The Joys of Anti-Social Socialism

Why Enlightened Self-Interest Tends Towards the Left

Black Cat
The Weird Politics Review


Collectivism vs. individualism isn’t about morality — it’s about ontology.

What this means is that being in favor of individualism or collectivism isn’t really about what you value in the world, but is instead about what you think is real.

Individualism is thinking that people are more real than groups. Collectivism is thinking that groups are more real than people.

Individualists think that individuals are easily separable from their social contexts, and that groups are simply convenient ways to refer to multiple individuals.

Collectivists think that individuals are constructed by their social contexts, to the point where it isn’t meaningful to ask what an individual wants— after all, what they want is simply a manifestation of their surroundings. Further, they see groups as having their own collective wills, desires, and agencies.

These are ways of seeing the facts of the world before they are strategies, moralities, ideals, or anything else. Which of these realities you believe in will determine what your moral intuitions and political strategies can refer to. Despite this, you can reach surprisingly similar concrete plans of action from these diametrically opposing…



Black Cat
The Weird Politics Review

I write about neurodivergence, anarchism, market socialism, economics, accelerationism, and science fiction.