What is Pipettes and What are It’s Applications

Accumax Lab Devices Pvt. Ltd
5 min readDec 20, 2022


What Is A Pipette?

Pipettes have been existing since the 1700s.

Pipette is a laboratory tool used in transferring or transporting measured volume of liquid. Commonly known as Liquid Handling Equipment in scientific terms. It comes in various designs according to the deferring levels of the liquid. In common words, pipette is a pen-like structured dropper to transfer liquids into the test tubes. Pipettes or pipette are common pieces of laboratory equipment. The internal mechanism of the pipette does not come in direct contact with the sample/liquid. A disposable micropipette tip is used to draw the liquid into dispense from the pipette.

There Are Many Types Of Pipette:

The first simple pipettes were made out of glass, such as Pasteur Pipettes. Now they are constructed out of glass or plastic. Large pipettes are made by glass; others are also made in squeezable plastic when an exact proportion or volume is not required. Measurement accuracy varies greatly depending on the instrument or tool. Although all categories are called “pipettes”, the ones that dispense between 1 and 1000 liters are distinguished as micropipettes, while micropipettes are used to dispense greater volume.

  • Measuring Pipettes: Measuring Pipettes can dispense different volumes as they have graduated volumes, like graduated cylinders. They are evaluated with small divisions and are adjustable enough to accurately draw up the essential amount of the liquid.
  • Micropipettes: A micropipette is a common yet essential laboratory tool used to accurately and precisely transfer volumes of liquid in the microlitre range.
  • Pasteur Pipette: Pasteur Pipettes are similar to eye droppers, they transfer small amounts of liquid droplets, made of glass or plastic.
  • Transfer Pipette: Transfer pipettes; also known as Beral pipettes are similar to Pasteur Pipettes, they are made of plastic but are molded so the bulb may contain some of the liquid, squeezing the bulb creates a vacuum which will draw the liquid up.
  • Volumetric Pipette: A volumetric pipette, also called a bulb pipette or belly pipette, allows extremely accurate measurement of the volume of any solution. It’s calibrated to deliver accurately a fixed amount of liquid. Volumetric pipettes are commonly used in analytical chemistry to make laboratory solutions from a base stock as well as to prepare solutions for titration.
  • Electronic Pipette: Electronic Pipettes are exactly what their name suggests. They have a super intuitive graphical interface in one pipette, it functions and understands the requirement and delivery of the user. Some of them also have intelligent features such as Accumax’s electronic pipette with a smart sleep mode for battery conservation, increasing battery efficiency by 40%. Pipette stands recharge their batteries. The most advanced pipette stand can directly control electronic pipette.

Application of Pipettes:

Pipettes are only for laboratory purposes. Although their function and usage is simple, their task is important in the labs. Different types of pipette conduct different techniques.

Extract, transport and dispense:

Pipettes can be manual or electronic, their main function is to extract, transport and dispense liquid samples in a particular amount and measure that is required from one container to another.

Sustaining accuracy:

Scientists rely on the pipettes in order to accurately dispense and measure liquid samples. It has a pen-tip from which the liquid comes out into any other liquid or tubes. Volumetric pipettes are considered to be gold-standard when it comes to accuracy and precision used by laboratory experts to investigate chemical properties and reactions.

Protecting sample quality:

Pipette has one single function for which they are purpose-built which help to maintain and safe-guard the sample quality in the laboratory and ensures the most accurate and reliable results. Some pipettes often have disposable tips which helps to minimize the risk of contamination of the fluids or liquids.

Reducing Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI):

Repetitive strain injury to the hands is one of the most common workplace injuries experienced by the laboratory experts and personnels. The use of hands is frequent for the laboratory personnels, without using pipettes the risk of RSI increases because of the constant lab work. Electronic pipettes help to reduce hand stress to a good extent and prevent workplace injuries. The user-friendly design of the pipette provides unmatched comfort even after prolonged use.

The usages vary as per the types of the pipettes. Accumax offers its own niche instruments, smart and intelligent pipettes in many types such as Fab pipette, Accumax smart, Accumax A-series, Accumac pro, Accumax VA-FA, Electronic, Junior and Transfer pipette.

Using & cleaning Pipette

Any equipment or tool regardless of its type, requires care and attention to prevent damage, especially the glass pipettes as they are not disposable. They have to be held at a certain distance from the bottom of the container before drawing liquid or fluid. After drawing out the required amount, gently tap the side of the pipette in order to remove access droplets.

Any of the pipettes require cleaning after its usage to prevent contamination. For micropipettes, new plastic tips must be used each time.

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Accumax Lab Devices Pvt. Ltd

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