Delete Sent WhatsApp Messages even after the Time Limit.

Abirame Ganeshamoorthy
2 min readApr 28, 2020


Were you too impulsive ?? Did you tap in a message in a hurry and regret sending it?? Have you sent a message by mistake ??

Luckily, the latest WhatsApp version has extended the time frame to 1 hour 8 minutes and 16 seconds to delete sent messages. But how do you do delete after that?

No Worries, just relax and follow the following 6 steps.

1. Take down the time and date of the message you want to delete.

Open your WhatsApp chat and write down the exact date and time of the message you wish to delete.

2. Turn off WIFI or Mobile Data

Make sure to turn off your WiFi and Mobile Data network connection of your device.

3. Force Stop Whatsapp

Go to your device’s settings, find WhatsApp on your app manager and click on the ‘Force Stop’ option. Force stopping will stop any activity in your app, however it is advisable to have backup for your important chats.

4. Change date and time

Go to Date and Time setting of your device. Turn off Automatic Date and Time. Now set the date and time of your device such that it is before the time and day of the message you want to delete.(It is the time you noted down in your first step.)

5. Delete the message

Now open your App , click on the message you want to delete.Select the “delete for everyone” option and delete your message.

6. Reset your date and time

Now reset the changes of date and time to its current state. Once you open your app and connect it to the internet, you will notice that the message has been deleted for your receiver as well.

Now here comes the tricky part😉 …….

Remember you can only delete WhatsApp messages that have not been delivered to the recipient, in simple words — only (one grey tick) messages can be deleted.

There are several stages of a WhatsApp message as follows:

So in our case, we can delete our messages as long as it is still on the Whatsapp server and not delivered to our recipient. If the message has been delivered, then my friend — you are unfortunately too late….

May the odds be ever in your favour !! Good Luck !!!🙌

