What is the difference between HighSchool or High School ?

Achin Himanshu
Aug 10, 2021


High School- After middle school is a school for children in 9th to 12 grades, between 13–15.

Many people are getting confused with the difference between High school and Highschool

High school is for 13–15 age. It is for secondary education. HighSchool is a grammatically wrong spelling of High School. High school is a combination of two words that have two different meanings. the correct meaning is high means higher and school means a place for education. On the other hand, HighSchool is a noun used simply as a name of an organization, you can use HighSchool anywhere you want. But HighSchool is not the name of the educational institute. so the correct word is High school.

Originally published at https://www.achinhimanshujha-mylifeonweb.com on August 10, 2021.



Achin Himanshu

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