【Event Announcement】ACA Network, along with TiDeal and LikeCoin, will be holding a Meet-Up in Hong Kong on July 21.

1 min readJul 19, 2018

We will be holding a Meet-Up event in Hong Kong in conjunction with TiDeal and LikeCoin on July 21 from 3pm to 6pm.

On that, ACA Network COO Jiyoung will be giving a presentation on the ACA project.

At the event venue there will also be an AirDrop campaign so you definitely won’t want to miss this opportunity.

Further information on the event can be found by clicking the following URL.
You can also participate in the event from the following URL


We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

You can also visit our official website. Here, you can check out our White paper, road map and meet our team. Please check the link below and subscribe to us for the latest news and information.

■ WEBSITE : https://aca.network/
■ WHITEPAPER : https://aca.network/documents/aca_whitepaper.pdf
■ TOKEN SALE SCHEDULE: https://aca.network/documents/tokensale_schedule_EN.pdf
■ BOUNTY PROGRAM: https://aca.network/documents/BountyProgram_EN_public.pdf
■ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ACANetwork_io
■ FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/acanetworkofficial
■ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/acanetwork




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