Be Growing: “This is Who I am,”; “I Am always Like This,” ,,,, And more lies

Change is constant; Adapt or Die.

Wakoli Votés
5 min readFeb 13, 2023
Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

“This is Who I am”

This is the lamest excuse for promoting bad behaviours, laziness, and incompetence.

There is nothing like “This is who I am”. Accept when you are wrong, and make efforts to change.

If not, get out.

Here is a quote from Sahil Bloom.

Treating your identity, competencies and personality as a constant is just a cop out” — Sahil Bloom

One-On-One Takes

1/6: “This is who I am” is often used as an excuse for not making any changes or improvements in our lives. While it is true that our experiences, past, and personality shape us, it is not an excuse for us to stop growing and evolving.

2/6: Embracing change and improvement requires a growth mindset, where we view challenges and failures as opportunities for growth and development. On the other hand, a fixed mindset, where we believe our abilities and traits are set in stone, can limit our potential and hinder our progress.

3/6: Moreover, the world is constantly changing and evolving, and to keep up with these changes, we need to be flexible and open to new ideas and ways of doing things. By embracing change and improvement, we can enhance our skills, gain new knowledge, and become the best version of ourselves.

4/6: It’s important to understand that improvement and change don’t happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and a willingness to step outside our comfort zones. But the results are worth it.

5/6: So, instead of saying, “This is who I am,” let’s strive to be the best version of ourselves by embracing change and improvement. This mindset shift can lead to personal and professional growth, better relationships, and a more fulfilling life.

6/6: Remember, there’s always room for improvement, and it’s never too late to start working on becoming the person you want to be. So, let’s embrace change and improvement and live our lives to the fullest!

We can always be open and embrace change. Maintain and keep a growth mindset.

Not Saying You Should Kick Away Your Identity

Embracing who you are and being proud of your unique identity is an important aspect of personal growth and self-awareness. However, “This is who I am” should not be used as a barrier to change and improvement. While our experiences and personality shape us, we must understand that we are not limited by these factors and can grow and evolve.

Focusing on improvement rather than accepting the limitations of “This is who I am” requires a growth mindset. This mindset considers challenges and failures opportunities for growth and development rather than fixed limitations.

It encourages us to take risks, learn new skills, and explore new perspectives. This leads to personal and professional growth, better relationships, and a more fulfilling life.

Furthermore, the world is constantly changing, and to keep up with these changes, it is important to be flexible and open to new ideas and ways of doing things.

By embracing change and improvement, we can enhance our skills, gain new knowledge, and become the best version of ourselves. So, instead of settling for “This is who I am,” let’s strive to be the best version of ourselves by focusing on improvement and growth.

The Analogy Can Ruin Amazing Relationships and Friendships

The mindset of “This is who I am” can be damaging to relationships and friendships because it often leads to a lack of self-reflection and growth.

Individuals holding onto this mentality may see their personality traits and behaviour patterns as set in stone and not subject to change. This can result in resistance to feedback and criticism and a lack of effort to improve themselves.

In a relationship or friendship, this can lead to a lack of compromise and a disregard for the feelings of others.

For example, if someone with this mindset consistently exhibits negative behaviour, they may be unwilling to change, even if it is causing harm to the relationship. This can lead to frustration, resentment, and, ultimately, the end of the relationship.

On the other hand, embracing change and growth in relationships and friendships can lead to stronger, more fulfilling connections.

By being open to feedback and willing to improve, individuals can show their commitment to the relationship and work together to resolve conflicts. This leads to a greater understanding and appreciation of one another and helps to build a foundation of trust and respect.

Irrespective of one’s profession, historical relations, and goals existing between them and others, the mindset of “This is who I am” can damage relationships and friendships. If left uncontrolled or managed, it acts and limits the potential for growth and improvement.

Between people dating, married persons, or business partners, embracing change and striving for self-improvement is important to maintain healthy relationships.

The Case in Businesses and Marketing to Clients

In marketing to clients, the mentality of “This is who we are” can lead to a lack of adaptability and resistance to change.

Businesses that hold onto this mentality may become complacent and stop evolving with the changing market and customer needs. This can result in a loss of relevance and customer satisfaction.

On the other hand, businesses that embrace change and strive for improvement are more likely to stay ahead of the curve and meet the needs of their customers.

By being open to new ideas and ways of doing things, businesses can stay innovative and relevant in a rapidly changing market. This leads to an increase in customer loyalty and a more successful brand.

In marketing, it is important to understand that customer needs and preferences constantly change. To keep up with these changes, businesses must be flexible and responsive.

This requires a commitment to continuous improvement and a willingness to adapt to new trends and technologies. By embracing change, businesses can maintain a competitive edge and deliver value to their customers.

In conclusion, the mindset of “This is who we are” can be detrimental to businesses in the marketing world.

To succeed in marketing, businesses must embrace change and strive for continuous improvement. This allows them to stay relevant, meet customer needs, and build a successful brand.


The mindset of “This is who I am” or “This is who we are” may provide comfort and stability, but it can also hinder growth and success.

Whether in personal relationships, friendships, or the business world, embracing change and striving for improvement is key to reaching our full potential and achieving success.

So, let’s not limit ourselves by the constraints of this analogy but instead embrace the journey of growth and self-improvement. Remember, the only constant in life is change — which makes life so exciting!

Change is constant; Adapt or Die.

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