Their Call, Calico: The Series

Part Two

Good Day, Adam
Part Reads
19 min readMar 9, 2024


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Based on Original Published Work by Author

☯ Legend on reading Calico’s Life:

☴ Indicator for dialogue: “ ”
☶ Indicator for thought, and lyrics: Italic Font
☱ Indicator for action: Bold Font or wording with quotations.
☳ Poems and Songs [ are indicated ]
☷ Names : Bold Italics
☵ Setting set inside: Brackets: {SETTING}/{BOLD}

black graphical marble vein

{ Calico sits with Dallia’s body and looks at the clear blue sky glistening over the stream. He examines the tire tracks that the news vans, and the moving truck left behind. }


“ Dallia, oh Dallia, if only what they told me was true. I bet we were in the wrong moving room at the wrong time, or the right time. But Dallia, wake up, Dallia wake up; they’re gone, Dallia…Dallia. Where are you? ”

Calico moves her mouth open and closed, open and closed. He takes a deep breath, and then attempts to move each leg expecting each one to start up in place. He’s had it; he then bends her hooves on her right side firmly to the ground, near the stream. With his best effort, he rushes to push her to her in an upright walking position with her limp head and neck swaying like an oscillating tool belt carrying an electric driller on the end of a wobbly sawhorse.

Calico stands back, and immediately, Dallia’s body contorts back landing on top of her swinging neck splashing on top of the stream. Her blood leaks out and runs in motion with the ripples.

Calico chokes, and claws the dirt and roars for his second time. He hears an echo and backs away. Shattering the silence, a flock of heron fly above him.

He quickly looks down, and around eying an army of ants coming from all directions.

[ Song. “ Hip Hip Hooray ” Pt. One

Ants :
Hip Hip Hooray, what man has brought to me,
He’s brought a lot but never before
A gratuitous charity.

Hip Hip Hooray, what man has brought to me,
A dead bull’s bitch, in a bloody ditch
And how we’ll dine merrily, hey!

Hip Hip Hooray, what man has brought to me,
A trail of blood, a fly-less grave,
And red meat as fresh as can be-
As can be…
As can be…

Oh, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip, Hip Hip Hooray!
We march onto his murdered path,
And on his account…
We all will dine today!

Song. end ]

“And who are you… black spots?”

“ If you are referring to me your pure kindship, I am and we are Antwon, and we are removing this rather delicious looking remedy of the gorilla whore’s wrath out of your trajectory. ”

“ Who sent you? ”

“ Aw, a pure kind riddle. Wait my fellow antwonions, I can make sense of this. ”

“ Okay. ”

“ Your pure kindship, we just want to give the impurity growth after death for the ground and our hearth- is that more than any riddle’s worth can ask? ”

“ I…I uh cannot let you. ”

“ Hmmm, the pure kind is injured too: bring death to both! Hurry, we just received news of a miscarriage of the impurities down the hills! ”

“ Don’t I say, do not hurt her. ”

“ Stop! The Pure Kind says she is diseased and is paralyzed, go to her heart antwons we need her to stop pumping blood, enter threw the latch under her tail! Thank you Pure Kindship, you can leave now, or be given death. ”

“No, you stop!”

“ Cannot your pure kindship, death and privilege doth not reign the same; we’ve got a lot of killing to do today. I am sorry your Pure Kindship you will die now. ”

“ Stop, I do not want to die, I do not want to die! ”

Calico looks at the ants who have completely covered Dallia’s body in seconds, and then begins to back away as the ants scatter towards him. The fear-stricken bear backs up and falls on the stream carrying greasy bubbles of Dallia’s liquid and chunks of fur.

He gets out on the other side of the stream and begins to weep under low growls. He watches a line of ants shoot underneath her tail and how Dallia’s body gradually begins to deflate. Calico stops crying and notices one of Dallia’s eyes bobbing and going with the stream. He jumps in horror, and runs into the dark Korean woodlands into Nature.

“ Such a strange riddle that one left. Aw, such dwindling of time. Our campaign continues, mentwons, onward ho! Hip Hip- ”

Ants (Antwons):

{The sun is setting}. Calico has been traveling for hours over sopping mud and dirt. He then stands alone near a small pool of water, surrounded by the chirping of crickets. Dallia’s blood has washed off his coat as he wades through another stream.

“ Where is the ceiling? Where is death? What am I? What AM I?
I see myself in streams and colors, who am I? Who am I?
Panda or Gorilla Whore, Pure Kind or Death-who am I?
Why was I unsociable, what is it to be liked? Why doesn’t
Anything make sense?

Corinthia said life always makes sense.
Now, I am thirsty, and in this reflection of the night sky,
All I see is her blood. ”

Calico walks over, and touches the dark body of water with his nose.

Her eyeball is in there somewhere, changing colors and growing tumors, and Dallia’s blood is screaming, “The Gorilla Whore! The Gorilla Whore! The Gorilla Whore!,” I thought the world would be like the zoo, but then again the zoo did not like me. Bettings did, she gave me a bath, but not in blood.

Calico quickly licks the pool. Immediately, feeling that the water is warm and sticky and there are dead insects in it, he spits it out.

“ Maybe she was right. No, no I don’t want to die! Hilly Dallia I wish you were here to show the way! ”

{A lurking grey cloud passes over Calico and blocks his view from glancing towards the stars.}

“ Okay, one more kiss. ”

Bettings told me to use my pink licker to kiss water in large amounts to get the medicine syrup down quickly.

Calico takes a slow lick in the pool again and gets a mouthful and feels something swimming in his mouth. He quickly spits it out. It’s a blue koi with a French mime-like human face with brown human eyes. It hops out of Calico’s mouth, winks and disappears into the murky water.

Calico urinates near the pool thinking that could be what is troubling him. He quickly finds that he has urinated on the family of crickets that were chirping. The forest is now very silent.

Calico jets out in complete embarrassment and wanders into the uncut bamboo forests, and edges around trees and weeds.

Suddenly, Calico accidentally breaks a larger bamboo stem that was carriying a wasp’s nest.

“ Pure kind! It is time we eradicate you all once, once, once, once, sszzz, and for all! Once and for all! Sszzz! ”

“ I what? No don’t kill me! ”

“ Oh, it’s a grubby Pure Kind, he needs his maffa maffa szzzz! Sting him in the tail hole make him a weak pooper for a week! Szzzz. ”

“ I do not want that. ”

“ What is ‘want’? ”

“ Want is! ”

Calico roars in pain as the wasps attack his rear with nine harpooning stings. He begins to limp and trot at the same time while the wasps are all gaining on him.

Another wasp lands on him and crawls up his back- towards his face. He stops a bit to try to remove the back-crawler with his teeth, but three wasps zone in on this moment. They proceed to sting him in the nose and his cheek edging towards his eyes. The one that was crawling on his back is now up inside his ear and stings the inside. Calico whimpers and limps now towards the pool from where he drank from.

“ Today, ugh! Is not the day I die! ”

Without a second thought, Calico jumps into the murky waters immersing himself three meters below. He eyes around and sees over three hundred blue human-mime koi eying him, then winking.

Calico defecates accidentally into the water and the human koi just watch as his stool sinks with their eyes winking every few seconds.

“ I hope they’re gone. ”

Calico in deep suffering struggles up to the top with immense pain all over his body. He takes in his life as he drinks some of the murky water. He claws himself grippingly back onto the muddy turf.

He looks to the stars again in the silent night. Then he tries to get the stingers out from his buttocks with his teeth, but he’s in too much pain and lies down on his side breathing heavily. Tears begin to drizzle out onto the mud, and his eyes anchor shut to begin his first cage-less attempt to sleep.

{The night is silent and Calico is out cold. The morning rises with a dreary mist. The heated morning sunrise beams on the burning furred flesh of Calico.}

In the morning, he wakes up to…

[ Song. “ Hip Hip Hooray ” Pt. Two

Ants :
Hip Hip Hooray, the pure kind who cried “disease!”
Has outnumbered his odds, by giving himself
The status of deceased.

Hip Hip Hooray, and it shows up on his ass
That he’s not as pure as a pure kind,
And as for his riddle, we will pass?
But not today!
No, not today!

Oh, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip, Hip Hip Hooray!
We march onto his murdered path,
And on his account…
And on his account…
We all will dine today!
Today! Today!

Song. end ]

Calico jumps up seconds before the ants approach his vicinity, and urinates both in jolting fear, and protection, away from the approaching ants.

He runs back onto the trail that he accidentally made the previous night with the destroyed weeds and broken bamboo stems. He then eyes the wasps that stung him, as do they and lunge towards him.

Calico picks up his limping speed.

The echoing terror on this bear as he cuts his front leg with the same giant deteriorating bamboo stem piece holding the fallen wasp nest. The wasps pick up, and speed towards him.

He… keeps running and running with a trail of blood from his wounded leg. He begins to carry it to prevent it from bleeding, and hops faster getting pounded by weeds, stems and even mosquitoes plucking into the moment which take a sample and leave the scene law-free.

Calico keeps his pace and abruptly, halts, near a cliff with a vine wrapped stone statue of the Buddha and quickly seeks shelter behind it. He watches the wasps go into another neck of the bamboo woods, projecting out the corner of his vision.

Calico is panting heavily and licks his wounds. He goes around to the front of the Buddha statue who is sitting in the Full Lotus position, legs akimbo with the palms of the feet upwards.

The statue is made of granite stone and carved without any unbalanced measurements. Calico wanders about the statue which stands, yet sits, five meters tall. Calico completely exhausted goes onto the lap of the sitting Buddha. He settles down covering the top of his head and his stinging ear, and whimpers and wails like an infant in a nurturing parent’s arms.

“ No, she was right, she was right-she was right! I am lost and my state of living is lost, and I can never go back home. Why did Bettings do this to me? Why?! Then, I shall wait here until Antwon will kill me. I shall wait here…I shall wait… ”

And then came a light rustling in the bamboo ahead of him.

The rustling became louder and louder, with each leg brushing against the falling debris and leaves.

Calico stops whimpering and makes his claws tighter on the sitting Buddha, still hoping and praying to live.

The bamboo forest in front of Calico is silent as a long orange, white and black striped furred paw edges out of the woven fabric of time, and onto the nearby vine drenched cliff; then, the other paw.

Okay, this is not the ants. But it could be another deformed human headed thing like a Martackadong with Betting’s head. Wait, no, Corinthia?!

The old Korean tiger steps out into the glorious sunlight with wise and caring eyes, and slowly approaches Calico with leaning shoulders.

“ You’re an ice-cream colored Siberian tiger! ”

“ He who names me must seemingly have a name for what I am not. ”

“ You are not a human are you? Are you related to the antwons? Do you know Antwon? ”

Calico becomes petrified as Gengall etches closer to him, trembling and huddling in the legs of the statue.

“ (laughs) Little pure kind, everyone knows Antwon! Oh dear, let me calm down. ”

Gengall props his body in a sitting position that has a shadow covering Calico in his presence.

“ You are truly not of this vicinity, as I saw the gorilla whore pouring you out from their moving mountain caverns in a vase made of sword wire. You must be completely unaware of the boundaries.

In this forest, I hmmm, in this forest hmmm.

Let me be more simple. My name, is that what you call it, is Gengall. Could you say it, please, just in my presence? ”

“ Gen-gall? ”

“ Now, say it exactly like you would confront me with me asking you to confront me. ”

“ Well…um Gengall. ”

“ Now, what were you worrying about pure kind? ”

“ What should I be worried about? ”

Calico increases his grip onto the Buddha statue and tries to growl but only a whimper rises to the air.

“ Hmmm. Say my name. ”

“ Uh, Gen-gall? ”

“One more time, please?”

“ Gengall. ”

“ Hmmm, it’s been a while…What comes next? I say my name is Gengall, and then you say my name, no, no hmmm. ”

“ Gengall, my name is Calico. ”

“ Aw ha hmmm, I say ‘what is your name?’ hmmm! ”

“ Could you say my name please? ”

“ Why would I say your name, Gengall ?! ”

“ Uh, your name is Gengall, I am Calico. ”

“ Oh, oh yes (laughs), it makes perfect sense now. The names are passed on to one another. ”

“ What do you want, Gengall? ”

“ Oh yes, that’s me. And you are? Oh I am so old, Gengall. ”

“ I am Calico. ”

At this moment, Calico begins to loosen up.

“ Calico, it must be a foreign name. ”

“ I do not know what a pure kind is, and everyone keeps calling me it, and worst of all I think I am going to die because the Hilly Dallia told me so! ”

“ Such problems indeed! ”

“ Do you know what a pure kind is? ”

“ Hmmm, that is their name, right? ”

“ Me-Calico, me-pure kind- what is ‘pure kind’ ? ”

“ Hmmm, puzzling? If ‘me’ is Calico, and ‘me’ is also pure kind, what is ‘pure kind’? Is the answer, Calico, me? ”

“ (laughs) Okay, why not? ”

“ I like the way that sounds already: ‘Pure Kind Gengall’. ”

Gengall stands up, and whispers the name to himself prancing around merrily in a figure eight. Calico laughs and watches the spectacle, but the pain still lingers on him, and Calico rubs his face, ear, and rear.

“ That is the meatiest compliment, I have ever received, it makes me feel like I could just jump and pounce in the air. ”

Gengall spins around and jumps at Calico, who completely doesn’t expect it, loses his breath, and with the added weight from all the pain: passes out.

Gengall is about to trot around in another figure eight, and sniffs Calico, and pokes him a few times. Gengall scratches his own ear, and walks back and forth questioning himself with the phrase “Pure Kind”, as if he is trying to find an answer.

He goes back to Calico, and pokes him a few more times with his paw, and then sniffs Calico’s ear. Suddenly, the stinger that was inserted inside Calico’s ear goes into Gengall’s nostril. Gengall sneezes it out, holds it and looks around briefly. He goes back to Calico’s body and pokes at it yet again.

Gengall moves Calico’s body onto his back and drags it into another area of the forest with fewer trees {all of which are deciduous evergreen}.

Gengall takes him into an {open grass field on the mountain with a view of the other mountains}, and suddenly is confronted by two angry pachyderms.

“ Gengall, you have stooped to low lows pzark knuck knuck knuck! ”

“ Gengall, you were exiled from here days ago, knuck, pzark, offa. ”

“ He is from the gorilla whore; let him see Rendemra! ”

“ Gengall, your kind are forbidden to enter the Pure Kind Temple. And in addition the path you are on takes you to the caverns near your family grounds pzark, offa, offa, knark. ”

“ I must take rest, I am an old Gengall, Jul. Age pulls you down sometimes. Leave your argument for Antwon. ”

Calico begins to wake up, and wiggles off Gengall’s back by accident.

“ Antwon! Antwon! Knuck knuck knuck! ”

“ Antwon?! Where? Am I dead? ”

“ The pure kind is puzzled, Gengall, what have you told him, offa? ”

“ It’s trickery! It’s treason to hurt the pure kind; it is as much a treason to love a gorilla whore! Your sweet defecation days shall expire today! Knuck, offa, offa, knark! ”

“ Calico is injured. He needs the care of the pure kind. He needs better care than Triam could give him-that tusky shaman of yours! ”

“ Those tusks are my Triambo’s* tusk! ”

{*added bo to a name : father}

“ That bull is not your father! Your father died before you were born! You came here and acted like a whore-a gorilla whore! What is the word, what is word…? ”

“ They called me a performer, an ‘elephant’. And I was whipped. I have seen others like them in the- the arenas! When you lying shits were done, and old they would burn you, or feed you to the trotulls** ! Knuck, knuck, knark, golla! ”


Gengall growls, and raises his whiskers to reveal his old cracked teeth, and then coughs.

“ What is going on? Why do these butterfly-eared, fat horses…um very fat horses want, to get mad at you? ”

“ We are in difficult times, Calico, the world of Kind and the Pure Kind, and the gorilla whore is changing. There are very corrupt beasts that will do anything to keep it that way so others can become weak. ”

“ QUIET! GENGALL, you have injured him enough, and you are going to kill him to dine on, and leave the rest for Antwon, right, knuck, knuck!!! ”

“ I am a changed Kind. Look at me, do you see me in hunger lust on this gracious pure kind grubby? ”

[ Song. “ Tricky Tiger ”

Jul :
Um Um Oooooh!
Oh mao, mao, tricky tiger!
Oh mao, mao, tricky tiger!
Ya, ya, no-oh-oh-oh!
Ya, Ya, no-oh-oh-oh!

Tricky tiger, sitting in the grass,
Tricky tiger hungry fast!
You’re no damsel in distress,
Your fetish says you’re the best
At what you do-oo!

And you go-go-go-go!
Tricky tiger on the run!

Like a naughty gorilla whore nun!
Knuck knuck knuck offa, offa, pzark!

Um Um Oooooh!
Oh mao, mao, tricky tiger!
Oh mao, mao, tricky tiger!
Ya, ya, no-oh-oh-oh!
Ya, ya, no-oh-oh-oh!

Tricky tiger, munching in the cave,
Tricky tiger has no sex slave,
What turns him on? What turns him on-is a meal!
Tricky tiger gonna steal!
And what you do-oo!
And you go-go-go-go!
Tricky tiger on the run!

Like a trotull hopping for fuh-uh-uh-uh-un
Knuck knuck knuck offa, offa, pzark!

Um Um Oooooh!
Oh mao, mao, tricky tiger!
Oh mao, mao, tricky tiger!
Ya, ya, no-oh-oh-oh!
Ya, Ya, no-oh-oh-oh!

And what you do-oo!
And what you do-oo!

At what you do-oo!
Knuck knuck knuck offa, offa, pzark!

(mimicking) Knuck knuck knuck offa, offa, pzark!
Oh my?

Knuck knuck Knuck
Knuck Knuck Knuck
Knuck Knuck Knuck
Offa, offa, pzark:
Who’s there?


Knuck knuck knuck!

Jul & Aub:
Oh, and what you do,
What you do, what you do,
What you do-oo!

“ Last time, Gengall! ”

“ I can pass, and take him myself. ”

Um Um Oooooh!
No, no, you can’t Gengall
Because Gengall you know
Something, you’re a:

Oh mao, mao, tricky tiger!
Oh mao, mao, tricky tiger!
Ya, ya, no-oh-oh-oh!
Ya, ya, no-oh-oh-oh!

Tricky tiger-

Tricky tiger-
Ya, ya, no-oh-oh-oh!

Song.end ]

Aub and Jul finish their tune by raising their trunks to the sky merrily. Gengall, quickly, turns around and starts heading his way informing Calico to do the same.

Aub quickly runs alongside Gengall, and kicks him over to the ground on his side, and slams his foot down on Gengall’s ribcage. CRACK!

Immediately Jul comes and rears her body back roaring out, and slams her momentum with her right leg on Gengall’s skull smashing his face down like unfinished cherry pie, with filling popping out of the sliced cooling holes.

Calico is in shock, and has no words. Tears pour out of his eyes and he can’t move. He immediately starts vomiting.

“You killed him… you killed him… you kill-!”

“ Pure kind, it was the best and more just thing to do. ”

“ Couldn’t he…He was going to take me to get help. He helped. (gasping for air) He helped me. ”

“ Trickery, Jul. Gengall’s trickery was strong on this one. ”

“ Do you, pure kind, remember the codes of the universe? ”

“ Uni- okay, look whatever you are- ”

“ Whatever I am? This one is completely…
Wait, what did he say your name was? ”

“ Believe it was Calemderannan, Jul. ”

“ My name is Calico, and I am not a pure kind, okay, you uh nature animals! I am a panda from the San Francisco Zoo. I lived in a cage, and I felt comfortable- and I had two friends, Martackadong, and Corinthia, that is all-and the gorilla whore are called humans-Dr. Bettings helped me and-”

“ It is not trickery then, Aub. I know your type. Ten years ago, I too was like you are now. ”

“ But you just killed Gengall for telling the truth! Look, he is an old Gengall… and did you see those puffy brown biters- and you killed him. ”

“ I remember this- oh I remember this- ”

“ Remember what? ”

“ How many times have you seen death in your life, Calico? ”

“ Twice: the camel that came with me, and the Gengall you killed-the Gengall that was trying to save me! ”

“ Gengall’s kind does not change; he is a bred liar, whose breed longs for gorilla whore blood. He wanted to kill you as well. ”

“ He did not seem harmful at all. ”

“ Calico, on average you will see death 200–300 times a week. ”

“ What does that mean ‘200–300 times a week’, what is ‘week?’ ”

“ It’s the gorilla whore language coming back to me. They called it statistics, like in the circus they said things like it to prevent the law men and activist men from going into the pens, or was it the other way around? Statistics are supposed to ease the gorilla whore mind without valid evidence. ”

“ I am not at ease, Jul. I am in pain. I can’t seem to be attached to anything otherwise it dies; and then I can’t seem to trust anyone, apparently, because who knows what tricks you could be pulling on me right now. I am confused, I want to leave, but I can’t. ”

Calico starts to cry, and is completely embarrassed. He covers himself.

Jul walks over to Calico and kneels down, and rubs his head with her trunk.

“ Oh, go on and eat me. ”

“ No, Calico, no one is going to eat you. ”

I never felt this sensation before, is this gesture safe?

“ Are you sure? Why does your um nose keep pulling on my fur? ”

“ (laughs) I am sorry I cannot help it, I breathe just like you do. ”

I feel warm, and I want to be with this nature animal.

“ Can I stay with you? ”

“ It is against the pure kind conduct; he must be with his own kind. Otherwise, Gengall’s punishment will serve as ours. Remember Tribbartha who brought the phoxes (foxes), and how we had to roll her off the Great Cliff? ”

“ Calico, this is a different world in nature, and there are different rules to follow. ”

Aub digs up mud on Gengall’s body.

“ For the time being for tonight, we can take you to our camp. ”

“ Jul, that’s exactly what we-Jul! What knuck knuck pzark offa, offa, do you think you’re doing? ”

“ Knuck, knuck, pzark, knark, offa, offa knark knark! Aub, as Triam’s daughter, I will take the blame for my actions. ”

“ Let us only hope you do not receive death. ”

“ Do not speak of death, only those who talk about it run to it. ”

“ Yet, there are those that wave their trunk on high stampeding into it!”

“ Aub. ”

“ Jul… ”

“ Knuck, knuck, knuck! PZARK, KNARK, KNARK, KNACK! ”


“ KNACK you! ”


“ Knack, knack-pzark-pzark-mmm-Knark! ”



“ Knack, Knark, okay? ”

“ Knark, Knuck, Pzark, mmm Calico. ”

“ Be that way Jul. ”

Jul kneels down again to Calico after the argument with Aub.

“ Calico, yes, we can take you. Come and get on top of my back. ”

“ Knack, knack, knuck! ”

“ Aub. ”

“ Jul. ”


> Continue onto Part Three

Including Content from the original story published in the author’s work
The Trails To Attrition © 2007, Wasteland Press, Inc.
ISBN-13: 9781600471520

© 2024, Their Call, Calico: the Series
Wasteland Press

Adam Mullin (a.k.a. Good Day, Adam)



Good Day, Adam
Part Reads

Brought to you by a cup of green tea with gingko.