Mass Facebook Friend Request Without 3rd Party Software

Jordan Coeyman
1 min readFeb 11, 2017

Sometimes it’s nice to be able to mass-follow without tools. I’ve never come across a tool that does this for Facebook, but I’m sure there is something out there that does it for you.

Required: Desktop & Web browser with JS console.

1) Login + search Facebook for a Group. For example, if you sell services to plumbers, look for a plumbers group. Join it (or it has to be a public one). Click on the members list.

2) Scroll all the way down, keep clicking “See More” until you have enough profiles on the page. Be careful if you load too many, it will likely crash your browser. I safely do a few hundred at a time.

3) Open your javascript console (different for each browser. If you need help on this let me know in the comments)

4) Paste in this javascript snippet:

What this does:

It simulates a click on every “Add Friend” button on the page, while ignoring the people you already follow.

That’s it.

Like this post? Do me a favor and let me know by smashing that ❤ button.

PS: You can find me on Facebook:

