Save Your Masterpiece: How to Troubleshoot Common Acrylic Painting Mistakes

3 min readMar 6, 2024


Acrylic painting is a versatile and vibrant medium, but like any artistic endeavor, it’s prone to mistakes. However, with a few simple techniques and a bit of patience, you can often salvage your work and turn those mistakes into opportunities for creativity. In this guide, we’ll explore some common acrylic painting mistakes and how to troubleshoot them effectively.

Overmixing Colors:
One common mistake beginners make is overmixing colors, resulting in muddy or dull tones. To avoid this, start with a limited palette and mix colors sparingly. If you’ve already overmixed, try adding a touch of a complementary color or a brighter hue to revive the vibrancy.

Uneven Coverage:
Uneven coverage can occur when the paint is applied too thinly or unevenly, leading to patchiness or streaks. To fix this, apply another layer of paint using a consistent brushstroke technique. Alternatively, you can try using a larger brush or diluting the paint slightly to achieve smoother coverage.

Blending Mishaps:
Blending colors seamlessly can be challenging, especially for beginners. If you’ve ended up with harsh lines or muddy transitions, don’t panic. Use a clean, damp brush to gently blend the edges, working in small circular motions until you achieve the desired effect. Patience and practice are key to mastering blending techniques. More information on Acrylic Painting Mistakes.

Too Much Paint:
Applying too much paint can result in thick, gloopy layers that take longer to dry and may crack over time. If you’ve applied too much paint, gently scrape off the excess using a palette knife or credit card. You can also try blotting the excess paint with a clean cloth or paper towel before it dries completely.

Incorrect Perspective or Proportion:
Perspective and proportion errors can detract from the realism of your painting. If you’ve made a mistake in this area, don’t despair. Use a ruler or straight edge to correct any skewed lines or angles. You can also use a grid or tracing paper to redraw elements with more accuracy.

Lack of Contrast:
A lack of contrast can make your painting appear flat and uninteresting. If your colors seem dull or muted, try increasing the contrast by adding darker shadows and brighter highlights. This will create depth and dimension, bringing your painting to life.

Smudging or Smearing:
Accidentally smudging or smearing wet paint can be frustrating, but it’s not the end of the world. Allow the paint to dry completely, then gently sand the affected area with fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out any imperfections. You can also try applying a thin layer of clear gesso to create a fresh surface for painting over the smudged area.

Fear of Making Mistakes:
Perhaps the most common mistake of all is the fear of making mistakes in the first place. Remember that mistakes are a natural part of the artistic process and can often lead to unexpected discoveries and creative breakthroughs. Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow from your mistakes, rather than letting them hold you back.

Acrylic painting mistakes are inevitable, but they don’t have to spell disaster for your masterpiece. With the right techniques and a positive mindset, you can overcome common pitfalls and turn your errors into opportunities for artistic innovation. Remember to stay patient, practice regularly, and most importantly, enjoy the journey of creative expression.




Acrylics are more forgiving than watercolor, but definitely less than oil. Hence, you might find yourself wondering “how to fix acrylic paint mistakes”.