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Fitness 50 at Age 100

Regan Archibald, Lac, FMP
5 min readJul 9, 2023


What if you could enjoy the fitness levels of the world’s healthiest 50 year olds…….at age 100?

At one of the Free Zone events, Dan Sullivan, Founder of Strategic Coach, asked me, “What are the best physical benchmarks that I will want to be doing at the age of 100, that a fit 50 year old can do?” As I dove into the research, I found 11 core exercises that are each longevity fitness related.

The Fitness 50 benchmarks are diagnostic. Each of the 11 movements predicts neurological and physical decline long before images . With three levels — Fit, Fitter, Fittest — the benchmarks provide fun, progressive challenges.

The goal: Have a fitness baseline to enjoy at 100.

I think exercise is one of the most enjoyable parts of life. I’ve often said to my patients who haven’t prioritized it that I wished I could exercise for them.

Dan Sullivan’s goal: live to be 156 but to arrive with the desire to renegotiate the number.

He’s currently 79 and more energized, productive, and creative than at any other stage of his life. He’s also successfully reversed his biological age by nearly a decade.

Photo by Lukas Rychvalsky on Unsplash

Feel free to check out my interview with Dan here: or on Spotify:

Here are the 11 Fitness 50 Benchmarks:

Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

Pushups: 40 reps (modifications allowed) reduce heart disease and stroke risk 96%, build strength, and boost growth hormone. *Cardiovascular and strength.

Plank: Improves posture, core strength, flexibility, endurance, BMR, and immunity. *Metabolism, flexibility, strength, endurance, immunity.

Grip strength: Stronger grip means lower blood pressure and stroke risk. Improves testosterone, growth hormone, and signals full-body muscle readiness. *Cardiovascular health and strength.

Wall squat: Improves lower-body stability, strength, blood pressure, and back health. *Balance, alignment, cardiovascular health, strength.

Lunges: Benefits hamstrings, glutes, back. Corrects instability, improves balance. *Strength, balance, alignment.

Sit to stand: Tests core strength, endurance, balance, mortality risk. *Strength, balance, endurance.

Sit to rise: Assesses musculoskeletal fitness, longevity, balance, coordination. *Strength, balance, coordination.

Single-leg balance: Lowers stroke risk, improves circulation and vascular health. Promotes flexibility, prevents cognitive decline, extends life. *Flexibility, balance, cardiovascular health.

1 mile (8–12 mins): Runs, elliptical, rowing, swimming boost cardiovascular and cognitive function, strength, endurance. Lowers stroke risk. *Endurance, cardiovascular fitness, brain health.

  • Burpees: Increase blood flow, lower blood pressure. Build strength, coordination, endurance. Spark fat burning, raise metabolism, cut mortality risk. *Endurance, fitness, strength, cardiovascular health.

To get better aquatinted with these movements visit the demonstration video here

On my 44th birthday, I decided to engage in “25 enjoyable miles” of exercise every single week. In order to make the miles enjoyable, I picked up some new hobbies in cross country skiing, walking backwards, and hill-climbing on my mountain bike while listening to audiobooks. (Prior to this challenge I suffered in silence.)

I found that my quality of life improves in proportion to the enjoyable activities that I engage in, especially when I’m not dealing with injuries, which is why on my 45th birthday, I gave my body a stem cell and peptide party to reverse 4 decades of wear and tear and I’m feeling amazing. What are some physical activities you want to engage in even more?

I’ve always looked for the world’s best therapies that carry the least amount of downside and for an outsized health return. While peptides, stem cell rejuvenation, and acupuncture top my list, they still won’t outperform good old fashion exercise. Even with all of its benefits, it remains one of the most challenging habits to get you engaged in, which is why we created the Longevity Fitness program.

Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

The Longevity Fitness program is East West Health’s newest upgrade led by our certified Pain-Free Performance Specialist and Fitness Advisors . It is designed to help you live your best life at any age without risking injury or degeneration. One of my highlights is to see women in their 70’s doing push-ups or men in their 80’s able to do a perfect squat.

I often see the enthusiasm for longevity when our clients are being tested on their Fitness 50 Benchmarks. While it might not be what you are looking for right now, these 11 Benchmarks might be the reality check that you need to level up your fitness, no matter what age you are.

Photo by Stephen Walker on Unsplash

My name is Regan Archibald and the reason I write on Medium is because a lot of people are unhealthy and I don’t want you to be one of them.

I’m the founder of East West health, which is a Age Reversal company that allows you to become unreasonably healthy in the shortest amount of time without sacrificing the enjoyable parts of life.

Your time is the most valuable resource you have and so I want to give you easy ways to stay healthy so that your next decade of life, is your best decade. If you enjoy the show, and leave us a review, you will

If you are a business owner or executive, in an entrepreneurial household, or maybe you are looking to you want to reverse your aging process and get better answers then schedule a call with our Health Ascension specialist,, and get your labs ran today to find out the steps to take to feel, look and perform your best.

Yours in health,

Regan Archibald



Regan Archibald, Lac, FMP

Regan Archibald, Lac, FMP is a leader in longevity medicine, peptide therapies and stem cells. He and his team at EastWest Health have tested over 9,000 labs.