A Handwashing Parade

Mil Milagros
3 min readMay 3, 2018


“Die, Bacteria, Die! Washing Hands Can Save a Life!”

In Guatemala, parades are important. They celebrate Guatemalan holidays, town fairs, religious celebrations, and more. High school and middle school bands play, cheer squads dance, cars honk, and children cheer.

The parade that the Xesampual School student council organized last week was part of their MM-sponsored public health program. “Die, bacteria, die! Washing Hands Can Save a Life!” chanted the children, teachers, and mothers in while they paraded through the streets of their community.

Children and mothers made costumes and props for the parade, encouraging people in their community to practice healthy handwashing habits.

A truck driven by the school principal followed behind, playing the song on a loudspeaker while children waved signs, posters of hand soap, and towels.

“Dry your hands with a clean towel!”

Mallerly, the student council president at Xesampual, walks alongside her classmates who carried a sign that demonstrates proper handwashing techniques.

This young student holds high the bar of soap he created for the parade.

“Attention! Wash your hands with soap and water 1) Before you eat 2) After using the restroom.”

Here a pre-school student shows off her “drop of water.”

These children, mothers, and teachers are leading the way toward a healthier community. Diarrhea is the second biggest cause of death in children under the age of 5 in rural communities like theirs, and is estimated to cause up to 50% of the world’s malnutrition. Simple habits like washing hands with clean water and soap have the power to improve the health of entire families and communities.

You can be part of our mission to create healthier families and communities in rural Guatemala by helping us to equip women and teachers with skills and resources to create and sustain change. Visit www.milmilagros.org to learn more.



Mil Milagros

Mil Milagros equips mothers and teachers with skills and resources to improve the lives of children and families in rural Guatemala.