When To Replace A Water Heater: Common issues And Solutions

Acosta Plumbing Solutions
3 min readFeb 24, 2023


Water Heater

Summertime is a great time to enjoy the sunshine and pool, but it can also be a tough time for your home thanks to high energy bills and inadequate cooling/heating. If you find yourself needing to water heater replacement sooner rather than later, keep reading to learn about some common issues and solutions.

What are the most common water heater problems?

The most common water heater problems are:

  1. Leaking water heaters: This is the most common water heater problem. A leak will cause water to slowly seep out of the heater, which can make it difficult to use and/or create a mess. If you notice a slow leak, there’s likely already damage done that you won’t be able to see. To fix a leaking water heater, you’ll need to call a professional.
  2. Dirty coils: Coils in water heaters work by transferring heat from the gas or oil used to power the unit through metal tubing into the water. Over time, this metal can become dirty and clogged with grease and other debris, which will prevent heat from being transferred effectively. This can lead to overheating and other problems with your water heater. To clean your coils, you’ll need help from a professional.
  3. Leaky faucets: One of the easiest ways for water to leak out of your home is through poorly installed or maintained faucets. If you notice that your faucet is constantly dripping, it may be time for a replacement. You can also try tightening up all of the faucet fittings (including those under the sink). If that doesn’t solve the problem, it might be time for a new faucet valve or an entire piping system.

How can you tell if your water heater needs to be replaced?

There are a few signs your water heater might need to be replaced. Here are some of the most common issues and solutions:

  • Your water heater is not producing hot water
  • Water comes out of the faucet slowly or with a lot of pressure
  • Water smells bad or has a strange odor
  • Water temperature is consistently low or high

What are some of the solutions for common water heater issues?

There are a variety of solutions for common water heater issues, and it often depends on the issue. If your water heater is not heating or has stopped cooling, you should call a technician. Here are some other common water heater issues and some possible solutions:

Low water pressure: This could be caused by a build-up of sediment or mineral deposits in the lines or pump, a blockage in the system, or a low flow rate from the faucet. To solve this issue, you may need to clean out the lines or pump, replace the filter, or upgrade to a higher flow rate tankless water heater.

No hot water: If you’re missing hot water and there’s no sign of an issue with the boiler or heat exchanger, there may be an issue with your supply line. You can try running cold water until hot to see if that solves the problem. If that doesn’t work, there may be a problem with your faucet (like bad plumbing). In that case, you’ll need to replace the faucet.


Water heaters are an essential part of any home, and as such, they can be prone to breaking down from time to time. When this happens, it’s important to know when to replace your water heater in order to avoid any inconvenience or worse. In this article, we’ve outlined some of the most common issues that homeowners face with their water heaters. And, best advice for water heater replacement service and repair . Hopefully, this will help you determine when it’s time for a new one!

