Something is Wrong

Achanandhi M
8 min readJul 7, 2024


Hello All, Today I want to share something related to Communities. The community I am mentioning here is related to the tech Community. I used to attend every meetup in Chennai, My meetup event Journey started in my 3rd year of College. Till Today I was attending every meetup event. But I found something missing/wrong. Let me tell my own story.

I attend every meetup whether It’s related to open source or proprietary, I never bother about that, I see the agenda and date, and if It covers my purpose I will attend the event. I know most of the Communities in Chennai, and Communities Organizers. I made many new friends by attending the meetup. I got new stickers from those events and I gave some of them to my Junior.

Note: The thoughts and Feed back are based on my own perspective, I am not writing this to hurt any person or any event or any community. I was writing this express my own thought and feeling’s, If you feel this wrong kindly ignore it. I am not going to care.

I attended Yesterday one of the Microsoft events in Chennai, I know a lot of Services from AWS, but I didn’t much know about Azure, so I thought ok we will learn some of the Azure AI services. Because Microsoft Azure ruling the AI race. They had partnerships with NVIDIA, OpenAI, and other AI startups. With some much Expectation, I went to the event, When I reached the event only I came to know that the event was fully organized by VIT Students, most of the attendees were VIT Students and a few speakers were from VIT students. They are all part of Microsoft Student Ambassador.

Soon I thought oh shit, I found myself in the wrong place. I was so irritated. Yes, they are all speaking about Microsoft, Personally, I hate Microsoft because of their Marketing and I didn’t use any of the Microsoft products. The word “Microsoft” makes me so irritated. The speaker is speaking only about Microsoft and how they revolutionizing AI and the World. See those people are Student speakers, they are all brainwashed by those ambassador programs. I thought they didn’t know much about it. They are speaking about Azure AI studio like it is one of the best services. I was so irritated, once the talk was finished I spoke to the speaker, she was the student lead of VIT Microsft Ambassador. I asked her the question is Azure AI studio is more similar to Amazon Bedrock? What she said was I didn’t know about this. Shit, mostly everyone knows about this, if your speaker, if you are in the field, at least you need to know about your top competitor right? But she didn’t know about this. What She knows is only Azure. I thought she was brainwashed.

In another talk the same happened, He was speaking about Azure ML, and I thought he needed to learn a lot while giving a talk, He was speaking like he was speaking with friends, One thing he said made me so angry, He told not to use Chrome, Firefox, He advised to use Bing, he also didn't use Chrome, he used only bing. He marketed the Bing features, personally, I didn’t like Bing. I hate the UI, features, and many more. He was so deviated from the talk, that I didn’t know what he was trying to convey, whether marketing the Azure ML? or his personal projects. or conveying that he knows everything?

I didn’t use Azure, but I see the person who using Azure, or in any demos. I hate the Azure UI, Yes UI means AWS is the King, and Yes it is easier for beginners to get started with AWS than Azure. I saw Azure docs, the worst docs, with no proper UI. Hey you can also compare both AWS and Azure and see the difference.

The next talk was about the Bashini, it was a central government, and it covered how the Azure helped the project. Mostly every government is taken care of by Azure because they are giving 2000 credits for getting started. They are giving startup credits up to 2000 credits. But in AWS they give only 500 credits. This is the worst talk I ever saw in any of the meetups. He also talked about the other things that were not covered in the talk, by the general rule of any talk is to cover the main agenda of the talk, but he was so deviated. The talk was nearly 1 hour oh shit I didn’t see any talk like this even in my college lecture too. Please try to understand my feelings.

In the next talk was focused more on marketing the C# lang, the speaker said one thing, which again made me angry, He said C# is the best lang when compared to other lang, He compared it with Python, He had 10+ experience person, I didn’t know how he was saying like this. Python is ruling the tech industry and also it is one of the languages that was not backed up by any of the Companies. Go, Angular, Flutter, and Tensorflow are backed by Google. Typescript, C#, and .net are backed by Microsoft. He advised everyone to use C#, yes I didn’t see any of the meetups promoting the language and also comparing it with the other language. I thought he didn’t know much about the Python ecosystem, He was also brainwashed and he was also one of the MVPs (Most valuable professional) I didn’t know how he got this, I thought if we promote the Microsft products they also give it.

You know one thing? I didn’t attend any of the Microsoft in the past, this is my first event, I thought to learn some of the Azure AI services, but I didn’t even imagine like this in my dream.

You know one thing? Microsoft has/ owns many of the technologies that we are using like Github, Typescript, VScode, NPM, windows, and even OpenAI. But what they say is they had a partnership with them.

The AI products from Microsft were not actually created by them,I guess it was created by openai team because they have co-pilot it was created by GitHub, it was in Azure cloud, also Azure openAI service which was created by openai team. They had strategically partnered with OpenAI and ruling the industry.

One thing I want my readers to think for a minute is, that everyone is talking about the Github-copilot right, the Microsoft community is marketing a lot, even in Chennai also there are separate events happening in Copilot. Just think how Github-copilot is generating the code. where is the source? how that get huge data, yes it is obtained from our GitHub repo, and many YouTubers are saying the GitHub-copilot is trained on our GitHub repo. Let’s consider I was giving false information they you may say how it got the data?? I am happy to hear. Many of the AI services didn’t convey to users like us how it was trained. How does it get the knowledge source? Trained from our own data, and asking for our own money this is AI, which is happening now. This was what most of the tech giants doing. Why no one is questioning them? Instead, they are all brainwashed right from the college to promote and work in that proprietary product. Actually, they even didn’t know it was an Opensource. Yes, every product in the world was built on top of open source, but some people couldn't even realize this fact, even when I started why career also I didn’t realize this one.

I am not saying you shouldn’t promote, it’s up to you, and it’s your life, what I was trying to say is don’t think you are the best, you only protecting the ecosystem, actually the entire ecosystem is protected, and developing by the opensource community and the real hero’s open source contributor.

I think many of the community like Microsoft promote their products a lot, but they often miss an important part. one of the speakers talked about Microsoft’s responsible AI, He was talking the transparency, and I said the word transparency would not fit Microsoft. He clearly mentioned the Transparency policy in Microsoft. I can ask questions to him. How the thing will be transparent when it is not an open source?? He had 20+ experience he knew everything but he was promoting the product in front of budding college students. The Microsoft transparent policy was mentioned only in the website not in their products. He compared the langchain with the semantic kernel(Microsoft SDK) for building AI agents. He said langchain is not useful. Yes, again the promotion part.

This was not only applicable to Microsoft alone, AWS also doing the same. They fork from open-source projects and do so topping’s on top of it, and giving a name, and they are overcharging it. Some services like OpenSearch, and Managed MongoDB service, and they even forked the Redis too. Yes open-source community reacting to it. They will not be in silence.

One final thought is that no matter whether you are prompting Opensource or proprietary Just have a broader view, Do not learn alone Proprietary software, Do not get brainwashed by the community, and Have your own view of tech. yes, it does not matter which tech/tool you using think about the developers who actually developed it. Use every tool, learn every tech, and do not limit yourself to a specific tech or tool. Be an agnostic person. That’s why I converted myself from a proprietary person to an Opensource enthusiast. Yes, opensource is not only contributing to code, writing, and promoting the Opensource is also a contribution.

Before four months ago, I Promoted AWS a lot, but this day I am into a Opensource, Yes people will change when they have a broader view, and also when thinking about themselves, If was lying please view my blogs, I wrote nearly 20 blogs on AWS, but after I changed, No one is influenced me the changes happen from my inner self.

Note: I deleted Windows from my laptop I am using Linux.

Yes in our company also we are developing a proprietary SaaS product, we are using the Opensource tool, and everything is Opensource, I was also one of the parts, but we are not promoting like others are doing, Also I love the product we are building Yes even it is Proprietary also I promote because I love it. Professionally I may work in Proprietary software, but personally, I love open source.

You can also love other Proprietary software but think about the underlying part, Do not think proprietary alone.

You may say that you are a 21-year-old kid, who actually didn’t know about how the IT industry works, but I didn’t care about this, whether I was working in proprietary software or open source software, I always love Opensource. This being said I also attend proprietary events too, to know how they are using open source to market proprietary software. I want to get the big picture.

This blog is one of the contributions to OpenSource Ecosystem.

Yes, I was waiting for the AI product/tools from the OpenSource community to compete with Chatgpt or Github copilot, Definitely, the Opensource community will give answers to all the Proprietary AI products. The days are coming…

is there any proprietary software/service that is more better, popular, secure than open source???

See you tomorrow with a tech-related blog. Happy Promoting



Achanandhi M

CNCF Enthusiast 🙋🏻 | Cloud Native Build packs| Cloud | DevOps♾️ | Docker🐬 | 🏗️Microservice| Python🐍 | Go | K8s☸️| Linux🐧