Steel plant safety concerns

Accord Steel
3 min readOct 10, 2018


“Nothing is more important than the safety and health of the people who work in the steel industry”.It is possible to reduce dramatically the number of accidents at work by assigning necessary priority to the safety since a safe way of working is a quality and efficient way of working.Yesterday’s steel plant accident at Bhilai steel plant in Chandigarh India points to the immediate safety measures to be implemented on every plants to safeguard the lives of many employees.

Hazards in steel plant

1.Coke oven and byproduct plant — Here the main hazards are heat, dust, smoke, moving equipment, chemicals, fire and explosion etc.

2.Sinter plant — In sinter plant main hazard are moving equipment, dust and smoke etc.

3.Blast furnace — The main hazards at blast furnace are heat, dust, noise, liquid metal and slag, gas poisoning, moving equipments, moving locomotives, fire and explosion and working at heights etc.

4.Steel melting shop — The main hazard in this shop are heat, dust, noise, liquid metal and slag, moving equipment, suspended loads, working at heights and fire and explosion etc.

Good safety practices

Good safety practices include the following:

1.Assigning and publishing the responsibility and duties of the employees associated with the management of the safety in the steel plant.

2.Investigation of all the accidents whether small or big and the implementation of corrective measures.

3.Studying the significant safety incidents which have happened in other steel plants and learning from the same.

4.Registration and control of safety standards and maintaining a register of the significant incidents.

5.Internal and external publication of safety investigation results and the obtained experiences.

6.Conducting regular shop review meetings regarding status of safety in the shop as well as monthly review meeting at the chief executive level.

7.Conducting training as well as refresher safety training programs amongst the employees where investigation of various incidents are also to be discussed.

8.Conducting emergency safety drills.

9.Conducting of regular safety audits to locate unsafe areas and practices and to ensure that the corrective actions have been taken. Safety audits can also help in early detection of the equipment deterioration and the deviations and/or procedures that can degrade or deteriorate then safety levels.

Structural steel plants

In Order to avoid accidents and mis happening , structural steel companies in UAE have special security department to handle security concerns of steel plant employees and environment.Every employee have their own duty of honestly doing their task,when they turn to be lazy whole company and industry suffer it’s loss including valuable lives of people.Ultimate truth is that it is not the safety measures but the determination of employees to cross check their every task and ensure no minute loop holes in running condition of every company is the backbone of company success.



Accord Steel

Accord Steel, a popular steel manufacturer and supplier positioned in Dubai.