Dawn Fullerton
3 min readDec 8, 2020


The Man Who Molested Me Died Today: My Mom Found His Body

I knew this would happen, but always expected to feel differently.

Photo by Scott Evans on Unsplash

I haven’t talked to anyone about it yet. Not anyone but my sister who was with my mom when she called 911.

I used to talk about how I would throw a party when he died.

I expected to hear this sound of trumpets in my head and I would be free of this monster who hung around for over 25 years.

I did have a reason for my grudge.

My father died when I was 4 and he started dating my mom when I was 5.

During this time, when I was aged 5–11 he predatorily committed sexual acts to me during my most formidable years. Sexual acts that I learned to be love and a replacement for my dead father’s love. This created a chasm in me that I would never fill.

The things he did to me were always in the twilight hours and he was always telling me weird reasons as to why he was touching me. He played with my mind and awakened my body. He created so much fundamental psycho-sexual damage. I am 36 and still surviving it.

I told my mother at 16. She didn’t believe me.

I told my sisters when I was 21. They had noticed things and had suspicions for years about him. They forced him off the premises. He…



Dawn Fullerton

Born in Oklahoma, raised in Southern California. She loves cats, the natural world and the little things that make it magical. Dawnfullertonstory@yahoo.com