An Online Community for Neighborhood, Do we need another social network?

Active Neighbor
4 min readOct 8, 2018


In this fast-paced era, we have to do zillions of things (literally) in a day-going everywhere physically, and meeting people personally seems so much hassle which nobody can afford. Luckily, we have social media through which we can simultaneously plan a meeting, chat with a friend, call our mom, and

schedule our work plan with the colleagues and what not! We can connect with as many people as we want, anywhere around the world using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn e.t.c. — which is why the contemporary world has turned out to be a global village.

Besides all these benefits, these social platforms do have some limitations. You can connect with a far-off stranger and know about him/her but we are still missing a very important niche in this eco-system, what if we want to connect with the people living in our neighborhood these existing social media networks do not seem to be a right option. Consider, If you are a newcomer in a community and you want to interact with your

neighbors by using any of the above mentioned social media networks. You realize the importance of neighborhood connectivity when you came across some emergency, looking for some recommendations related to the neighborhood or want to plan a quick catch up for a house party of activity in your neighborhood. There are zillions of situations in which you

want to connect to your neighbors but unfortunately do not have a way to reach them.

Considering the shortcomings of existing platforms, we decided to create a community that will help you to revive your neighborhood culture without compromising your private space. It will not only help you to interact with your neighbors but also help you in many day-to-day situations. We are trying to list some of the use cases where you will find Active Neighbor as your best neighborhood companion.

Connect with your Neighbors

We are reframing the way how neighbors used to interact with each other. In the current era, people do not have enough time to interact with their neighbors but still, they want to to keep themselves aware of what is happening in their surrounding. We provide you a private online space where you can say Hi to your neighbor as a goodwill gesture without compromising your private space.

Ask for Recommendations

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No matter if you are relocating to a new neighborhood or staying somewhere during your vacations, your neighbors are your first source of information to get authentic recommendations related to food, accommodation, commute, or medical facilities. Are you looking for a maid for your house or need some plumber to fix a tap in your washroom, your neighbors can help you to find a suitable option for your need.

Looking for an Activity partner

Are you are a Yoga enthusiast, love group workouts, or crazy for some sports? Active Neighbor will help you to find an activity partner in your neighborhood. It will not only save your time to travel to a distant location but also help you to create a new community in your neighborhood.

Ask for immediate help

photo credit: help neighbors

There are lots of daily life situations in which you cannot even rely on your family members if they are not around as you need someone to immediately attend to you (e.g. medical emergencies or some criminal activity). In these critical situations, your neighbors are the only closed one who can attend to you immediately and provide you with the necessary help required to rescue you from that situation, Active Neighbor will help you to immediately get attention from your neighbors. It will help you to make your community empathetic and safer.

Selection of a safer neighborhood

It is vital to know who your neighbors are. This is important for a safe and secure community. You get to know about each and everyone in this world through these social networks but unfortunately, you cannot look into who your neighbors are. There is no doubt that your neighborhood decides your quality of living. Now, you can connect to them by using Active Neighbor and see whether they are a good fit for your family or not.

An indispensable need of a social network for a community to work together

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You can make a group of nearby neighbors and can share community info, can pass resolutions to form a better, nicer, and cleaner community. Hence, there are uncountable leads one can have over other communities by using a separate, private, and free social platform that connects neighbors

together like never before!

If you think these are some important aspects of your life that you are still missing, it is still not too late, join us at and become a part of the first neighborhood community.



Active Neighbor

Active Neighbor is the most convenient, user-friendly app that enables you to connect with your immediate neighbors.