kajal acharekar
2 min readMay 3, 2023


What is view?

In SQL, a view is a virtual table that does not physically store data but retrieves data from one or more existing tables in the database.

  • A view can either have specific rows based on certain condition or all the rows of a table.
  • A view can be created using the CREATE VIEW statement. We can create a view from a single table or multiple tables.

1.creating view with single table :


CREATE VIEW view_name AS

SELECT column1, column2…..

FROM table_name

WHERE condition;


example of view with single table

2.creating view with multiple tables:


CREATE VIEW view_name AS

SELECT table1.NAME, table1.ADDRESS, table2.MARKS

FROM table1, table2

WHERE table1.common_col=table2.common_col;

Example :

example of view on multiple tables

note that we also can delete the view if not required by using following query:

DROP VIEW view_name;

The benefits of using views include:

  • Simplifying complex queries: views can be used to complex queries and make them easier to read and use.
  • Hiding sensitive information: views can be used to restrict access to sensitive information by selecting only the necessary columns and filtering out unwanted data.
  • Reusing SELECT statements: views can be used to save frequently used SELECT statements as reusable objects.
  • Improving performance: views can improve performance by SELECT statements or aggregating data.

Overall, views are a useful tool in SQL for organizing and simplifying complex queries, securing sensitive information, and improving performance.

Thank you!

