with they buy, 16% is charged and the extra 3% is added to the treasury.

Against other Auto-staking protocols, The APY on $LETSEARN supersedes the closest by almost 7,000 %.


The initial distribution of the 5,000,000 initial supply of $LETSEARN is distributed as follows

1. 2% for seed sale

2. 20% for private sale

3. 30% for public sale

4. 30% in liquidity

5. 16% goes to Marketing, burn & reserve fund

6. And 2% is given as platform fee


There’s an invite contest ongoing for $50,000 in $LETSEARN to be shared amongst the Top 50 people with the most invites and 2,500 random people get to win random mystery prizes. 250 users can also get some whitelist spots prior to the public-sale launch.

Useful Links

Let’s Earn Website: Lets Earn

Invite contest: INVITE CONTEST (gleam.io)

