3 min readSep 2, 2015

Let’s take a look at real life scenario from online therapy session

The event reminder at Rebecca Stewart’s smartphone beeped. 20 more minutes to go. She mixed herself a cocktail and relaxed at the chair next to the tall window. This is her favorite place. She tapped the Skype app. And then miles away, her smiling face popped up right on her therapist’s computer monitor. Yes; he smiled back on her phone’s screen. She took a long and relaxed sip of the cocktail. And the session began.

No. it is not a Hollywood blockbuster but a real life scenario from online therapy session.

Online Internet Psychotherapy and Virtual counseling through Skype is becoming more popular than ever for busy people. In fact there has been a dramatic increase in the number of clients preferring to have therapy sessions in the comfort of their own homes rather than driving to a therapist’s office. More and more patients reveal that they find online sessions using Skype or other video cam formats to be less intimidating. It is far more comfortable than face-to-face sessions. This is good because real purpose of any form of therapy is to give you the tools you need to better manage emotional suffering. Confidential counseling clearly wins the bet when it comes to the point of managing emotional suffering where you feel most comfortable.

Okay, let’s get back to Rebecca again. Ms. Stewart is a 30 years old investment banker. She used to be in treatment the conventional way with face-to-face office appointments. However things changed for good when she met her new doctor who offered her the ultimate comfort and convenience and reliance of licensed web counseling.

To quote Rebecca — “ I can have a session before night out with the girls, or even when shopping.”

Rebecca emailed her therapist that she was panicked about a date. The therapist confirmed that they can have a mini session may be. Yes; such is the ease of modern online psychiatry.

Since telepsychiatry was introduced decades ago, video conferencing stood tall as an increasingly accepted way to reach patients in hospitals, prisons, veterans’ health care facilities and rural clinics.

It is overwhelming how effective Skype therapy sessions are. Albeit client and therapist may be thousands of miles apart, but it feels like you are in the same room. Online mental health management thus is becoming very popular for people in remote areas or people who are unable to leave home for one reason or another. Yes; it has become the lifeline for those with agoraphobia, or for people who are trying to learn how to cope with venturing out.

Rebecca Stewart came to the approach through geographical necessity. It is when her therapist moved, she was apprehensive about the new psychologist. So her therapist referred her to another doctor who is a quite a name in the field of Virtual therapy. Yes; now she prefers these sessions to the old-fashioned kind.

Let’s hear it from Rebecca now — “Telepsychiatry has offered me the comfort of carrying my therapist around me like a security blanket.”

However the technology does have its speed bumps.

You guessed it right; the quirkiness of Internet connections can be an impediment. Rebecca even once faced with such a situation. But before even the counselling began her therapist assured that he will never disconnect from her on purpose. Well; it’s all about making arrangements ahead of time to call each other if that happens.

Other questions abound

  • How should insurance reimburse online therapy?
  • Is the therapist complying with licensing laws?
  • Are video conferencing sessions recorded?
  • Is it Hack-proof?

Research well and get answers to all these relevant questions before you book online counselling.


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