RaiBlocks : Radically new approach to cryptocurrency.

2 min readDec 29, 2017


Out of 1500 cryptocurrencies, RaiBlocks got my attention after sudden price rise. After reading their White paper, i realised it’s not just another pump. It’s not just another currency with improvements over bitcoin. Platform coins like Ethereum, NEO et al are different as i’m not going to compare here.

How it’s difference from bitcoin and other currency.

  1. The transactions are verified and recorded asynchronous and parallel as opposed to serial and one by one as you see in most blockchain.
  2. Each account will have a its own blockchain and each transaction is a separate block.
  3. The clever design is, balance is carry forward to next transaction / block instead of UTXO. Which means you no need to have whole blockchain data, just needs latest transaction of all the accounts.
  4. Using both Delegated proof of stake and Proof of work.
  5. In most blockchain network, if number of nodes increases, the txn per second will decrease because every node should wait to agree on latest block. But in raiblocks, each nodes can verify its own transaction parallel. . So if number of nodes increases in raiblocks network, the txn / second will increase. True scaling.
  6. It didn’t sacrificed the “Distributed” nature of blockchain for performance.

And i totally agree with this tweet which i copied below

  1. The only cryptocurrency that will be adopted and used by mass as transfer of value will be the one which is decentralised, fairly distributed, scalable, instant, zero fee, green and easy to use. Currently $XRB is the only candidate.
  2. Why decentralised? Because that’s what a transfer of value cryptocurrency is meant to be else it loses its value.
  3. Why fairly distributed? Else gives power in hands of a few.
  4. Why scalable? Because mass adoption is going to test the limits.
  5. Why instant? Because no one is going to wait hours or even minutes when they use transfer of value cryptocurrency.
  6. Why zero fee? So that micro payments and frequent use are possible without slowly bleeding your holdings. $XRB
  7. Why green? If it’s required to waste billions of dollars on electricity and equipment along with harming nature just to make a currency work, we better start finding alternatives.
  8. Why easy to use? Else it’s not going to be adopted by mass.

May be we will see 100s of coins start copying the Raiblocks approach. I personally bet on Raiblocks for 2018. It’s really undervalued now.

