AC Chevelon
5 min readOct 1, 2017
bringing cultural connection to the world


the profile page consist of the number of fans and the rating

The idea behind the App is to Discover the worlds most talented, Barbers, Fashionista, Hair dressers, and Make up artist and just put them into one world to where they won’t have to struggle to be themselves and find the motives or the passion they need to move forward and continue to do what they do best. i want the viewers who shared the same interest and passion to Join millions from different cultures and see how they perceive beauty and what it means to them. the way we see beauty differs in every culture and i want the rest of the world to see that and communicate with them, learn about their styles and how you yourself can do them. connect with friends and family show off your style give tips.

Trending page only allows you to see pictures base on your interests double clicking it will change into trending videos

Phash will be the new way to connect internationally with people around the world who share similar ideas or dreams. This app/website allows you to customize your profile with only things you want to see and doesn’t spam you with unwanted ads, statuses, and pictures. This app gives you the chance to customize your profile the way you like and it can be viewed by other people and if they like your profile you get rated from one start five stars and from there you leveled up from bronze to silver then eventually to gold. The more stars you get the more popular you become and as new people join you become one of the first people recommended for your profile to be viewed. Phash is not just about popularity it’s where you connect on different levels with people who share similar interest as you. Whether it be about culture, fashion, cars, Barbers make up artist and hairstylist or Modeling you will be able to network with the other phash users that share similar ideas. Now unlike those other social media apps phash focuses more on you and builds your news feed based on your interest and user profiles that you may have viewed more than once or a user profile that you may have view rate and liked. You will be able to rate whether the profiles that you view on different levels. As stated before you the more positively someone reacts to your profile the more stars you get and the more popular you become. For example, John makes his profile and states that he Is interested in collecting cars and post pictures of 5 antique cars that he has collected over the years. Then we have Josh who is also interested in cars but he likes racing so he likes cars that are loud and fast which is more interesting to most people. So when people see these two profiles Josh may get more views and becomes more popular than John because more users were interested in his profile. Same thing goes for people who are into fashion, make up, Barbers, and Hairstylist. The new world where a lot more people are engage in styles and culture.

this is your fan base page followers/friends will change into Fans

When it comes to style whether it is fashion, hairstyles or even the way we cut hair or the way we wear our clothes, differs within every culture. Its a lot of styles out there that are bizarre and hairstyles out there that are significantly unique but we do not know about them due to distractions and lack of attention toward them. If you really take the time and do a lot of research you will find that as people we like different things. Some wants to dress like the Africans but to really know the story behind the style or how to actually wear it or make it yourself. Phash is about precision it will be a place much like an insider group for people within your interest group that will motivates you, inspire you to keep doing what you’re doing as far as styles. I see a lot of talented fashionistas hairstylist and barbers and models that goes unnoticed because the group of friends they have on social media does not share the same interest as them. If there are some it is very minimal. What Phash will do is it will connect them to people that share that exact same passion and interest as them from around the Globe. I say if musicians can get their own app or websites then the fashionistas, barbers, hairstylists and make up artist and photographers should get their own place. Phash will be a success.

Hot 100! page is picked 100 profiles with the highest ratings and number them from 1 to 100

How is it going to become successful? As a young man who was raised in this generation i can say that we are attention seekers we like to take risks most of us at least and we love socially media. Anything that involves us putting ourselves out there whether it is by a quick selfie or a quick video we will do it. Phash will provide that for users. Rating profiles is a huge part of the app, it gives users a reason to stay on the app and compete amongst other users and gain as much recognition as they can, and that will allow them to promote their business because a five star profiles speaks numbers. Keep your profile looking Hot!! and get yourself up to a five star