The Intersection of Reincarnation and Autism: A Spiritual Perspective

A. C. Winslow
11 min readJun 24, 2023


Ethereal sillouete of human floating in space


The concept of reincarnation, or the soul’s rebirth into a new physical body after death, is one that has sparked interest and controversy throughout history. The idea, embraced by many cultures and religions worldwide, postulates that the soul continues its journey towards spiritual perfection by accumulating diverse experiences through multiple lifetimes. This article explores the possibility that Autism Spectrum Disorder, a condition characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, and communication, may be understood from a reincarnation perspective.

Sources of Inspiration

This inquiry is grounded in a comprehensive collection of books and resources, including works by Helen Wambach, Dr. Jim B. Tucker, Michael Newton, Dr. Ian Stevenson, Allen Kardec, and Dr. Brian Weiss. These authors have extensively explored topics ranging from past life regression therapy and children’s memories of previous lives to philosophical movements advocating the existence of spirits and the afterlife.

To better understand the reincarnation perspective on autism, it’s crucial to delve into the key sources and authors that contribute to this line of thought. These books offer comprehensive insights into reincarnation, past lives, and spiritual growth, providing a strong foundation for this exploration.

Helen Wambach, Ph.D.: “Reliving Past Lives”

Helen Wambach approaches reincarnation from a skeptic’s viewpoint, intending to disprove its existence through statistical comparison of historical elements reported in past life memories. To her surprise, after investigating over one thousand cases, she finds the evidence supporting the idea of past lives compelling, forcing her to reconsider her stance.

Dr. Jim B. Tucker: “Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children’s Memories of Former Lives”

Dr. Tucker examines the fascinating phenomenon of children who claim to have past life memories. As a psychiatrist and researcher, he investigates these claims through extensive fieldwork, providing evidence that supports the concept of reincarnation.

Michael Newton, Ph.D.: “Destiny of Souls” and “Journey of Souls”

Michael Newton delves into the reality of life between lives and provides a detailed explanation of how the process works. His books offer fascinating insights into the soul’s journey and the stages it goes through between incarnations.

Dr. Ian Stevenson, M.D.: “Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect”

In his book, Dr. Stevenson presents a scientific investigation into reincarnation. He examines cases of children with past life memories exhibiting birthmarks and birth defects that align with wounds and injuries from a previous life, further substantiating the idea of past life memories.

Dr. Brian Weiss

A renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Weiss has contributed significantly to the field of past life regression therapy. His work, involving guiding patients to recall past lives through hypnosis, adds another layer of understanding to the complexity of the human soul and its multiple lives.

Through these authors’ lenses, we can gather a holistic view of the spiritual journey, providing a basis for our exploration into the reincarnation perspective on autism.

Allen Kardec

Kardec, the founder of a philosophical movement in the mid-19th century, wrote extensively on the existence of spirits and the afterlife. His work offers an in-depth exploration of spiritual communication with the living, laying the groundwork for understanding the interaction between the physical and spiritual realms.

Review of Key Concepts

Reincarnation and Free Will

Central to the idea of reincarnation is the principle that the soul chooses its lives and challenges, exercising its free will to foster personal growth. This perspective implies that opting for more demanding experiences could potentially facilitate more profound spiritual development.

The Concept of Perispirit

Reincarnation postulates the existence of the perispirit, an ethereal body linking the soul and the physical body. It acts as an interface between the individual’s consciousness and their physical form, allowing the soul to perceive and interact with the material world. This perispirit, tied to the soul’s evolution and growth, begins to connect with the fetus’s body in the womb, forming an intricate relationship that defines the individual’s earthly experience.

Multiple Worlds Theory

The multiple worlds concept suggests that several realms of existence are scattered beyond our planet. According to this belief, each world harbors unique species characterized by diverse mental and physical traits, thereby promising varied experiences for incarnating spirits. A spirit typically spends numerous incarnations within a specific planet before deciding to venture into a different realm.

Autism in the Context of Reincarnation

Based on the literature and an integrated understanding of the concepts discussed, autism may be interpreted from a reincarnation standpoint. Consider a scenario where a spirit, after spending many lives in one planet (let’s call it Planet A), decides to reincarnate in a new realm (Planet B, which could be our planet Earth) to spur spiritual growth. As the species inhabiting Planet A and B differ significantly, both mentally and physically, the spirit’s perispirit may encounter challenges in adapting to the new physical reality of Planet B.

Imagine the perispirit as a mold that fits perfectly into the species of Planet A, establishing a seamless connection at the neurological, cellular, and overall macro levels. When the spirit transitions to Planet B, the perispirit’s compatibility with the new physical reality becomes compromised.

The perispirit plays a vital role in our understanding of the reincarnation theory of autism. Originating from Spiritism, the perispirit is an ethereal, spiritual body that provides the critical link between the soul and the physical body. It is through the perispirit that the soul, which is immaterial and timeless, is able to interact with the physical world.

Each reincarnation requires the perispirit to adapt and mold itself to the conditions of the new physical body it is connected with. For a soul that has reincarnated many times on the same planet, the perispirit would have developed a certain familiarity with the specific conditions of life on that planet. However, when a soul chooses to reincarnate on a different planet, the perispirit has to navigate a new, often very different physical and mental reality.

This is where we can draw a parallel with autism. When a soul that has spent numerous lives on Planet A decides to reincarnate on Planet B, the perispirit has to manage a significant change in the conditions it is accustomed to. This unfamiliarity might manifest as the traits associated with autism — differences in social interaction, communication, sensory experiences, and repetitive behaviors. As such, the autistic traits might be interpreted as the perispirit’s efforts to navigate and adapt to this new environment.

In this context, autism might be interpreted as a manifestation of the perispirit’s struggles to adapt to a new planetary environment. Sensory experiences, for instance, might become confusing due to the stark differences between the two planets. Communication and social understanding could become arduous, especially if the spirit’s prior existence did not necessitate verbal language.

Each element of autism might be explained by this hypothesis of being a “new arrival,” suggesting that autistic individuals are brave souls who have chosen to grow through the challenges offered by their new planetary home. Moreover, they are likely old souls, having completed a significant number of reincarnations in another world before embarking on their journey on Planet B, which, in this case, represents Earth.

DSM-5 Autism Diagnostic Criteria Through a Spiritual Lens

As an example, we will apply the spiritual lens to the definition of autism in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), as a widely accepted medical framework. However, it’s important to remember that the scope of this article is not exhaustive so as to cover all frameworks and models. As medical and psychological knowledge continues to evolve, new frameworks such as the potential DSM-6 may emerge, to which this spiritual perspective can be reapplied and further examined. Beyond medical diagnoses, the spiritual lens applied here could easily be extended to explore other frameworks, models and concepts, such as the Double Empathy Problem, monotropism, and more.

The DSM-5 is the guide used by clinicians to diagnose mental disorders, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The manual outlines specific diagnostic criteria for ASD, which we’ll now discuss through the lens of reincarnation and spiritual growth.

A. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts

In the context of reincarnation, these deficits could be interpreted as the challenges a soul faces in adapting to a new planet’s social norms. These souls are grappling with unfamiliar methods of communication and social cues, which might be vastly different from what they were accustomed to in their previous planet.

B. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities

From a spiritual perspective, these behaviors could be seen as coping mechanisms. The soul may revert to these patterns as a way to find comfort and order in an unfamiliar environment.

C. Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period

The early onset of symptoms might reflect the immediate challenges the soul faces in synchronizing its perispirit with a new body and environment. The process of adaptation starts early in development and is an ongoing journey throughout the individual’s life.

D. Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning

The struggles faced in daily life mirror the soul’s ongoing process of adjustment to a new planetary existence. The more substantial the impairment, the more recent the soul’s transition might be from another planet.

E. These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) or global developmental delay

If viewed through the lens of reincarnation, the distinctive characteristics of autism are not related to intellectual or developmental deficits, but instead reflect the unique challenges a soul faces when adapting to life on a new planet.

This spiritual perspective offers a compassionate and empathetic understanding of the ASD diagnostic criteria. By viewing the experiences of those with autism as part of a brave spiritual journey, we can encourage a deeper appreciation for their resilience and potential for growth.

Autism Spectrum and Levels of Reincarnation Experience

The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is typically categorized into three different levels of severity: Level 1 (Requiring Support), Level 2 (Requiring Substantial Support), and Level 3 (Requiring Very Substantial Support). Each level is characterized by varying degrees of social communication difficulties and restrictive, repetitive behaviors. To explore these levels in the context of reincarnation, we could hypothesize a correlation between the level of autism and the reincarnation experience in the new planet.

Level 3 Autism and Reincarnation

Level 3 Autism, described as requiring very substantial support, can be seen as individuals who may be on their first few reincarnations in the new planet. As they have had less reincarnation experience in this environment, they might struggle more significantly to adapt. Their perispirit might encounter greater difficulties interfacing with the new physical reality, leading to intense sensory experiences, severe communication challenges, and limited social understanding. Their behaviors could be seen as attempts to navigate this unfamiliar environment, with the potential for significant growth in subsequent reincarnations.

Level 2 Autism and Reincarnation

Individuals with Level 2 Autism, requiring substantial support, may have reincarnated a few more times in the new planet than those at Level 3. Their struggles, while still substantial, could be slightly less pronounced due to the perispirit’s growing familiarity with the new physical and mental environment. There could be an increased capacity to adapt to sensory experiences and develop basic communication skills, reflecting a stage of gradual adjustment.

Level 1 Autism and Reincarnation

Lastly, Level 1 Autism, where individuals require support, may indicate a greater number of reincarnations in the new planet. These individuals might show better adaptation skills to the new reality, exhibiting fewer social communication difficulties and more flexible behaviors. They may have developed effective coping mechanisms to deal with the sensory differences and could communicate more successfully than those at higher levels. This progression might suggest the perispirit’s growing alignment with the new planetary environment.

Spiritual Growth Through Autism

The challenges presented by autism, when viewed through the lens of reincarnation, can be seen as opportunities for profound spiritual growth. Every struggle and every hurdle that the soul faces can contribute to its evolution and development.

Navigating a new planet’s reality presents the soul with a unique set of trials and tribulations. These experiences can be arduous, but they can also offer opportunities for learning and growth that might not have been available on the soul’s previous planet.

Individuals with autism often demonstrate remarkable resilience, creativity, and unique ways of seeing the world — traits that reflect the soul’s ability to adapt and grow in unfamiliar circumstances. Moreover, the empathy, patience, and understanding that their experiences evoke in others can also contribute to collective spiritual growth.

In this context, the journey of a soul through an autistic life can be seen as a courageous adventure of growth and learning. This perspective shifts the focus from the challenges of autism to the potential for spiritual development, imbuing the experience of autism with a deeper, more profound meaning.

Final Thoughts

The reincarnation perspective can offer a compassionate and understanding lens to interpret the challenges faced by individuals at different autism levels. This hypothesis suggests that, rather than being defined by their autism level, these individuals are brave souls at varying stages of a spiritual journey, gradually adapting to the profound challenges of a new environment in each reincarnation.

This perspective on autism and reincarnation provides an intriguing lens through which to view the condition. It shifts the narrative from seeing autism as a disorder to be corrected to appreciating it as a brave choice made by an evolving soul seeking greater spiritual growth and development. This shift brings forth a more inclusive and compassionate understanding of autism, fostering empathy and respect for the diverse experiences of individuals on the spectrum.

Implications for Support

Understanding autism from this perspective can influence how we support individuals with autism. It underscores the importance of embracing diversity, understanding their unique experiences, and developing personalized strategies to facilitate their adaptation to the earthly existence. It suggests that therapeutic interventions should aim to assist the individual in understanding and navigating their sensory experiences and communication difficulties.

Further Research

The spiritual lens can inspire further research into the nature of autism and its potential links with reincarnation. This could involve studying the experiences of individuals with autism who report memories of past lives, or exploring whether regression therapy could offer unique insights into the lived experiences of those on the spectrum.

Regardless of one’s beliefs, this spiritual perspective on autism invites us to embrace diversity, nurture empathy, and challenge our understanding of human experiences. It reminds us that every individual’s journey, including those with autism, is complex, meaningful, and deserving of respect. And ultimately, it invites us to wonder about the vast possibilities of our existence — both in this world and perhaps in others.


The perspective shared in this article is solely the author’s interpretation, based on a synthesis of various resources and personal insights. The connections drawn between reincarnation, the concept of multiple worlds, and autism, as well as the spiritual implications derived from these, reflect a personal viewpoint and should not be considered universally accepted truths.

This article is not intended to offer a definitive explanation of the causes of autism, nor does it claim to replace or refute any scientifically established understanding of the condition. It merely presents one possible perspective, which some may find comforting or thought-provoking. As with any belief system, the ideas expressed here resonate with some individuals more than others.

Readers are encouraged to approach the article with an open mind, consider the ideas presented, and form their own conclusions. It is crucial to respect the diverse range of viewpoints and experiences associated with autism, as well as the individuals and families directly affected by it.

Please remember to consult with medical professionals or qualified therapists for any questions or concerns related to autism.

