Is Cardio a Muscle Mass Destroyer?

2 min readFeb 3, 2023

l to often we hear many different opinions when it comes to weightlifting/bodybuilding and combining cardio or not. Well cardio does NOT have to be the anti-muscle here. That is, as long as it is performed the right way . In fact if added correctly and for the right amount of time to your weekly workouts, then cardio can help improve your muscularity.

First let’s talk types of cardio exercises. The weightlifting method of high intensity training was first practiced by the legendary trainer form the 30’s thru 60’s, Vince Gironda, better known as the “Iron Guru”. Gironda often stated that if you workout with intensity and do not wait more than 30–40 seconds between your sets, you have little or no need for Cardio exercises. He also promoted supersets and tri-sets. Workouts only last 45–50 minutes total when you do this. I have been using this method for many years, and I can see why he says this. I never come out of a workout without feeling like I just sprinted a mile. The thing is, as I got older and continued to train and eat enough to be able to lift heavy, I noticed some of the cuts disappearing a little. Doing some research and seeking the advice of older guys than me, I kept hearing the same thing: “do some Cardio on your off days”. The type of cardio they are talking about is Low -Impact Cardio. Low impact cardio will burn the calories without contributing to muscle loss. The…




Poetry, Nutrition, 30+ yrs. Martial Arts Training, Health & Wellness Coach Weightlifting, Fitness Trainer / Self-Defense Instructor, and (above all) Father.