QuickBooks Abort Error: Quick Solutions to Fix It

Accounting Helpline
3 min readFeb 5, 2024


QuickBooks Abort Error

QuickBooks is known for its progressive accounting abilities, yet users usually face errors, one of which is the QuickBooks Abort Error. This error can occur due to program file damage, causing the application to cease functioning abruptly. When faced with QuickBooks abort error, ongoing operations cannot be saved, and the program terminates unexpectedly.

Users may wonder why QuickBooks keeps aborting, especially during attempts to update the company file or make changes to it. In such instances, the program typically prompts users to discard any ongoing transactions or work, resulting in severe damage to the QBWUSER.INI file and continuous error messages upon opening.

This article aims to explore the reasons behind QuickBooks abort errors and provide troubleshooting methods. While the techniques discussed in this article are effective, users are encouraged to seek assistance from our team on our +1–855–738–2784 to ensure optimal outcomes when implementing these solutions.

Specific Reasons for Abort Error in QuickBooks

The following two aspects are mainly responsible for contributing to Abort Error in QuickBooks.

  1. QuickBooks abort error can occur due to various reasons, including insufficient permissions on the folder where the file is saved. When the folder lacks adequate permissions, QuickBooks may encounter difficulties accessing or saving files, leading to an abort error.
  2. Additionally, firewall settings may also contribute to this issue by blocking QuickBooks’ access to the network. When the firewall restricts communication, QuickBooks may fail to establish connections or retrieve necessary data, resulting in an abort error during network operations. Ensuring proper folder permissions and adjusting firewall settings can help resolve these issues and prevent QuickBooks abort errors.

Read More: How do I fix error 6094 in QuickBooks?

Methods to Deal with QB Desktop Abort Error

To get rid of the frustrating error messages and avoid QB desktop abort error you ought to go through these two solutions.

Method 1: Change the Name of the QBWUSER.ini File

To address the QuickBooks abort error, start by resolving issues with the QBWUSER.ini file, a common culprit behind this error.

  1. Navigate to the C drive using Windows File Explorer.
  2. Access the path [User name] > App Data > Intuit > QuickBooks[year].
  3. Locate the QBWUSER.ini file within the QuickBooks folder.
  4. Select the ‘Rename’ option by clicking right on the file.
  5. Append the (.OLD) extension to the file name and press ‘Enter’.
  6. Additionally, locate the (.ecml) file in the same folder and rename it as well.

Method 2: Temporarily Disable Firewall

If QuickBooks Error 15225 persists, temporarily disabling the Firewall might resolve network access issues hindering QuickBooks updates. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Head to the Start button and then click on ‘Settings.’
  2. Navigate to ‘Update and Security’ and open ‘Windows Security.’
  3. Click on ‘Network Protection and Firewall.’
  4. Disable the ‘Microsoft Defender Firewall’ for each domain, private network, and public network.
  5. Retry accessing QuickBooks and perform the software update to check if the error is resolved.


As we conclude, we trust that you’ve successfully addressed the QuickBooks Abort Error. If you’re still encountering issues and QuickBooks continues to terminate unexpectedly, advanced troubleshooting may be necessary. Don’t hesitate to contact our experts via the +1–855–738–2784 for immediate assistance and a swift resolution to the problem.

You May Read More: How To Resolve QuickBooks Error H202



Accounting Helpline

Accounting Helpline is a part of QuickBooks proadvisor team who is Providing a service that helps to taking down the error from QuickBooks efficiently.