The Interdimensional Traveler

A Generative Modular (Real-Time) Synthesis Composition | VCV Rack 2 + Max8 | IAT 340 Final Project — Team 23

Team Andra & Tyler
4 min readApr 21, 2022
Soundcloud — The Interdimensional Traveler Soundscape


The Interdimensional Traveler embarks onto a tesseract, which begins exploring different dimensions of space & audio, guiding our listeners through the soundscape experience for 3mins. Sit back, and be taken through interdimensional space for the first time ever!

Compositional Aspects

Soundscape Breakdown

Our soundscape is composed of three main VCV Rack patches; each representing a different dimension; the first soundscape being of a Lively nature, then a Calm one, concluding with a Chaotic dimension. Each dimension plays for about 50 seconds before transitioning to the next soundscape patch. We have a 4th VCV Rack patch which plays its part in the composition as a transitional ambiance between dimensions, playing more quietly in the background.


Inspiration Board Collage, made by Andra Ciocan

We at first drew inspiration for this soundscape concept from the movies: Interstellar (2014) and A Space Odyssey (2001); envisioning travel on a tesseract. For this particular composition, the tesseract here is a vessel that is capable of transporting anything from one point in the universe to another. We further drew inspiration from fractal art gifs we found online, and ones that Tyler had even previously created once in Blender.

Screenshot of a looped fractal made in Blender, by Tyler Massicotte

Our patch cable management UI strategy in VCV Rack was inspired by Omri Cohen. And so following Cohen’s strategy, we have used Red cables for Audio, Blue cables for Clk/Trg/Gate, Yellow cables forV/Oct, and Green cables for Modulation/LFOs/Envelopes. Separately, the only area we did not use cable management by colour for, was an area we wanted to stand out, where the cf Player module is connected to the MixMasterJR by MindMeld, and this MixMaster is connected to the MIDI->CV’s which Max8 can manipulate. In this patch area, Booty Shifter by Squinky Labs, was also used to shift the left channel down and the right channel up, to give it that robotic-y effect heard in our soundscape.

Throughout our patches, we chose the 8-track stereo MixMasterJR by MindMeld to accommodate our input/output (mixing) needs.

8-track stereo MixMasterJR by MindMeld

For our Calm patch, we wanted to further explore the use of the Supercell Module by Grayscale, because we researched that it was a popular choice which would give us the access to combine delay, pitch shifter, and have a granular sampler all in one module; helping us to create perfect sounds for that dimension.

Another interesting compositional choice we made, was that we used 1 subtractive synthesis patch in 2 different ways for the Chaotic and Lively dimensions; by tweaking each patch to be used for 2 different parts of the soundscape. We wanted to demonstrate how far 1 patch can be used through Max8 manipulation.

Technical Aspects

For our project submission requirements, Max8 handles the generative data flows and VCV Rack handles the modular synthesis audio signal flows.

The Interdimensional Traveler — Composition Breakdown | IAT340 Final Project

VCV Rack 2

VCV Rack 2 Patch

In VCV Rack, there is MIDI->CV input for each of the three dimensions, with modulation and processing applied before outputting the signal to either speakers or another MIDI device for additional processing in Max8. We have included on the rack, a 4th patch (the transitional ambiance patch), which is the only patch connected differently than the 3 MIDI devices first mentioned. This patch will instead be connected through MIDI->CV’s gate to Max8 in a slightly different manner, so they can be separately manipulated (watch video above for more break down on this ).


Generating Max8 Patch

In our soundscape, we have it set up so that Max8 will determine the current ‘dimension’ and ‘soundscape’. Max8 will generate relevant notes and output them to specific MIDI-CV devices which will then be read in VCV Rack. We have 1 instrument (keyboard) in Max8 generating single notes for the Chaotic and Lively VCV Rack patches, and a secondary instrument (keyboard) iterating through a chord progression for the Calm patch in VCV Rack. *Watch the video above for the complete breakdown.

Next Steps

Fractal art made in Blender, by Tyler Massicotte

If we were to further progress our project, as a final touch we would next have added visuals. Using Max8, an audio-visualizer would be added to display 3 different looping fractals created in Blender; one fractal for each dimension, which would react to the audio being played.



Team Andra & Tyler

We are students at Simon Fraser University completing a course in Sound Design.