Daniel Regan
4 min readMar 25, 2020

After coming out of the collective shadow waves of turbulence and constriction these last weeks, we’ve now entered a more ‘mental’ transit — The realm of opinions.⁣

Opinions and judgements…⁣

It’s very clear to see these everywhere right now.⁣

From the outset of this monumental event that has rocked the citizens of earth, we have had a continuous stream of news, perspectives, peoples truths, ‘facts’ and everyone having their own opinions about whats happening, what it all means and how we are going to survive. An ‘infodemic’ as the world health organisation has aptly described it.⁣

Many lives are at stake, the primal fear of death and survival are running through the collective and feeding the panic and paranoia like never before. We’ve also been cast more into the realm of the unknown, in of itself a very uncomfortable place for many.⁣

The world is experiencing something it never has. Everyone is affected in vastly different ways, and so is their response and reaction to it. ⁣

When we’re in fear, our worst selves have the opportunity to arise from the tender places and deep defensive structures that we carry within, often from earlier life events that have been conveniently tucked away until that point. If we have an uncomfortable feeling or emotion, especially a constant stream of them such as now, the mind will get extremely busy about whats happening in an attempt to feel more safe, override the emotional body and…



Daniel Regan

Avid explorer of Shamanic Mysticism & and the real grounded magic on offer as we face our deepest fears & take full ownership of our inherent shadow nature 🥷