React Date Range Picker Demo

Achraf Aamri
2 min readMay 27, 2020


This tutorial will teach you how to add a date Range picker to your react application using Airbnb react-dates an easy internationalizable, mobile-friendly* datepicker library for the web

A date range picker is an interactive dropdown that makes it easy to choose the date range from a calendar instead of typing it manually.

It’s a great way to avoid user errors because you can see the corresponding day of the week for each date. and Less input fields to verify ( 1 fields instead of 2 ) ,

* require a tweak that we will tackle in the responsive part

Let’s start !


for the sake of this tutorial we will start by creating demo react application.

$ npx create-react-app react-daterangepicker-demo $ cd react-daterangepicker-demo/ $ npm start

Let’s Edit the App.js File to match the following structure :

We added the state that will contain startDate and endDate Object , their formatted string and then we will add the render HTML

Adding the react-dates library

Now lets start installing the React-Dates from and the required library moment (Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times )

$ npm install --save react-dates moment

let’s import the required scripts and styles:

import "react-dates/initialize";
import { DateRangePicker } from "react-dates";
import "react-dates/lib/css/_datepicker.css";

next step is to replace this comment {/* daterangepicker */} with the following code :

then add the hundleDateChange Function so we can update the date state and set the formatted dates :

the code then is the following :

Responsive Date Range Picker

Final step is to make the Daterangepicker responsive which means showing only one calendar instead of 2 in the small devices , in oder to do that we need to install react-responsive library (Media queries in react for responsive design)

$ npm install --save react-responsive

we will then import the script and do the following changes :

our final code will be :

Thank you for reading and Happy Coding

Demo repository on Github :

Originally published at on May 27, 2020.



Achraf Aamri

Software Developer , Solution Architect , IT Consultant aiming to share my knowledge , experiences and services , feel free to contact me , and enjoy reading