The truth about your “organic” hair dye

That which we call a poison, by any other name…

A. C. Sterling
9 min readMar 16, 2020
Photo courtesy of Evelyn Bertrand, via Unsplash

I’ve come a long way with my naturally curly, 3c hair — from scraggly, rat-tail ends that were so damaged, they no longer curled, to healthy bouncing ringlets. It took me a lot of reading and reviewing old photos of myself to realize I needed to choose health over length.

Along this journey, I’ve also learned a thing or two about scalp health for better hair.

I’ve gone through the educational/transition-phase wringer while following a diverse crew of influencers from the natural community. I leaned toward the ones like Bianca Renee, who taught me about labels and which ingredients would make your hair feel amazing only to damage it later. From them, I also learned the alternative names companies use once consumers become wise and veer away from certain ingredients like silicone (you’ll find it also goes by dimethicone).

But for some reason, I never thought to check my hair dye label…

I guess in my mind, I knew it was bad, but I accepted it, because I had some grays to cover. I enrolled in one of those delivery services and touched up my roots every four to five weeks, because my hair grows quickly, even though it breaks easily.



A. C. Sterling

Represented author | Editor-in-chief | Award-winning journalist (California Newspaper Publishers Association, National Newspaper Association)