Graduate Students Hiring through Social Media — How good today?

Achutaraman R
2 min readMay 14, 2020


Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash

In the typical and mundane recruitment world, final year graduates are hired either through campus interviews or off-campus interviews. But is the campus hiring culture in sync with the growing social media networking?

We are witnessing an increased hiring pattern for experienced professionals through social networking media like LinkedIn. The corporate companies indulge in a passive hiring system wherein, candidate’s skills are gauged based on a showcase of their experience. However, when is comes to showcasing, there are minimal ways or channels for graduate students to reach out to a company in a passive way. That’s why the companies go to the campuses for hiring, which is but obvious, an expensive process.

But is that a perfect ending to the story? Are all happy with this one-size-fits-all approach?

Well, It could be alright with a few, but it remains a challenge for a major chunk of the corporate to recruit the right student talent.

With an increasing footprint of social media networks, can companies strike a more lucrative deal while hiring graduates? If yes, then why does campus recruit remain everyone’s favorite? Obviously, we have reached the bumpy trodden road ! So, what are the bumps here?

#1. The Needle in Haystack !!

What public data is available on the graduating students?

I believe, almost every student has a public profile on FB, Twitter, Instagram or similar social sites. How useful is it as a platform for recruiting companies? Do students fill up their skills and achievement there? Even if it is filled up, are there sufficient links or data points to prove their expertise or credibility in their claimed skills. Guess we all know the answer!. This is the largest gap.

#2. A Quiver Full of Arrows! All Shot in the Dark!

How do you pick, learn and hone the right skill-set?

Even some students are very good in keeping their public records with sufficient credible data and links attached to it, how would the recruiting company come to know about it? I think we don’t have the skill-based search engines to pull this data from different social media sites. To me, this is the next big challenge.

Of Course there is more to the list. But what would it take to find the exit to this maze?

What could be the way ahead?

This is exactly what GradsKey ( is addressing. After talking to many hiring companies, GradsKey is into systematically organizing graduating student’s data. GradsKey’s AI and ML-enabled skill-based search engines would help the companies to identify right student talent as per their requirements.



Achutaraman R

is an entrepreneur having ~25 years of experience in Software industry. Current focus is on grow talent & increase opportunities for Students thro