Patron Doge: Legendary Dogs

4 min readJun 29, 2022


Patron Doge is a meme token based on the fearless Ukrainian Dog, Patron.

Meme Token

Meme token are Digital, internet currencies usually having no inherent value or utility are themed and inspired by memes, jokes, images, Famous individuals, music, movies or any type of Art in general.

The first ever meme token was Doge Coin inspired by a picture of the Shiba Inu Dog and it became a thing. You have heard of Doge Coin right.

Because of the underlying inspiration around meme tokens, they usuallya see incredible volatility based on sentiment of the world around the meme, art or theme behind the coin, and that’s saying something considering that crypto is generally volatile.

Why Patron

Patron itself is the name of a dog, from the breed Jack Russell Terrier, Patron Specialty is in sniffing out bombs. As at may 2022, months after the Russian invasion into Ukraine, patron sniffed out 236 Russian explosive devices that hadn’t exploded making it an integral part of the Ukrainian armed forces. This made it awarded Medal for Dedicated Service by the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy on May 8, 2022. Patron is also the mascot for State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

Patron Doge

The token patron Doge is a meme token and a symbol representing all fearless professional dogs out there risking their lives and saving lives.

10% of Patron Doge profits is donated to this professional dogs all around the world to keep supporting them.

Patron Doge Token

The token has a ticket $DAF and is launched on the Binance smart chain network, with a total supply of 1 Trillion tokens.

The distribution of the token can be seen in the image below.

Patron Doge NFTs

Asides the token, there will also be Patron Doge NFT collection. with each NFT representing every heroic deeds of this dogs and compatible with the sandbox metaverse.

The NFTs will come in 5 categories

Common: This will represent 70% of the total Patron Doge NFT collection

Uncommon: Representing 20% of all Patron Doge NFTs

Rare: in the name you can guess how many percentage they will make up, 6%.

Epic: They represent 3% of the NFT collection, and

Legendary: Of the total NFT collection, they will be really scarce representing 1% of the collection.

Patron Doge Initial Offering

The first round of Patron Doge $DAF token is currently ongoing, it started on the 14th of June 2022, and is expected to go on till the 1st of August, That’s about two month long given participants enough time to invest. The sale has a soft cap (minimum amount of investment by users the Patron Doge team is expecting) of 50,000 $BUSD and a hard cap (Maximum investment amount the Patron Doge team Require) of 100,000 $BUSD. The sale for 0.000001 $BUSD per DAF token with no minimum buy by any participant but a max cap of 3,000 $BUSD for any participant.

Some other incentives to expect from users include Liquidity pooling, Staking, Farming, and the Patron Doge being community Driven as a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

That’s it for the Fearless meme token Patron Doge, Go check em out, I leave you with some useful links.

#PatronDoge #PatronDogeDAF #PATRON #Meme #Memes #NFT #PatronArt



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