What shitcoiners *refuse* to understandIf iPhones were as fungible and easy to buy and sell as cryptocurrency, you could buy them, use them and then sell them back again in the…Feb 23, 20201Feb 23, 20201
Why Bitcoin’s volatility can only decrease (but it will take a bit longer)I know I suck at painting stuff, but I hope I can explain my point better within the next paragraphs.Feb 19, 2020Feb 19, 2020
Some conclusions after learning BitcoinThere is no such thing as altruist cooperation with strangers, that’s why we use money, ultimately a reputation system (Selfish gene)Feb 15, 2020Feb 15, 2020
How Bitcoin changed my political views 180 degreesUntil Bitcoin, I really didn’t have clear political views. I knew for sure every single politician sucked but didn’t really grasp why.Feb 10, 2020Feb 10, 2020
Money is about representing value transactionsAccording to the Selfish Gene book, we only want to exchange value or cooperate with strangers when there is an inmediate exchange. If we…Feb 5, 2020Feb 5, 2020
Bitcoin in Countries with weak GovernmentsSomething many bitcoiners fear is what happens if Bitcoin starts succeeding to the point it becomes annoying for Governments.Jan 26, 2020Jan 26, 2020
Real Estate moneynessIt’s been a while that I’ve been wondering what the future holds for the value of real estate in a bitcoinized economy and I think I’ve…Jan 25, 2020Jan 25, 2020
Bitcoin is perfectly suited for value time travelI can’t stop thinking about the striking similarities and analogies among commodities, energy markets, Bitcoin mining and Bitcoin itself.Jan 22, 2020Jan 22, 2020
Bitcoin has already succeededI frequently come across, like I guess most of you, people who repeat the mantra of “Bitcoin has failed” or “Bitcoin is going nowhere”…Jan 12, 2020Jan 12, 2020