Open letter: Casuals call on ANU VC Brian Schmidt for transparency and accountability

ACT Casuals Network
21 min readJun 10, 2020


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We are collecting signatures from those who support this open letter. If you would like to sign, complete this form. Your name will be added to this post. We currently have 400+ supporters from all over the university and broader community.

As casuals at the ANU, we encourage our colleagues to vote ‘no’ on the proposal to amend our enterprise agreement. You can find more information here.

Dear Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt,

We are a group of casual and sessional workers at the Australian National University, and would like to refer to your email sent yesterday to all ANU staff: ‘Providing more detail on our financial position’.

In the same breath as proposing a flat-rate pay cut which will disproportionately affect low-income workers, without offering anything in return, you mention that the ANU’s financial strategy “will also involve reducing our salary bill — this means making hard decisions about fixed-term contracts, reducing our use of casual staff, and pursuing voluntary separations.”

We would like to draw your attention, Vice-Chancellor, to the fact that casual and fixed-term staff constitute at least one-third of ANU staff. It is cavalier to mention “making hard decisions” about us in passing, and it suggests that you are out of touch with the realities of working conditions at the ANU and in universities around the country. We are not ‘used’, we are hired, and our work is as essential to the functioning of this university as anyone’s.

A University which prioritises the quality of its teaching and research as its core mission, under the most equitable and democratic conditions, would be worthy of respect. You have asked ANU staff to vote on deferring a pay rise based on the assumption that such a deferral will save some of the jobs of casual and fixed-term colleagues. But as casuals we are deeply aware of the fact that our job security has never been the University’s priority. Your email was further proof that we are the first to lose our livelihoods under your plan.

We are also aware that you have yet to demonstrate to ANU staff that you have explored, fought for and exhausted all other options prior to arriving at your proposal. As the Vice-Chancellor of this ‘great institution’, the responsibility is upon you and your Executive to do so. One crucial option, among others, would be to make a concerted case to return Government funding to the University after several decades of defunding the sector, on par with Government funding given to private universities and to already heavily subsidised corporations. Another option would be to demonstrate how the current Executive and management numbers and salary levels are still required to suit your vision of a ‘smaller University’. Other financial options would be to ‘use’ existing endowments and sell off non-core business assets and investment portfolios.

We therefore write to ask some of the questions which you are yet to address: How many workers on casual and fixed-term contracts are there currently at the ANU and how many are you planning to “reduce using”? What are the criteria upon which these reductions will be made? How much money exactly will your proposed reductions of casuals ‘save’ the university as compared to reducing, for example, the number of Executive managerial staff? How will the money ‘saved’ be used to benefit the ANU community and its core objectives? How will the university and you, Vice-Chancellor, be accountable for the loss of incomes and livelihoods? Have you taken any serious measures to convert staff who will lose work to other positions? Has any proper accounting been prepared to measure the benefits to the University relative to the damage it is already doing to the people who have lost and will lose their employment?

You may recall, Vice-Chancellor, that many of the ANU’s casual employees have been working on casual contracts consecutively for years, and in some cases for over a decade. We have trained for a significant period of our lives to properly equip us for careers in universities, and we have earned the respect of our peers. Many of the ANU’s workers, teachers, researchers and professional staff are doing the work of continuing staff members on casual contracts, rather than being transitioned into ongoing positions, which is highly unethical and should be downright illegal. This structural inequity — not the unsubstantiated, putatively ‘low levels’ of cash reserves — is the problem that has been further exposed by this pandemic.

For precariously employed staff at the ANU, the crisis at the University hit well before the fires, hail and pandemic. Casual and fixed-term staff in this university (and who make up the majority of staff across universities combined across the country) have shouldered the burden of ‘saving money’ for our higher education sector for years now. We have been treated as ‘disposable’ employees who often start work prior to being issued contracts, who accumulate unpaid hours because there is simply not enough budgeted time to complete our work, who are denied basic securities such as sick leave or parental leave, and who are routinely discriminated against and ostracised in our schools and departments. Under these abusive conditions, once again, you are asking us to take another hit to ‘save’ money for the university.

Vice-Chancellor, we would like to remind you that during the pandemic, we responded by joining with our colleagues to work without bonuses or sufficient extra pay, to move our work online, transforming our homes into workplaces and to cover for the unforeseen difficulties faced by all. Are further cuts to our livelihoods the treatment that we deserve from ‘our ANU’? We await your reply.

ACT Casuals Network

The following people support this letter:

Ashley Thomson, ANU College of Health and Medicine, Tutor & Research Assistant.
Bianca Hennessy, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Tutor.
Katie Cox, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor & Research Assistant.
Lina Koleilat, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Lecturer and Tutor.
Talei Luscia Mangioni, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Tutor.
Rebecca Hendershott, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor.
Nicholas Gloe, ANU Libraries, Library Professional Staff .
Thomas Opie, ANU Student Central, Asst Student Information Officer.
Lindy Orthia, ANU College of Science, Senior Lecturer.
Simon Copland, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Course Convenor & Research Assistant.
Joe McCarthy, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Lecturer.
Isabel Mudford, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor.
Celeste Sandstrom, ANU College of Science, Demonstrator.
Justin Wood, ANU Graduate Research Office, Professional Staff.
Siobhan McDonnell, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Lecturer.
Carlos Eduardo Morreo, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Lecturer & Tutor.
Adam Broinowski, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Lecturer & Tutor.
Annie Brett, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Florrie Verity, ANU College of Science, Demonstrator.
Benjamin Hemmings, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Lecturer & Tutor.
Callum Dargavel, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Natalia Pereira Gutierrez, ANU College of Science, Student.
Emma Hartley, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Niam Foxcroft, ANU College of Science, Student.
Eranga Punchihewa, ANU College of Business and Economics/College of Law, Student.
Joshuah Yeend, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Gabriel Watchman, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Heather Johnston, ANU College of Science, Student.
Evangeline Sharman, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Student and Professional Staff.
Alisha Nolan, ANU Libraries, Professional Staff.
Madhumitha Janagaraja, ANU College of Health and Medicine, Student and ANUSA Vice President.
Emmanuel Bovell, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Claire Grant, ANU College of Law, Student.
Muhammad Hassaan Khalid, ANU College of Business and Economics, Student.
Eugenia Stuart, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Law, Student.
Tze Vun Voo, ANU College of Business and Economics, Professional Staff.
Elizabeth Adamczyk, University of Newcastle, Tutor.
Donny Pasaribu, ANU College of Art and Social Sciences, Tutor.
Paul Morris, University of Newcastle, Student, Coordinator and Tutor.
Tom Hodgson, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Thy O’Donell, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Ruth Nikijuluw, ANU College of Asia and Pacific, Tutor and Student.
Dominic Cradick, ANU College of Law, Student.
Casper Wallen, ANU College of Art and Social Sciences, Student.
Jonah Lafferty, ANU College of Art and Social Sciences/College of Science, Tutor and Student.
Camille McLeod, ANU College of Art and Social Sciences, Student.
Wannaphong Durongkaveroj, ANU College of Asia and Pacific, Tutor.
Marcel Berthon, ANU College of Art and Social Sciences/College of Science, Student.
Henrietta Lee, ANU College of Art and Social Sciences, Student.
Cosmo Jones, ANU College of Asia and Pacific, Student.
Miriam Wicks-Wilson, ANU College of Art and Social Sciences, Student.
Gene Pinter, ANU College of Art and Social Sciences, Student.
Joshua Coates, ANU College of Science, Student, Tutor and Research Assistant.
Phoebe Staats, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Ellyse Fenton, University of Queensland, Lecturer and Research Assistant.
Eleanor Cooper, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Victoria Silton, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/University of Melbourne, former ANU Student.
Robyn Lewis, ANU College of Law, Student and Research Assistant.
Faith Myers, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences and Research Services, Student and Professional Staff.
Tanika Sibal, ANU College of Law/College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Annabelle Nshuti, ANU College of Science, Student.
Lily Ward, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Emma Wannell, University of Canberra, Lecturer and Tutor.
Juliet Taylor, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Kate Brien, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Science, Student.
Mikayla Hyland-Wood, ANU College of Science, Student.
Rian Terrell, ANU College of Law/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Gen Kinoshita, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Former Student.
Anna Cohen, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Matt Wade, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Lecturer.
Melinda Cooper, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Professor.
Rhys Andrew Kerec, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Intifar Chowdhury, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor.
Jacquie Meng, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Baillee Farah, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Skanda Panditharatne, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Law, Student and ANUSA Education Officer.
Wren Somerville, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Zenia Vasaiwalla, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
MaryClare Woodforde, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student
Grace Gooding, ANU College of Science, Student.
Taylor Heslington, ANU College of Law/College of Asia and the Pacific, Student and ANUSA General Secretary.
Shannon Beckwith, ANU College of Business and Economics/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Beatrice Tucker, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia-Pacific, Student.
Natasha Tareen, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Rosie Proctor, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Law, Student.
Sian Hardy, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Ashleigh Morgan, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/Macquarie University/University of Woollongong, Student.
Natasha Tioukavkin, ANU College of Law/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Jenny Xue, ANU College of Law, Student.
Layla Steed, ANU School of Physics, Tutor.
Sarah Grace Wearne, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia-Pacific, Student.
Sheng Huang, ANU College of Business and Economics/College of Law, Student.
Natalia Fayyaz, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Science, Student.
Alice Tilleard, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Law, Student.
Joanne Leong, ANU School of Art/College of Computer Science/Drill Hall Gallery, Professional Staff, Former Computer Science Tutor, and Student.
Isabella Shaw, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Samuel Wassmann, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Rhiannon Schembri, ANU Research School of Biology, Student.
Aveline Yang, ANU College of Asia-Pacific/Joint College of Science, Health and Medicine, Student.
Tate McAllister, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Patrick Gunn, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Business and Economics, Student.
Owen MacNamara, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia-Pacific, Student.
Alastair Greig, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Emeritus Fellow.
Hemini Roshelle Martin, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Isabel Schibig, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Law, Student.
Karim Bolis, ANU College of Science, Student.
Clementine Girard-Foley, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, ANU Graduate.
Elizabeth Underwood, ANU College of Asia-Pacific, Student.
Fiona Navilly, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor and Professional Staff.
Khashif Jadwat, ANU College of Law/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Professional Staff.
Jayanth Paranji, ANU College of Business and Economics, Student and Tutor.
Dinith Adikari, ANU College of Asia and Pacific, Tutor.
Gemma Killen, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Lecturer and Professional Staff.
Philippa Barter, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Lecturer and Tutor.
Arig Saeed, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Luca Corby, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Science.
Wannaphong Durongkaveroj, ANU College of Asia and Pacific, Tutor.
Alannah Alley Freeman, ANU College of Sciences, Student.
Grace Gooding, ANU College of Science, Student.
Colum Graham, ANU College of Asia and Pacific, Tutor.
Andrew Carroll, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Business and Economics, Student.
Lara Esposito, ANU College of Science, Student.
Anne-Marie Goh, ANU College of Law/College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Dawn Dixie Leonardo, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science/ College of Business and Economics, Student, Tutor and Professional Staff.
Belinda Townsend, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Research Fellow.
Rick Kuhn, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Honorary Associate Professor.
Ben Silverstein, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
Amy Davis, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Law, Student.
Inger Mewburn, ANU College of Asia and Pacific, Director of Researcher Development.
Rachel Burgess, College of Business and Economics and College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Marnie Sier, La Trobe University, Professional staff.
Megan Phipps, College of Asia and Pacific / College of Arts and Social Sciences (CAIS) Student.
Nicolas Villarroel, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Nicholas Schmidt, former student at La Trobe University, former student.
Holly Zhang, ANU CASS, student.
Justine Poon, ANU College of Law, Tutor and Lecturer.
Angela Bragg, ANU College of Science, Student.
Rosie Joy Barron, The University of Melbourne, PhD student.
Hannah Veivers, College of Science, Student.
William Sima, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific Student, tutor, research Officer.
Sam Provost, ANU College of SciencePhD, Associate Lecturer.
Tyea Christie, Law Student.
Thomas Redmayne, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Annette Herrera, University of Melbourne Professional Staff.
Ivo Lovric, ANU Libraries, Professional Staff.
Hayley Pang, ANU College of Science, Student.
Sally Olds, University of Melbourne, Sessional Tutor in Arts.
Laurence Chappell, ANU CAP, Student.
Nicole Wedgwood, University of Sydney, Senior Lecturer.
Noah Trajceski, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Francesca Bleeker, School of Art, Alumni.
Phoebe Holland, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/ANU College of Science, Student.
Sophie Crandall, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences Student.
Ben Lee, ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences / ANU College of Business & Economics (BA(Hons)/BEc alumnus, ‘14)PhD candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Isabele Dunk, ANU CASS, CAP and College of Sciences, Undergrad Student.
Giverney Ainscough, ANU CASS Tutor, PhD candidate.
Christopher Chevalier, ANU CASS, Student and former tutor.
Deborah Veness, ANU CASS, Manager & Senior Educational Developer.
H Halford-Smith, ANU College of Law / College of Asia & the Pacific, Student.
James Brien, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, PhD Candidate, Tutor, Academic Skills Writing Coach.
James Ansell, ANU College of Science, Tutor/Marker.
Jacqueline Storey, The University of Melbourne, Sessional Lecturer.
Catherine Ross, ANU College of Science, Tutor and research assistant.
Rebecca Williamson, ANU CASS, Tutor, Research Officer.
Nicholas Thackray, ANU CASS, Student.
Caitland Coulson, ANU CASS, Student.
Mia Jessurun, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Yonjae Paik, ANU CAP, Student.
Luke James Corbin, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, PhD Candidate.
Saidalavi P.C. ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Hieu Nguyen, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, PhD Candidate.
Benjamin Raven, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, casual academic.
Leonid Petrov, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Visiting Fellow.
Joowhee Lee, ANU college of Asia and the Pacific Student, lecture and tutor.
John Dove, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Deveni Temu, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Tok Pisin 3 Convener (Casual/Sessional lecturer)
Mithun Comar, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science, Student.
Rachael Lowe, ANU College of Science, PhD candidate, tutor and demonstrator.
Hannah Gibson, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Jack Johnson, ANU College of Law/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Susannah French, ANU College of the Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor.
Dana Throssell, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Sayler Allen, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Georgia vdw, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Miranda Bruce, ANU CASS, PhD Candidate.
Meg Houghton, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Adeline Tinessia, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Sofia Samper Carro, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia and the Pacific, Lecturer and Research Assistant.
Gemma King, ANU CASS, Senior Lecturer.
Felix Pal, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Maya Salama, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/ Crawford School of Public Policy, Student and Professional Staff.
Phoebe Lupton, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Erin Kirsch, ANU College of Science, Student.
Trish Tupou, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Student, Tutor.
Kai Tanter, University of Melbourne, Tutor.
Shan Windscript, University of Melbourne, PhD Candidate, Casual Tutor.
Pien Roebers, ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society, Student.
Alexandra Marley, CAP/CASS, PhS student in CAP, lecturer in CASS.
Satchi Kalra, ANU College of Business and Economics, Tutor.
Katie Byrnes, Law/CASS, Student.
Deborah Cleland, CAP, Postdoctoral Fellow.
Michelle Chudzinski, Scholarly Informative Services, professional staff.
Caren Florance, ANU CASS (SOAD) + UC FAD, Sessional Lecturer (ANU); Sessional Lecturer & Tutor (UC).
Diana Perriman, Medical School, College of Health and Medicine, Senior Lecturer and Associate Director HDR.
Harry Needham, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific/College of Arts & Social Sciences, Alumnus.
Catherine Yen, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Former student.
Matthew Ball, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student and tutor.
Aaron Tang, ANU College of Science, PhD Candidate.
Charlotte Fell, College of Asia and the Pacific, College of Computer Science and Engineering, Student.
R.G. Williams, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, PhD student and tutor.
Cristina Saulo, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Francine Henderson, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Sally Zhang, ANU College of Combined Sciences, Student.
Nelida Contreras, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Professional staff.
Clare Lucre, ANU College of Law/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Anjali Yasodara Walisinghe, ANU College of Health and Medicine, Student.
Anne Vaughan-Pow, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia-Pacific, Student.
Luke Smyth, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Mitiana Arbon, ANU College of Asia-Pacific (CHL), Student and Research Assistant.
Georgina McLean, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Oscar Davis, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Business and Economics, ANU Alumni.
Diana Tung, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor and Student.
Brittany Burgess, ANU School of Art and Design/School of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Lachlan Milligan, University of Melbourne, Student and Tutor.
Mike Jones, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
Henri Vickers, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Law, Student and 2019 ANUSA General Representative.
Sophie Hoogewerff, ANU College of Science/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Henry Nix, ANU College of Science (Fenner), Student.
Morgan Eyles, ANU College of Science, Student.
Victoria Liang, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Tanisha Gupta, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Business and Economics, Student.
Anaiteraii Lewis, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Zoe Cheong, ANU, Student and tutor.
Sarah Lim, ANU College of Law, Student.
James Prest, ANU College of Law, Senior Lecturer.
Christina Lee, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Phoebe Ellis, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Alumni.
Arthur Trekiar, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Sinead Wilson, ANU College of Science, Student and Demonstrator.
Vrinda Gupta, ANU College of Science, Student and Demonstrator.
Millan Pintos-Lopez, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Professional Staff.
Perry Slater, ANU College of Business and Economics, Student.
Bryce Kositz, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Visting Fellow, Graduate, Former Staff.
Layla Almahanadi, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science, Student.
Terence Johnson, ANU College of Science, Student.
Malynda Bo, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Science, Student.
Colleen Considine, La Trobe University, Student.
Damien Zuccarini, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Tutor.
Sienna O’Dea, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Law, Student.
Tanya Dixit, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science, Student and Tutor.
Ayla Seymour, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Gavin Smith, ANU CASS, A/Prof.
Hao Pham, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
A.I, College of Business and Economics, Lecturer.
Ng Qian Qian, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Disha Kapasi, ANU CoS, Student and Tutor.
Sean Harris, ANU CoS, Student and tutor.
Sophie Whittaker, ANU College of Law and Health Sciences, Student.
Ruth Mills, ANU College of Science/College of Health and Medicine, Professional staff.
Eleonora Quijada Cervoni, ANU Centre for Learning and Teaching Professional Staff.
Latecia Ho, ANU College of Law/ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Maeve Powell, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, PhD Candidate and Research Associate.
Rafael Pintos-Lopez, ANU CASS, Former Lecturer.
Ines Pintos-Lopez, ANU CASS, Former Student.
Rebecca Fox, ANU College of Science Postdoctoral Researcher.
Mary Drummond, College of Arts and Social Science, Undergraduate Student.
Jesse Lyon, ANU CBE and CASS, Student.
Benjamin Blanch, ANU Social Science Student.
Belle Dobbins, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/ANU College of Science, Student.
Nicole Molyneux, ANU School of Sociology, PhD Candidate.
Kira Davey, ANU CASS, Student.
Annabel Hartmanis, ANU Fenner College of Environmental Science, Student.
Anastasia Kanjere, La Trobe, Monash, Sessional Academic.
Crystal McLaughlin, DVCA Portfolio, Professional Staff.
Rafael Florez, ANU Centre for Learning and Teaching, Professional Staff.
Emily Robertson, College of Asia and the Pacific, Research Assistant and tutor.
Rachel Williamson, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Binura Yomal, College of Business and Economics, Tutor.
Madeleine McDonald, College of Asia Pacific, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Jie-Li Chen McIntyre, CASS, Student.
Katie Freund, College of Health and Medicine, Professional staff.
Terese Corkish, ANU Postgraduate and Research Students’ Association, Staff Member.
Isabella Rusiti, College of Law/College of Art and Social Sciences, Student.
Neha Jagannath, ANU College of Asia-Pacific/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Elena Sheard, ANU College of Art and Social Sciences, PhD student and Former Research Assistant.
Henrietta McNeill, ANU College of Asia-Pacific (Coral Bell School), PhD Student, Tutor, and Researcher.
Sian Bullingham, ANU College of Art and Social Sciences/College of Business and Economics, Graduate.
Jesse Wallace, ANU College of Science, Demonstrator.
Fleur Hawes, ANU College of Law, Graduate.
Melita Dahl, ANU College of Art and Social Sciences, Professional Staff & Former Sessional Lecturer.
Hedvig Skirgård, ANU College of Asia-Pacific, Student and Tutor.
Beau Johnston, ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science, Visiting Fellow.
Kate Mckenna, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Science, Student.
Ashwin Sunilkumar, ANU College of Business and Economics, Student.
Saeed Fazeli, ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science, Tutor.
Alexandria Riddel, College of Asia Pacific Affairs, Student.
Jessie Callaghan, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Alumni.
Rohan McCarthy-Gill, University of Sussex, Professional Staff.
Elise Klein, ANU College Asia and Pacific, Lecturer.
Kiran Phillipps, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Veronica Munoz, University of Canberra, Student.
Lucy Stuart, ANU Fenner School of Environment & Society, Student.
Lisa Thomas, University of Newcastle, Student.
Daniella Trimboli, Deakin University, Student.
Nick Cheesman, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Fellow.
Lachlan Clohesy, Victoria University/University of Sydney, Former Student and NTEU Organiser.
Russell Smith, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Lecturer.
Henry Rooney Morgan Zovaro, ANU College of Science, Postdoctoral Researcher.
Henry Shawcross, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Jeong Yoon Ku, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Tutor.
Chris Ballard, ANU College Asia and Pacific, Lecturer.
Guy Gould, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Science, Student.
Elisheva Madar, ANU College of Law/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Blair Williams, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Associate Lecturer.
Hipolitus Wangge, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Tutor.
William Holmes A Court, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Ho Ching Yuen, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences (School of Music), Student.
Hayden Alexander Griffiths, ANU College of Science, Student.
Odette Shenfield, ANU College of Law/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Alumna.
Dominic Aldis, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Alumni.
Aaron Midson, ANU College of Science, Student.
Lydia Hanna, ANU College of Science (Fenner School), Student.
Madeline O’Rourke, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Victoria Herbert, ANU College of Science (Fenner School), Student.
Matthew Sinn, ANU College of Science/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Madhur Chhabra, ANU College of Health and Medicine, Research Assistant.
Stephanie Lockhart, Macquarie University, Student.
Annabel Howard, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Business and Economics, Student.
Jenny Davis, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Senior Lecturer.
Louis Klee, ANU Bachelor of Philosophy PHB alumnus/PhD student and John Monash Scholar at Gonville & Caius College Cambridge.
James Chouinard, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Lecturer.
Johann Wagner, ANU College of Business and Economics/JCOS, Student.
Tess Snowball, ANU Academic Skills, Manager.
Katerina Teaiwa, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Associate Professor.
Rachel Chopping, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Beth Simpson, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Debbie Noble-Carr, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Researcher.
Alyson Wright, ANU College of Health and Medicine/College of Asia and the Pacific, Research Assistant and Research Associate.
Bec Colvin, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Lecturer.
Suliljaw Lusausatj, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, PhD Student.
Katrin Matthews, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor.
Alicia Cox, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Student and Professional Staff.
Anne Newton, ANU Libraries, Professional Staff.
Jessie Liu, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Eboni Westbury, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Waka Okumura, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Amber Karanikolas, La Trobe University, Melbourne University, PhD candidate and Research Assistant.
Serrin Rutledge-Prior, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor.
Eliza Benson, ANU CASS Sociology, Student.
Johanna Rendle-Short, ANU CASSHonorary Assoc Prof.
T. Mark Ellison, Universität zu Köln, Researcher.
Oscar Kaspi-Crutchett, ANU CASS, Student.
Kunal Agrawal, ANU College of Law,Student.
Robert Hogg, University of Queensland Lecturer and tutor.
Hannah Box, ANU — Engagement and Succes, Student Leader.
Stella Rapson, ANU CBE, CASS, CAP, CSS, Student.
Su-En Hia, ANU Joint Colleges of Science/College of Law, Student.
Alistair Thomson, ANU Research School of Management, Research Assistant.
Tilly Hickenbotham, ANU Central services, Professional staff.
Eve Crossett, ANU CASS, student.
Anushka Vidanage, ANU CECS, Student.
Dot Pagram, ANU Jcos, CASS, Student.
Leanne Hanrahan, University of Melbourne, Tutor.
Siang Jin Law, ANU College of Law, College of Arts and Social Science, College of Business and Economics, Student.
Harriet Balcomb, ANUCollege of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Hayley Yates, ANU CECS, Student and tutor.
Erin Mincham, ANU CAP and CASS, Student.
Anna Symonds, ANU Fenner School, CAPS, CASS, Student, casual staff.
Harry Douglas, ANU CoL, Fenner school, Student.
Cameron Langfield, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor/research assistant.
Alice Noonan, ANU College of Law, Student.
Patricia Wang-Zhao, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science/ College of Business and Economics, Student.
Liam Cash, ANU CASS, CBE, Student.
Bec Beutel, ANU Fenner and CASS, Student and tutor.
Alexandra Williams, ANU Arts and science, Student.
Rina Singh, School of Culture History and Language, Lecturer.
Dominique Holani, ANU Science & CAP, Student.
Jahnavi Samprathi, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences & Joint Colleges of Science, Student.
Andy Yin, ANU College of Science, Student.
Saskia Roberts, ANU College of Law/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor and Research Officer.
Isabella Stephens, Research School of Population Health, Student.
Fergus N Sherwood, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Renée Baynie, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Student.
Sasha Isaac, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Tutor.
Kishen Saai Prabakara Rao, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Belinda Lawson, ANU Libraries, Professional Staff.
Matthew Robertson, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, PhD Student.
J. M. Peralta, Exams, Graduation, Awards & Prizes, Professional Staff.
Florin, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/Respectful Relationships Unit, Former Student/Professional Staff.
Theresa Tran, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Business Economics, Student.
Bonnie Lam, ANU College of Business Economics, Tutor.
Victoria Firth-Smith, Researcher Development, Manager, HDR Candidate Experience.
Lawrence J Saha, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Emeritus Professor.
Albie Ryan, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Science, Student.
Campbell Clapp, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Law, Student.
Lucy Bannon, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Law, Student.
Abigail Cox, ANU School of Sociology/School of Psychology, Student.
Weifeng Tao, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Emily Angelkovski, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Gina Morrison, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Margaux Cowley, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Nicholas Hoare, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, HDR Student/Professional Staff.
Jenny Homerang, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Lecturer.
Lara Videnovic, Financial Shared Services, Professional Staff (Finance Assistant).
Josephine Hunt, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Course Development Assistant (CSA).
Kirsty Wissing, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, PhD Candidate.
Adelaide Bragias, ANU College of the Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Rafael Delghingaro Augusto, ANU College of the Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Keith Barney, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Senior Lecturer.
Teah Linnegar, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific/College of Arts and Social Sciences/ANU Drill Hall Gallery, Student/Professional Staff.
Laurajane Smith, ANU College of the Arts and Social Sciences, Professor.
Alexandra Titova, ANU College of Science, Student.
Sam Hinwood, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences/College of Engineering and Computer Science, Student.
Will Robertson, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Ewelina Przybyszewski, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Professional Staff.
Mikaela Knight, ANU College of the Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Molly Folkard, ANU College of Science, Student.
Jiaying Goj, ANU College of Law/College of Business Economics, Alumni.
Allie Mathe, ANU College of Arts and Social Science/College of Science, Student.
N Haider, ANU College of Law/College of Arts & Social Sciences, Student.
Morgan Shepherd, ANU College of Health and Medicine/College of Arts and Social Sciences, Student.
Michelle N Rooney, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Research Fellow.

