Mealshare — Help Someone in Need

2 min readAug 30, 2016


Mealshare was founded in the spring of 2013. The founders learned that nearly 8 million Canadians eat out everyday, while over 200,000 youth are food insecure. They found a way for these 8 million Canadians to help the youth in need, they turned dining out, into helping out.

What is Mealshare? It is a simple concept, order a meal, and provide a meal for someone in need. They have partnered with restaurants all over Canada, including a few in Victoria! Each restaurant has Mealshare items. You still enjoy your delicious meal, and someone in your community gets the meal they need.

How can Accio help? Well, we can deliver your Mealshare item for you to enjoy at home, work, or on the go. As you’re enjoying your meal, you can feel awesome knowing that a youth in our community will have a full belly. Half of the meals are shared locally, while the other half are shared around the world through Save the Children. Here are the restaurants and items you can order that are part of Mealshare:

  1. Floyd’s Diner — Taco Salad, Traditional Benny and Veggie Hash
  2. Tacofino — Pork Burritos, and Bean and Cheese Burrito
  3. North 48 — Clam Chowder, Cheese Whiz, Bistro Salad, The Noodle Bowl, and Chicken Sandwich
  4. Bubby’s Kitchen — Paleo Breakfast Salad, Steamed Muscles and Clams, and Handmade Butternut Squash Gnocchi
  5. The Mint — The Curry Plate, and Spicy Noodle Soup
  6. Lido Waterfront Bistro — Lido Caesar, and Lido Special
  7. Origin Bakery — Any Cake, 6 Cupcakes, 6 Muffins
  8. Oswego Hotel — Continental Plate, Savoury Crepes, Fresh Fruit and Yogurt, and Pappardelle

Create your account here, and send us your order. Nothing feels better than being able to help someone in need.




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