Janet Mock’s Redefining Realness

Addie Chernow
3 min readNov 19, 2014


I am finally getting a chance to sit down and write my thoughts about Redefining Realness onto paper, or well, electronic 1′s and 0′s. But you ask, shouldn’t I have done this a month ago? Probably, but believe it or not, even though I work in a communication field, sometimes it’s hard for me to find the right words.

Redefining Realness is by far one of the best and most powerful books that I have read in a very, very long time. I have said time-and-again that this is the sort of book that I wish had existed a long while ago. Janet’s words are very powerful, and very personal, in many ways. She has the ability though to draw the reader into her world. As I read the book, I was overcome with emotion: happiness, sadness, anxiety, and yes even a scosh of jealousy.

I think that one of the best parts of Redefining Realness is the fact that it leaves the reader with a sense of “OMG I need to know what happens next!” Truthfully, even though I know the outcome of some of the events she wrote about, such as her relationship, there was still this moment of “oh no how will he react?” when Janet finally opens up to Aaron. That is the kind of emotion that I am talking about that is present throughout.

Now, my off-topic…ish aside: Pop culture. Pop culture is one of the things that is talked about with-in Redefining Realness. I want to share one of my reactions when reading that involves pop culture. Specifically, television. There was at one point where Janet mentions watching a lot of shows on Nick as a kid. I had one of those “OMG” style moments for a second where I realized that these were the same things I was watching at the time. It also, too, helps in a way to illustrate just how pop culture binds us together.

Overall I can’t stop telling people that they need to read Redefining Realness. I’ve even gotten some friends, and an aunt on the super Catholic conservative side of the family on board with reading. This is how highly I recommend the book. I think that everyone should read it. So seriously, why have you not stopped reading this and picked up your copy? Oh and as a total aside: Redefining Realness is the first physical book that I have purchased since probably Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released in 2007. I usually read books via Kindle or iPad these days. So, with that said, pop on down to your local bookstore, if you still have one, or at least click on over and get your copy. (Or your local library may be an option too if you can’t afford to buy a book. Remember them? Libraries are kinda awesome still ya know.)

Oh and before I forget. If you have the opportunity to see her in person at an event… GO! There is a great story to go with this picture, but that is for another time.

Getting my picture taken with Janet at her event in St. Paul

Originally published at alltheshinythings.com on March 19, 2014.



Addie Chernow

2x Upper Midwest Emmy award winning Director. I’m a proud Trans Woman (she/her), native of Chicago (Palatine) and a Marquette Alum. Twitter: @chernowa