Understanding the Difference Between EMRT and CMRT: A Comprehensive Guide

Acquis Compliance
2 min readJun 11, 2024



In today’s global marketplace, companies are increasingly focused on responsible mineral sourcing, particularly when it comes to conflict minerals. Two key tools used in this endeavor are the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) and the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) Electronic Materials Reporting Template (EMRT). While both serve similar purposes, they have distinct differences that are important for companies to understand. Let’s delve deeper into the disparities between EMRT and CMRT and how they impact mineral traceability efforts.
What is CMRT?
The CMRT is a standardized reporting template developed by the EICC and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). It is widely used across industries to gather information about the use of conflict minerals in the supply chain. Conflict minerals include tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold (3TG), which are often sourced from regions associated with human rights abuses and armed conflict.
What is EMRT?
On the other hand, the EMRT is a reporting template developed by the RMI, formerly known as the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI). It focuses specifically on the electronics industry and aims to collect data related to conflict minerals used in electronic components and products.
Key Differences Between EMRT and CMRT

  1. Scope: While both templates address conflict minerals, the CMRT is used across various industries beyond electronics, including automotive, aerospace, and jewelry. The EMRT, however, is tailored specifically for the electronics industry.
  2. Data Requirements: The CMRT and EMRT may have some overlapping data requirements, such as supplier information and smelter details. However, they may also have unique data fields specific to their respective industries and stakeholders.
  3. Implementation: The CMRT is widely adopted by companies participating in the EICC and GeSI initiatives, while the EMRT is primarily utilized by electronics companies that are members of the RMI.
  4. Updates and Revisions: Both templates undergo periodic updates and revisions to align with regulatory changes and industry best practices. However, the timing and frequency of updates may vary between the CMRT and EMRT.

Why Understanding the Difference Matters
Understanding the nuances between EMRT and CMRT is crucial for companies navigating mineral traceability requirements. Using the appropriate template ensures compliance with industry standards and regulatory expectations. Moreover, it facilitates effective communication and collaboration within supply chains, enabling stakeholders to work together towards responsible mineral sourcing practices.

