The 1 Week Diet System Review — Does Brian Flatt 1 week diet program actually works?

Lisa Williams
8 min readDec 18, 2018


Is the 1 Week Diet System an effective weight loss diet and will it help you lose weight safely and permanently? This is the most common questions I have been getting from many of my followers in the last few days. The 1 week diet is a new program recently launched by Brian Flatt to help people lose weight rapidly and recapture their lost physique. If you are not familiar with the guy, he is the same guy behind some of the most popular diet program in 2018. He is the author of 2 weeks diet, 3 weeks diet, Red Detox Tea and 4 Weeks Diet. I decided to write this review to provide insights for people interested in the program and to answer some of the questions people have about the Brian Flatt 1 week diet. First, let get an overview of the program.

The 1 Week Diet Overview

Like every other weight loss programs by Brian Flatt, the 1 week diet system is created to help people lose weight rapidly and recapture their lost physique. A lot of people are jumping from one diet to another. While some of the programs works, they do not give permanent weight loss result. Why’s this? They are highly restrictive, which makes them hard to stick to or incorporate into one’s lifestyle, which is why once people achieve their weight loss result, they abandon the program and the lost body fat crawl back in again. On the other hand, people get discouraged when they are on a diet for more than 6 months, putting in all their efforts to see little or no result. They just stop giving a damn. This is the major reason behind why there are lots of weight loss programs, supplements, and pills but the rate of obesity still increases every year.

Brian claimed to have created the 1 Week Diet program to help address this issue and help people lose weight fast without going through any suffering. But, how true is this? Let’s dig in.

Who is Brain Flatt?

Brian Flatt has been in the industry of nutrition since the 90s. He is a sports nutritionist, a personal trainer and a health coach. We also found out that he is the owner of REV fitness which is based in Southern California.

Brian Flatt seems to have made name for himself in the fitness industry through his teaching on how to rapidly lose weight. Over the years, he has become the go-to person on how to lose weight fast and naturally.

He is now a well-known certified personal, popular speaker, and author. As mentioned earlier, he is the author of the 2 Week Diet eBook, the 3 Week Diet program and The 4 Week Diet plan among other successful weight loss program.

Brian created The 1 Week Diet Plan through the knowledge acquired from the Japanese secret that his father shared with him, which he discovered during the World War 2. As a gym instructor and personal trainer, he mentioned that despite his years in the fitness industry, he was amazed by the secrets of the Ashinaro family that was shared by his grandfather Graham. The most interesting part of these Japanese secrets is its effect on weight loss.

With this secret, he helped Debbie Hayne an overweight single mum who saw herself as fat, ugly, unattractive, depressed and was already at the onset of type 2 diabetes. Debbie was able lost weight –about 42 pounds in a short period of time, developed the confidence to attend her high school reunion, where she met her high school crush and got engaged a few months later.

Brian Flatt has helped other people like Debbie Hayes and most have good things to say about the program.

What is The 1 Week Diet?

The 1 Week Diet is a weight loss program with a step-by-step plan to shift your eating cycle and jumpstart your metabolism into high gear and maximize your body’s own chemistry for amazing weight loss results. The program is said to come with a fat burning magic that starts immediately and results in 7–10 pounds of fat loss within 7 days.

The book consists of tips from Brian Flatt, contributions of Grandpa Graham Flatt and the Ashinaro’s secret to weight loss and reversing ageing.

A review by one of the users of the program lays credence to the program.

How Does The 1 Week Diet Work? — Features 1WD System

The 1 Week Diet requires you to follow a basic scientifically proven nutritional formula that is based on the natural biology and put more of your favourite foods back into your eating plans. Page 27 of the book explains how to kick your fat-burning cycle back into gear to get more energy, feel healthier and become a 24/7 fat burning machine.

Tips from page 48 explain how to carry out personal detox to destroy free radicals and toxins that have built up in the body. Apart from the Japanese weight loss secret shared in the 1WD, the program comes with a step-by-step guide, food list, smoothies, herbs and minerals, snacks and desserts, workout video and much more.

The 1 Week Diet program comes with:

1. The Launch Books

2. The fat Burning Guide and Meal Plan

3. The progress Book

4. The weight-loss Motivator handbook

5. The Detoxing and lzife-chanign Tea and Smoothie Recipes

6. The 3 Minutes Tummy-Toner Formula

7. The Secret and Potent sex-drive-boosting food list

For those interested in the 1 week diet PDF, click here.

Benefits of Brain Flatt’s 1 Week Diet System

According to Brain Flatt, the author of the 1 Week Diet system, you are expected to see the following results within the short time of using this program.

1. Be able to dramatically rejuvenate long-abused cell to turn back your biological clock.

2. Enjoy efficient minerals and weight loss herbs

3. Learn what to do and avoid for effective and permanent weight loss.

4. Repair damaged body cells to reverse aging.

5. Dissolve fat cells and melt away pounds of fat with remarkable swiftness.

6. Balance your body’s biochemistry

7. Become more energetic and healthier.

8. Reverse the symptoms of chronic joint pains

9. Boost your sex drive.

10. Enjoy rapid healing and robust long-term health.

Here is another video with more reviews of the benefits of the program.

The Pros Of The 1 Week Diet

1. Completely Adjustable To Your Specific Need

The 1WD system comes with the features that you can customize to fit your own needs.

2. Created For Everyone

1WD is designed to work for everyone no matter their race, age, gender or status. Brain Flatt mentioned that this program has worked for moms, retirees and older people as well.

3. Knowledge

The knowledge about the ancient Japanese weight loss secret that is shared in the 1 Week Diet system is something that you can lean once and for all, for a lifetime and share with your family, friends and your loved ones so that they can as well benefit from it.

4. No Weird Stuff

There is no weird stuff included in the 1WD system. No gadget, supplements or magic weight loss pills.

5. Not-Restrictive

As we have discussed earlier, eating less to lose weight is what Brian Flatt believes to be a lie. This is why we believe him when he mentioned that the 1 Week Diet isn’t restrictive and you don’t have to starve yourself. You get to eat your normal 3 meals per day and will even enjoy the privilege of taking desserts and tasty snacks.

6. 60 Days Money Back Guarantee

The I Week Diet is back-up with 100% money back guarantee, so if you are not satisfied with your results after two months, you can ask for a refund of your investment in the program, which is less likely to happen considering the fact that you are expected to start seeing significant results after 7 days.

7. Personal Detoxification Secret

There are many studies that have supported the fact that harmful toxins in the body make the body to keep fat hostage. The 1WD provide users with the opportunity to get rid of harmful toxins, heavy metal and destructive particles in the body.

1 week diet program has more info low card diet

Cons Of The 1 Week Diet Program

The 1WD weight loss program is only made available in digital product alone, which can be downloaded on a tablet, phone or desktop computer and users can print out as many copies a they want. But people who are not fans of digital products may not be able t o benefit from this new Brian Flatt program.

Although Brain Flatt promises that you will lose 7 pounds of in a week, you shouldn’t be surprised if your weight loss results come a little later than that. All users of this product that mentioned that it worked for them didn’t have exactly same result from what our review team found out.

Does The 1 Week Diet program work?

There are also lots of testimonies from users of the 1WD system with their before and after photos such as Sam in Tampa, Florida, who lost 43 pounds of body fat and learnt from his doctor that his LDL and cholesterol were now at a normal level.

Another is Sheila from Austin, Texas who dropped ¼ of her total body weight and she was able to restore her confidence to go back and finish her degree. Another user, Amber from Thousand Oaks, California was able to reverse weight-related health issues that were starting to threaten her life. There are also Brenda in Cleveland, Ohio and Joel in Boston, who have displayed their results.

Find Out More About Users’ Feedback About The 1 Week Diet Program Now

The average weekly weight loss result of people that have benefited from the 1 Week Diet is said to be 7–10 pounds. Brain Flatt is sure that you will lose 1 pound of fat in a day.

My Conclusion on One Week Diet

You can stop dieting and stop wasting time at the gym now. You have nothing to lose if you decide to check out the 1 Week Diet system because you have been given a chance to try all the features of the program for 2 months.

Weigh the pros and cons of this guide will help you make an informed decision in your purchasing option. Since the program consists of the use of herbs, you need to consult with your doctor first to be on a safer side.

Well, that’s it on the review of Brian Flatt’s 1 Week Diet system today. If you found this review useful, don’t forget to share.

To a healthy and leaner you…

You Can Download Brian Flatt 1 Weet Diet eBook here

