Businessman pointing on the screen with a map and icons.

Guide To Outsourcing IT Services

Ada Tarnie


Before you even begin thinking about outsourcing, there are some things that need to be clarified in your head. What is it exactly that you’re trying to accomplish? This might not be the most exciting part of the exercise but is probably one of the most crucial in terms of setting up a sound outsourcing strategy.

This phase should cover six main areas:

Understanding your requirement

All businesses have unique requirements so it makes sense for all IT organizations to have unique infrastructures tailored towards their specific needs. While this can be great from a business perspective, this also means that when outside support is brought in, almost invariably they will bring their own processes and methods to the table. These will often conflict with how things have been done internally, making collaboration a lot harder from the offset.

This means that before you even think about outsourcing there needs to be a degree of understanding between both parties as to what they need from one another and where their responsibilities begin and end. In today’s global market having an efficient IT support team can make or break a company so defining who does what is going to be key in getting maximum value for money from any mutual endeavour.

Shifting culture(s)

As well as differing views on what it is exactly that each organizational structure requires from one another there may also be some cultural hurdles that might need to be before a stable working relationship can be formed.

On an organizational level, this might mean that there are some common goals being set by senior management, which ensures that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet. As well as this teams need to be able to communicate with one another effectively; whether it’s face-to-face or over email and phone calls effective communication is critical in any business partnership

Changing internal transparency

The issue of culture extends into the company as a whole as well as within their IT department specifically. This can often make outsourcing confusing and at times downright frustrating for those on either side of the fence if they cannot clearly define what each party brings to the table and how they can work together.

This means that it is important for all parties to be transparent about what they’re looking for and where their responsibilities begin and end. This takes time, good communication and a degree of trust built up between the individuals involved but is essential in helping everything run more smoothly moving forward.

Making an informed decision

Having all of the information you need before you go ahead with outsourcing can make all the difference to whether or not this works out as planned. Getting it right from the outset will save both time and money down the line so here are some tips on making sure that you’ve done your homework before signing off on any agreements:

Check out recommendations

Prior to entering into an agreement, it’s always useful to ask around among your peers regarding which outsourcers have helped them to resolve their problems and which haven’t. This isn’t always an easy conversation to have so being able to get feedback from other companies in your industry is a great way of making an informed decision on whether or not outsourcing will work for you.

Check out the contract

Finally read through all of the documentation provided by the outsourcer before signing off on any agreement. Make sure that everything outlined in this document is clear, concise and makes sense before putting pen to paper just remember that it’s often better to get things right from the outset rather than having to fix them later on down the line.

Remember that outsourcing is not always necessarily the easiest option but if done correctly can provide invaluable assistance to your company in getting maximum value for money. A little bit of preparation can go a long way so good pre-planning is key when it comes to outsourcing IT services.

Why should you outsource IT services?

There are two main reasons why you should outsource your IT services. Firstly, it allows for a wide range of technology experience and expertise to be at your disposal which would otherwise not be possible due to the amount of time and investment required in training staff thoroughly; this is where we come in. Secondly, by outsourcing your IT services you give yourself more time and focus on running and growing your business. You’ll become free from:

  • Keeping up with the ever-changing world of technology (for instance: new software versions released regularly)
  • Dealing with what can prove to be a high expense for equipment/software/upgrades when bought internally
  • Investing valuable company resources into further developing the skills within your team so that they can support future growth
  • Getting bogged down with the menial, everyday tasks of managing your IT systems

In short, outsourcing your IT services allows you to concentrate on running and growing your business. This will in turn allow you to make more money which ultimately equates to a better lifestyle for you and your family.

When you choose an outsourcing service provider such as BPO in the Philippines, they will employ skilled professionals who are all experts in their field. They will not need supervision or training from your company. Your business has the freedom to hire whichever staff members you want without worrying about finding enough work for them when things get slow.

The advantages do not end with savings on wages and equipment either — outsourcing offers even more benefits:

  • You can hire staff members who already have years of experience and it won’t cost you anything extra.
  • Outsourcing companies maintain an entire department for each specialty so there is no need for your company to waste time managing one separately. This allows your business to concentrate on other vital areas such as product development and marketing instead of worrying about technology.
  • Outsourced companies are experts at maximizing the use of all software systems and hardware to ensure that they get their money’s worth from each purchase or investment. Your company may not even be aware of how much IT equipment it has purchased but is simply not using it effectively, making it a waste of money and resources.

Some businesses still fear hiring outsourcing services because they think that their valuable data might be at risk. However, there are strict protocols in place to ensure that your information is always safe and completely confidential. There is no need for concern when you choose a reliable outsourcing service provider such as BPO in the Philippines.

Outsourcing IT services has many advantages for small business owners who cannot afford to hire onsite employees or do not have enough work to keep everyone busy. It allows companies of all sizes to get affordable access to world-class talent without having to make hefty investments of time and money training new employees from the ground up. Whatever your reason for considering outsourcing IT services, there is definitely a solution out there for you.

