Tiny but Mighty: The Power of Decluttering in Smaller Spaces

Ada Mitchell
15 min readNov 1, 2023


Hey, tiny space dwellers!

Let’s talk about decluttering. Not the “I’ll just shove this under the bed and deal with it later” kind, but the real, freeing, “I can actually see my floor” kind. Decluttering in a small space isn’t just cleaning; it’s a lifestyle. And guess what? I’ve got the down-low on how to make your mini mansion feel like a grand palace. So, let’s get to it!

Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

Step 1: Set the Stage

First things first, make a banging playlist. Decluttering can be a drag, but not when you’re jamming to your favorite tunes. Music up, dust bunnies! Your time has come.

Step 2: The Vision Board — Crafting Your Small Space Dream

Okay, so we’ve got our jams playing, and we’re in the zone. Now, let’s pause for a hot second. Before you go tossing things left and right, let’s talk about your space goals. I’m a firm believer in manifestation, and your vision board is like your small space manifesto. It’s where you lay down the law for your future clutter-free life.

Here’s the thing: your space is more than just a place to crash. It’s a reflection of you, your sanctuary. So, what do you want it to say? Are you all about that minimalist, clean-lines, “I can actually think in here” vibe? Or maybe you’re shooting for a cozy, “every item has a story”, kind of warmth.

Grab Your Tools

You’ll need a board — cork, magnetic, or even a digital one like Pinterest works. Then, start gathering. This could be magazine cutouts, fabric swatches, inspirational quotes, images of rooms that speak to you, colors, textures, and anything that reflects your ideal vibe.

Set the Scene

Lay everything out in front of you. There’s something super powerful about seeing your goals laid out visually. It’s like telling the universe, “Hey, this is what I’m about. Let’s make it happen!”

Go Digital or Go Home

If you’re not into the physical stuff, digital boards are your BFFs. You can create boards for different categories — ‘My Zen Bedroom’, ‘Kitchen Goals’, ‘Workspace Wonder’. Pin away, my friend.

Be Specific

Your vision board isn’t just a pretty collage. It’s a blueprint for your decluttering process. Want a plant-filled paradise? That’ll remind you not to crowd your window space. Dreaming of a sleek workstation? That’s a nudge to digitize your files instead of hoarding paper.

Location, Location, Location

Once your board is complete, put it somewhere you’ll see it every day. It’s your daily nudge to keep going, to keep your space aligned with your vision.

Reflect and Connect

Take a moment every day to look at your board and reflect. Does your space feel closer to your vision? It’s a living thing, your vision board. As you declutter and your space changes, your board might evolve too. That’s the beauty of it.

A Living, Breathing Goal

Remember, this board isn’t just about the dream. It’s about making that dream so real, so tangible, that your little corner feels like a slice of that dream every single day. As you declutter, keep coming back to your vision board. Use it as a filter: does this item support the vision? No? Then maybe it’s time to say goodbye.

Creating a vision board might feel like a small step, but believe me, it’s mighty. It’s the difference between decluttering without purpose and creating a space that’s truly, authentically you.

Now, let’s take that vision and turn it into reality, one cleared surface at a time!

Step 3: The Sorting Game — Declutter Like a Boss

Alright, squad, it’s game time. You’ve got your vision locked down, and now we face the boss level: sorting through your stuff. This isn’t your average “toss or keep” rodeo; this is strategic, methodical, and kinda fun (trust me).

Gather Your Gear

We’re going for three bins here: Keep, Donate, Trash. Simple, right? But here’s the pro tip: make those bins unmistakable. Slap a big green sticker on the Keep, a heart on the Donate (because love, people), and, I don’t know, a grumpy cat on the Trash. The key is to make this visual and immediate. No second-guessing.

Start Small

Don’t look at your entire apartment and freak out. Nope. Start with one drawer, one shelf, or one corner. Small victories, people.

Keep It Real

Now, hold up each item and ask yourself: “Does this spark joy?” Thanks, Marie Kondo. But seriously, if it doesn’t make you feel good or it isn’t necessary, why is it taking up your precious square footage?

The Nostalgia Trap

Beware the nostalgia. Yes, that ticket stub from your favorite concert is cool, but is it “I need to keep this in my 500-square-foot studio” cool? If you want to keep memories, let’s get digital. Snap a pic and add it to a digital memory box.

Be Honest with Your Future Self

That gadget you bought from a late-night infomercial might seem useful… someday. But let’s be real. If you haven’t used it by now, it’s probably not going to happen. Let someone else give it a whirl.

Pause for Tough Love

Stuck on something? Give yourself a little tough love. If you’re holding onto clothes that don’t fit “just in case,” you’re not doing Future You any favors. Celebrate who you are right now, not who you were or who you think you might be.

Enlist a Friend

Sometimes, you need a wingman. Get a friend to help you sort. They’ll give you that look when you hold up a hideous vase you’ve never used, and you’ll know it’s time to part ways.

A Home for Everything

As you go through the Keep bin, assign a home for each item. If you can’t find a place where it fits naturally, question whether you truly need it.

Dealing with Doubts

If you’re really torn about an item, put it in a “Maybe” box. Stash it away for a month. If you don’t miss it, you know what to do.

Systemize the Process

Make a list of categories and tackle them one by one. Today it might be clothes, tomorrow books, and next, kitchenware. Breaking it down makes it more manageable and less overwhelming.

Finalize and Feel Good

Once you’ve sorted through a category, take a moment to appreciate the clear space. It’s a visual representation of your hard work and decision-making prowess. Feels good, right?

And that, my dear declutterers, is how you sort like a boss. By the end of this process, you’ll have a space that’s curated just for you, filled only with things that serve you or bring you joy. Plus, you’ll have a bunch of stuff ready to donate, which is good karma in the bank. Let’s move on to Step 4, ready to tackle those nooks and crannies with confidence!

Step 4: The Nooks and Crannies

All right, team, we’ve rocked the sorting game, and our place is looking a bit more spacious already. But let’s not rest on our laurels yet. We’ve still got those sneaky little spots to conquer — the nooks and crannies. These are the gold mines of small-space living, and we’re about to strike it rich with organization gold.

The Unseen Potential

First, take a gander around your pad. Every corner, every inch of wall space, under the bed — these are your new best friends. We’re not just filling space; we’re making space work for us. It’s like Tetris, but cooler.

Vertical Victory

Walls are prime real estate. Floating shelves are your new love interest. They’re perfect for books, plants, and knick-knacks that fit your vibe. And hooks! Don’t even get me started. They’re small-space saviors for hanging bags, jewelry, or that vintage guitar you swear you’ll learn to play.

Undercover Agent

Under the bed can be an abyss of lost items, or it can be an undercover storage champ. Slide in some low-profile bins, and bam! You’ve got a hideaway for off-season clothes or extra linens.

Door Duty

The backs of doors are often overlooked, and that’s a crying shame. Over-the-door racks or hangers can be a home for scarves, belts, or that collection of hats you just can’t part with.

Divide and Conquer

Drawer dividers aren’t just for your silverware. They can turn a jumbled mess of a junk drawer into a neatly organized treasure chest. You’ll be amazed at how much more you can fit when everything has its own little compartment.

Stack ’em Up

Stackable bins and boxes can be lifesavers. They’re like building blocks for adults, and they make the most of your shelf space. Just remember to keep the things you use most on top or out front for easy access.

The Hidden Hookup

Got furniture? Check for gaps where you could potentially add hooks or small shelves. That sliver of space beside your fridge could be a mini pantry, or the side of your cabinet could host a spice rack.

Fold and Roll

This isn’t just for packing suitcases. Rolling towels, clothes, or even bedding can save space and looks super chic. Use baskets to keep those rolls in check, and you’ll free up space in drawers and closets.

Dual Purpose Darlings

Invest in furniture that does double duty. A storage ottoman can hide a multitude of sins (read: clutter), and it’s a footrest or extra seat when you need it.

Tech-Savvy Space

Even your tech needs a tidy home. Mount a power strip and some cord organizers inside a drawer or cabinet to create a charging station that keeps your gadgets out of sight when they’re powering up.

The Seasonal Shuffle

Rotate out the stuff you don’t need right now. Winter gear can take a summer vacation under the bed or high up on a shelf. Just swap things out when the seasons change.

By now, you’ve turned those once-forgotten nooks and crannies into power players in your quest for a serene space. Every inch is pulling its weight, and your tiny abode is not just a place to crash — it’s a master class in efficiency. On to the next step, where we bring all this hard work together and create the kind of harmony you didn’t think was possible in a small space!

Step 5: Harmonizing Your Haven — Creating Cohesiveness in Your Compact Castle

Folks, we’ve scaled the mountains of decluttering and navigated the jungles of organizing. Now, we arrive at the tranquil valley of harmonization. This is where we sync our efforts into a seamless symphony of space and style. It’s about making our small space not only functional but also truly ours — a cohesive sanctuary that sings to our soul.

Color Me Unified

Start with a color scheme that you love, one that makes you feel at ease the moment you step through the door. A consistent palette can visually expand your space and bring a sense of calm. Opt for lighter shades as your base — they’re like a breath of fresh air for tight quarters. Then, sprinkle in pops of your favorite vibrant colors through accessories like cushions, art, or even books.

Consistency is Key

Choose a theme and stick to it. Whether it’s mid-century modern, bohemian, or something else, ensure that your décor elements speak the same design language. A harmonious theme makes your space feel intentional, not haphazard.

Textures that Talk

Mixing textures can add depth and interest without clutter. A shaggy throw rug here, a sleek metal lamp there, and suddenly your room has character speaking volumes without saying a word.

Light it Up

Good lighting is essential. It can make a small space feel open and airy or cozy and intimate. Layer your lighting with a mix of overhead, task, and ambient light sources. And let’s not forget candles for that soft glow that makes everything look better.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Mirrors are magic in small spaces. They reflect light, they make rooms appear larger, and they’re practical. A well-placed mirror is an art piece that works hard for its living space.

Functional Finesse

Choose furniture that not only serves a purpose but also fits with the overall aesthetic. A sleek sofa bed with clean lines can be a comfy couch by day and a guest bed by night, all while enhancing the minimalist vibe.

The Rule of Three

When styling surfaces, stick to the rule of three. Groups of three items, whether candles, plants, or a mix of décor pieces, look pleasing to the eye and keep things uncluttered.

Personal Touches

What makes your space truly yours are the personal touches. Display that small collection of vintage cameras or those framed postcards from your travels. These tell your story without crowding your space.

Flow and Function

Ensure there’s a natural flow to your space. Can you move freely without bumping into furniture? Does each area serve its intended purpose without encroaching on another? This flow will maintain harmony in your home.

Keep it Alive

Lastly, incorporate elements that bring life into your home — literally. A couple of well-placed plants can purify the air and add a touch of vitality. They’re nature’s own knick-knacks, and they have the added benefit of caring for something other than your Netflix queue.

By implementing Step 5, your compact living quarters will feel more like a personal retreat — a place where everything has its place, and there’s a place for everything, including peace and relaxation. You’ve not only maximized your space but also created an abode that’s uniquely you. Now, take a moment to revel in the harmony of your newly transformed home. It’s not just a triumph of minimalist living; it’s a testament to the life you’ve curated, one square foot at a time.

Step 6: The One In, One Out Rule — Sustaining Your Space

Living in a compact space in New York teaches you one thing very quickly: every square inch is precious. That’s where the “One In, One Out Rule” becomes your ally in sustaining the minimalism you’ve worked so hard to achieve. This rule is as straightforward as it sounds: for every new item that comes into your home, one item should go out. This isn’t about depriving yourself but maintaining a careful balance in your living space.

The Art of Balanced Possessions

When you adopt the One In, One Out Rule, you embrace the art of balance. Before introducing a new piece into your home, take a moment to consider what you can live without. This moment of pause ensures that you’re not accumulating goods mindlessly. It also encourages you to prioritize quality over quantity. By limiting the number of items that you own, you’re forced to consider the value and utility of each new purchase. Will this new item serve a better purpose than something I already own? If the answer is yes, then it’s clear what needs to be done: make room for it.

Mindful Acquisition and Release

This rule prompts a continuous cycle of mindful acquisition and release. Every new acquisition is a conscious choice, involving a thoughtful decision-making process. This doesn’t just apply to physical goods but can also extend to how you curate all aspects of your life, including relationships and commitments. It’s about creating and maintaining a space that reflects your present needs and ensuring there’s always room to grow and evolve.

A Strategy for Constant Renewal

The beauty of the One In, One Out Rule is that it promotes constant renewal within your home and life. By sticking to this rule, you’re perpetually in a state of evaluating and re-evaluating your possessions, which can be a deeply rewarding ritual. This strategy ensures that your space is never overwhelmed and that each item you own is there for a purpose. Plus, it’s a great way to stay aligned with your minimalist principles, keeping clutter at bay and ensuring your space remains a place of peace and clarity.

Implementing the One In, One Out Rule is more than just a decluttering tactic; it’s a philosophy for life. It encourages you to live with intention, to choose with purpose, and to understand the true value of the items you surround yourself with. This approach doesn’t just create a more organized living area; it fosters a mindset that appreciates the present and is always mindful of the future’s possibilities.

Step 7: The Daily Declutter and the Continuous Momentum — Cultivating a Lifestyle

In the journey of minimalist living, especially within the cozy confines of a New York apartment, the convergence of daily decluttering habits and the commitment to ‘keep it going’ forms the cornerstone of a sustainable minimalist lifestyle. Let’s blend these two steps into one integrated practice.

Daily Decluttering: A Ritual for Serenity

The daily declutter is your ongoing personal ritual. It doesn’t have to be time-consuming; just five minutes each day devoted to organizing, tidying, or deciding if something should stay or go can make a significant difference. This daily habit keeps the clutter from piling up and overwhelming you, and it turns the maintenance of your minimalist space into a manageable and almost meditative task.

You start each morning by resetting any space that was used the day before. It could be as simple as folding the blankets on your couch, clearing the kitchen counter, or ensuring your work area is tidy and ready for the day ahead. This practice instills a sense of calm and order, preparing you mentally and physically for the day’s tasks.

Maintaining the Momentum: The Long Game

Now, let’s talk about keeping the momentum going — this is the ‘long game’ in the process of minimalism. It’s the commitment to not only start strong but to continue with the same enthusiasm and intention every day thereafter. To keep the momentum, you need to stay mindful of your consumption habits, be it shopping, accepting gifts, or even bringing in freebies. It’s about making a conscious decision with every item that crosses your threshold and asking yourself if it fits within your minimalist framework.

To maintain this practice, it’s helpful to have regular check-ins with yourself. Once a month, take a bit more time to look around and identify areas that may have gotten a bit cluttered or items that have snuck in and don’t serve a purpose. It’s about catching these little discrepancies before they accumulate.

The Symbiosis of Daily and Continuous Efforts

The beauty of combining daily decluttering with the resolve to ‘keep it going’ lies in the symbiosis between immediate action and long-term vision. While the daily declutter addresses the present, keeping the momentum alive speaks to the future. It’s an acknowledgment that a minimalist lifestyle isn’t a ‘set it and forget it’ situation, but a series of ongoing, conscious decisions.

When you integrate daily decluttering with an ongoing commitment to minimalism, you’re not just keeping your space clear; you’re cultivating a lifestyle that values presence over possessions. This dual-step ensures that minimalism is woven seamlessly into the fabric of your everyday life, guaranteeing that your small space continues to be a source of tranquility and inspiration. It’s a proactive approach to living that keeps you engaged with your environment and true to your minimalist aspirations.

Step 8: Celebrate Your Wins — Embracing and Rewarding Progress

Living minimally, especially in a bustling city like New York where space is a luxury, is an ongoing process that requires dedication. In the pursuit of decluttering and creating an efficient living space, it’s essential to pause and celebrate your wins, no matter how small they may seem.

Acknowledging the Milestones

Each cleared surface, every drawer organized, and all the items you’ve parted with are victories in the minimalist journey. Take time to acknowledge these milestones. Did you finally tackle that junk drawer? Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back. Cleared off the kitchen counters to create a more usable space? That calls for a little happy dance!

Celebrating your wins keeps you motivated and reminds you of the progress you’ve made. It’s about recognizing the effort it takes to not only declutter but to resist the temptation to fill the space back up again.

Creating Celebration Rituals

Establishing small celebration rituals can make the journey enjoyable. It could be as simple as taking a moment to sip your favorite coffee in the newly organized space, taking a picture to share with friends or family, or just sitting down to appreciate the calmness of your environment.

If you’ve accomplished a larger goal, like fully decluttering a room or maintaining your minimalist lifestyle for an extended period, consider a more significant reward. Maybe it’s treating yourself to a nice meal, enjoying a day out in Central Park, or purchasing an item you’ve been wanting for a while — but remember to keep it minimalist!

Sharing Your Success

Sharing your success can also be a form of celebration. Writing a blog post, sharing before and after photos on social media, or simply telling a friend about your achievements can reinforce your commitment to minimalism and inspire others. Positive feedback from your community is a powerful motivator and can provide a sense of accountability and encouragement.

Reflect on the Journey

Finally, take time to reflect on how far you’ve come. Minimalist living is not just about the physical space you clear; it’s about the mental clarity and the lifestyle that you cultivate. Recognizing the benefits you’ve experienced, such as reduced stress, more freedom, or even increased financial savings, is part of celebrating your wins.

Celebrating your wins is a crucial step in the minimalist journey. It’s an affirmation that the path you’ve chosen is rewarding and fulfilling. These moments of celebration make the minimalist lifestyle not just a series of tasks but a true transformation of your living space and your life. Remember, every step forward is worth acknowledging and cherishing in your ongoing quest for simplicity.

Phew! If you’ve made it this far, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of decluttering in smaller spaces. Remember, it’s not just about making space — it’s about making space for new possibilities.

Live minimally, live large, Ava



Ada Mitchell

NYC-based minimalist living in a matchbox-sized apartment 🏙️